=================================================================== DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer V8.1 FixPak 1 September 2002 Service level: Hyperion Analyzer =================================================================== CONTENTS 1. Welcome to FixPak 1 2. Requirements 3. Before you install 4. Installation notes for Windows 5. Installation notes for UNIX =================================================================== 1. Welcome to FixPak 1 ----------------------- FixPak 1 offers the following fixes: - On Windows: FixPak 1 upgrades Analyzer to support IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3. FixPak 1 also applies a Security Update. If you do not want support for WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3, you can still apply the Security Update separately. - On UNIX: FixPak 1 applies only the Security Update. Analyzer does not support WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3 on UNIX. FixPak 1 is available from the IBM FTP site: ftp://service.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2olap/fixes/ analyzer/v81/fp1/ =================================================================== 2. Requirements ---------------- FixPak 1 only supports the Refreshed edition of DB2 OLAP Server Analyzer Version 8.1. If you have not yet upgraded to the Refreshed edition, do so before applying FixPak 1. On Windows, Fixpak 1 changes the following requirements: - WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3 requires IBM HTTP Server v1.3.19. The WebSphere Application Server installation program also installs IBM HTTP Server 1.3.19. If you have a level of IBM HTTP Server prior to version 1.3.19 on your system, uninstall it before running the WebSphere Application Server installation program. - The directory structure "C:\hyperion\analyzer" (by default from previous install of Analyzer) must be intact for Fixpak 1 to be successfully installed. On UNIX, there are no changes to requirements. =================================================================== 3. Before you install ---------------------- a. Before upgrading your Analyzer installation from v8.1 (April 2002 GA) to v8.1 Refreshed (July 2002 GA): 1. Stop the Web server and application server processes. 2. Update your environment variables: - In CLASSPATH, delete all references to C:\hyadm folder. - In PATH, delete all references to C:\hyadm folder. - Delete the ICU_DATA environment variable. 3. Delete the C:\hyadm directory. Restart Web server and application server processes and begin the upgrade of Analyzer to v8.1 Refreshed (July 2002 GA). b. You can download WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3 (Fixpak 3) for Windows can be from the following FTP site: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/websphere/appserv/support/ fixpacks/was40/fixpack3/Windows/ For Advance Edition, download: Filename: was40_ae_ptf_3.zip File size: 65966 Kb Date: Mon Apr 29 23:09:00 2002 For Advance Edition Single Server, download: Filename: was40_aes_ptf_3.zip File size: 63661 Kb Date: Mon Apr 29 23:07:00 2002 If you install WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3 on a system on which version 3.5.5 still exists, install it in separate directory, and disable the service for version 3.5.5. =================================================================== 4. Installation notes for Windows ---------------------------------- This section describes how to apply: - Both the Security Update and support for WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3 on Windows. - Only the Analyzer Security Update to configurations using WebSphere Application Server 3.5.5 on Windows - Only the Analyzer Security Update to Analyzer Windows Client configuration on Windows. To apply both the Security Update and support for WebSphere Application Server 4.0.3: a) Download the analyzer81_fp1.zip file to a temporary directory on your Windows system. Make sure the path name of the directory does not include spaces. The FixPak installation program does not support directories whose names have spaces in them. Underscore characters are acceptable in directory names. b) Unzip the analyzer81_fp1.zip file to the same drive where Analyzer 8.1 Refresh is installed. Then run AnalyzerSetup.exe. c) If you install WebSphere Application Server 4.0 on a system that has DB2 Personal Edition installed on it, you get an error message about not having proper version of DB2. The workaround is to click "Cancel" on the message dialog, and then "Resume Setup". The installation continues normally. d) To start the WebSphere Application Server 4.0 Service, the "Server" service must be present and started on the machine. The "Server" service can be installed by adding "File and Printer Sharing" from Network Connections in the Control Panel. You need the Windows CD to add "File and Printer Sharing" and then you need to reboot. WebSphere Application Server 4.0 requires the "Computer Browser" service to be started, which in turn is dependent on the "Server" and "Workstation" services. The pathnames in the following examples use the default drive and default servlet engine name "Analyzer6_Server". Your paths and servlet engine names might differ. To apply only the Analyzer Security Update to configurations using WebSphere Application Server 3.5.5: a. Use the application server administration console to stop the Analyzer application. b. Download the ola6.1.1.00210.zip file to a temporary directory and extract the files from it. c. Overwrite the AnalyzerClient.jar file located in: C:\WebSphere\AppServer\hosts\default_host\Analyzer6_Server\ Analyzer6\web\ d. Overwrite the three other Java archive files (AnalyzerAppServer.jar, AnalyzerServer.jar, and AnalyzerUtils.jar) located in: C:\WebSphere\AppServer\hosts\default_host\Analyzer6_Server\ Analyzer6\classes\bin\ e. Use the application server administration console to restart the Analyzer application. f. After applying the FixPak 1, you must redefine user IDs and passwords for relational database connections and relational drill-through connections. This is required by the Security Update. To apply only the Analyzer Security Update to Analyzer Windows Client configuration: a. Ensure that the Analyzer application is not in operation. b. Download the ola6.1.1.00210.zip file to a temporary directory and extract the files from it. c. Overwrite the Java archive files (AnalyzerAppServer.jar, AnalyzerClient.jar, AnalyzerServer.jar, and AnalyzerUtils.jar) located in: C:\hyperion\analyzer\client\ d. After applying the FixPak 1, you must redefine user IDs and passwords for relational database connections and relational drill-through connections. This is required by the Security Update. =================================================================== 5. Installation notes for UNIX ------------------------------- The pathnames in the following examples use the default drive and default servlet engine name "Analyzer6_Server". Your paths and servlet engine names might differ. To apply the Hyperion Analyzer Security Update using the IBM WebSphere Application Server 3.5.5. on UNIX: a. Use the application server administration console to stop the Analyzer application. b. Download the ola6.1.1.00210.tar.tgz file to a temporary directory and extract the files from it. c. As root, overwrite the AnalyzerClient.jar. file. On AIX the file is in: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/default_host/Analyzer6_Server/ Analyzer6/web On Solaris the file is in: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/default_host/Analyzer6_Server/ Analyzer6/web d. As root, overwrite the three other Java archive files (AnalyzerAppServer.jar, AnalyzerServer.jar, and AnalyzerUtils.jar). On AIX the files are in: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/default_host/Analyzer6_Server/ Analyzer6/classes/bin On Solaris the files are in: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/hosts/default_host/Analyzer6_Server/ Analyzer6/classes/bin e. Use the application server administration console to restart the Analyzer application. After applying the FixPak 1, you must redefine user IDs and passwords for relational database connections and relational drill-through connections. This is required by the Security Update. =================================================================== (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2002. All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (c) Copyright 1995-2002 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ===================================================================