DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Setting up Java on Windows

On Windows, both DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server require JRE 1.3. To enable Java to work with both DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server, you must:

  1. Set up the environment variables for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  2. Ensure the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter is set in the essbase.cfg file so that you can designate a specific installation of the JRE for use with DB2 OLAP Server. This setting is particularly useful if you have multiple versions of Java installed on the computer running the DB2 OLAP Server component. The installation program automatically sets the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter, but if you want to change the parameter after installation, see Setting JVMMODULELOCATION on Windows.

After the Java components are installed on your system, you can use a Java Development Kit (JDK) of your choosing to create your own custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions. A JDK is not supplied with DB2 OLAP Server or DB2 OLAP Integration Server.

Setting Java environment variables on Windows

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required by DB2 OLAP Server to enable Java-based features, such as custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions. The JRE must be installed on the computer running the DB2 OLAP Server component.

The DB2 OLAP Server installation program copies the files to your workstation. To complete the installation of Java, you need to update your PATH statement:

On Windows 2000 and Windows XP, add this variable to your PATH statement:

For example, you can set your PATH to the following value:


On Windows NT, add this variable to your PATH statement:

For example, you can set your PATH to one of the the following values:

PATH= C:\ibm\db2olap\java\jre\bin;%PATH%
PATH= %ARBORPATH%\java\jre\bin;%PATH%


The installation program automatically sets the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter. To change it, you must specify the full path and filename of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) library. On Windows systems (JRE 1.3), the default location and name of the JVM Library File is:




is %ARBORPATH% in this example.


  1. On the computer that runs the DB2 OLAP Server component, change to the ARBORPATH\bin directory.
  2. Locate the essbase.cfg file in this directory and open the file in a text editor. If the file does not exist, create and open a new text file named essbase.cfg.
  3. In the essbase.cfg file, add a new line to the end of the file and type JVMMODULELOCATION, followed by the full path and file name of the JVM library file. In the following example, the statement should be all on one line:
    JVMMODULELOCATION c:\ibm\db2olap\
  4. Save the changed text file as essbase.cfg.
  5. Close the file and exit the text editor.

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