IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 1.1
Fixpak 12
Release Notes

November 2000

Fixpack names: EOD060PS.EXE (Upper English) and EOD060US.EXE (U.S. English)

Patch Installation Instructions - (Upper English version)
Patch Installation Instructions - (U.S. English version)
Print and read the instructions first!

Download the Patch - Upper English (EOD060PS.EXE) - 20.7MB
Download the Patch - U.S. English (EOD060US.EXE) - 20.7MB

Documentation Update:  The Using DB2 OLAP Server manual incorrectly refers to only one client CD; there are two.  The Warehouse Builder client is on the CD marked as "Server", along with the server component.  The rest of the clients are on the CD marked "Client".
What is Upper English? - Upper English patches are intended for double-byte systems that require English commands to be in ALL UPPER CASE. These are typically systems that use Kanji characters.

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