IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 1.1
Fixpack 12:

OLAP Server patch - Uppercase English

Downloading the Patch

This patch will fix all problems described in the previous document. Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the patch. These directions refer to DB2 OLAP Server as "Essbase".
  1. Download the patch (EOD060PS.EXE - 24.1 MB), saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.

  3. In Windows Explorer, double-click EOD060PS.EXE. When the dialog box appears, click Extract - you will be prompted to save the file in a new directory. Click Yes. EOD060PS.BIN will be saved.

Prerequisites for Applying the Patch

Installing the Patch

    Note: Before installing the patch, be sure to read and follow the prerequisites listed above.
    1. OS/400: Create a save file in QGPL:
    3. PC: Use FTP to transfer EOD060PS.BIN to the AS/400.  For example:
    4. C:\>FTP<AS/400 IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\EOD060PS.BIN QGPL/EOD060PS
      ftp> quit

    5. OS/400: Restore the LODRUNS program and command from the save file using the following command. This may replace an existing version of the command and program which is OK.
    7. OS/400: If the restore is correct, the following message will appear:
    8. 2 objects restored from QTEMP to <Essbase installation library>. Note: If the RSTOBJ command fails, be sure you successfully created the save file in step 1 and that the FTP in step 2 was also successful.
    9. OS/400: Update the command as follows:
    10. CHGCMD CMD(<Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS) PGM(<Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS)
    11. OS/400: Apply the patch as follows. When prompted, enter the name of the Essbase installation library:
    12. <Essbase installation library>/LODRUNS SAVF(QGPL/EOD060PS)
    13. OS/400: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE. The last ID entry will indicate the latest PTF level that was applied:

    14.         DSPJRN JRN(<Essbase installation library>/SCPTFLOG)
    15. We recommend that you run the OPTESSSVR command to optimize your Essbase programs after installing this patch. By default, these programs are already optimized for the V4R3 operating system level. While this level of optimization is good, newer versions of OS/400 may provide better optimizations and ultimately improve your run time performance. The process of optimizing the programs for the current release can require a great deal of CPU time and can significantly affect the performance of other activity on the system. If you do not want to optimize the programs for your current release at this time, you can install the programs optimized for V4R3. You may run the OPTESSSVR a later time when it is more convenient. The format of the command is:
    16. where essbase_lib is the Essbase library.
The patch process is now complete.

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