DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide

Configuring data sources on UNIX systems

ODBC Administrator is not available on UNIX systems. On AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris, you must manually set environment variables for ODBC, and edit the odbc.ini file to configure the relational data source and OLAP Metadata Catalog, add a new driver or data source, or change the driver or data source. You can use the odbcconfig utility or your favorite editor to edit the odbc.ini file. You can also use odbcconfig to check environment settings. The odbcconfig utility is located in the ishome/bin directory.

To use the odbcconfig utility with DB2 Universal Database, the environment variable INSTHOME must be set to the DB2 Universal Database installation directory name, and exported. Use the odbcconfig utility to verify, add, or delete ODBC connections. See the Integration Server Administration Guide for more information.

Editing the odbc.ini file

To configure a data source in an odbc.ini file, you must add a name and description for the ODBC data source and provide the ODBC driver path, file name, and other driver settings in a separate section that you create for the data source name.

The DB2 OLAP Integration Server installation program installs a sample odbc.ini file in the ISHOME directory. The file contains generic ODBC connection and configuration information for supported ODBC drivers. Use the file as a starting point to map the ODBC drivers that you use to the relational data source and OLAP metadata catalog.

The procedure in this section shows you how to configure a data source by manually editing the odbc.ini file. You can also configure a data source using the odbcconfig utility. See the Integration Server Administration Guide for more information.

If you use a different file than the odbc.ini file, be sure to set the ODBCINI environment variable to the name of the file you use.

To add a data source to an odbc.ini file:

  1. On the computer running Essbase Integration Server, open the odbc.ini file by using a text editor such as vi.
  2. Find the section starting with [ODBC Data Sources] and add a new line with the data source name and description; for example:
    mydata=data source for analysis 
    To minimize confusion, the name of the data source should match the name of the database in the RDBMS.
  3. Add a new section to the file by creating a new line with the name of the new data source enclosed in brackets; for example:
  4. On the lines following the data source name, add the full path and file name for the ODBC driver required for this data source and any other required ODBC driver information. Use the examples shown in the following sections as a guideline to map to the data source on your RDBMS.

    Make sure that the ODBC driver file actually exists in the location you specify for the Driver= setting.

  5. When you have finished editing odbc.ini, save the file and exit the text editor.

For more information about the odbc.ini file and the ODBC driver settings for each RDBMS, see the MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference in PDF format and the related Readme files in the $ISHOME/odbc/merant40/docs directory. For more information about native ODBC driver settings, refer to the installation documentation for your RDBMS native ODBC drivers.

Example of ODBC settings for DB2 Universal Database

Here is an example of how you might edit the odbc.ini file to connect to a relational data source, such as db2data on DB2 Universal Database (on AIX), using an IBM DB2 native ODBC driver.

Use the vi $ODBCINI command to edit the odbc.ini file and insert the following statements:

[ODBC Data Sources]
db2data=DB2 Source Data on AIX
Description=DB2 Data Source - AIX, native

Example of ODBC settings for Informix

The following example illustrates how you might edit the odbc.ini file to connect to a relational data source, such as ifxdata, on Informix Version 9 (on HP-UX), using a MERANT Version 4.0 ODBC driver:

[ODBC Data Sources]
ifxdata=Informix 9 Source Data on HP-UX
Description=Informix9 ODBC Driver

Example of ODBC settings for Oracle

The following example illustrates how you might edit the odbc.ini file to connect to a relational data source, oradata, on Oracle Version 8 (on Solaris), using a MERANT Version 4.0 ODBC driver:

[ODBC Data Sources]
oradata=Oracle8 Source Data on Solaris
Description=my oracle source

ServerName=OracleSID must refer to the name of an Oracle database defined in the tnsnames.ora file. For more information, see the Oracle installation documentation.

Run ivtestlib to verify that the environment is set to run the correct ODBC driver file. For example, run ivtestlib and paste the path and file name that follow Driver= in the odbc.ini file that you have edited.

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