IBM DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 7.1
FixPak 5

Release Notes -- Start Here

September, 2001

Welcome to FixPak 5 for DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400, Version 7.1.  This is your starting point for downloading and installing all of the files of FixPak 5.  You will see references to operating systems and components that are not included in DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 7.1; please disregard these references.

Service Level:  The components of this FixPak are shipped at the following service levels:


Installing the FixPak New Features and Changes in this FixPak

Additional Documentation

Problem Summary -- OLAP:  A list of all OLAP problems fixed by this and previous FixPaks.
Problem Summary -- Warehouse Builder:  A list of all Builder problems fixed by this and previous FixPaks.

Known Problems

Copyright Information

Installing the FixPak

You need to install four files to completely install all of the components of FixPak 5.  Please read and follow all of the instructions for each component. 
Languages to choose from
Number of files you install
1. Warehouse Manager server
Choose 1 of 2: 
U.S. English
Uppercase English
2. OLAP Server
Choose 1 of 2 
(see instructions for details)
3. Warehouse Builder client
Choose 1 of 4 
(see instructions for details)
4. OLAP clients
Choose 1 of 17
(see instructions for details)
What is Upper English? - Upper English FixPaks are intended for double-byte systems that require English commands to be in ALL UPPER CASE. These are typically systems that use Kanji characters.

1A. US English, Warehouse Manager server component

This section describes how to install the FixPak for US English version of the Warehouse Manager server component, which is called the ShowCase server in these instructions.  If you use the Upper English version, see Upper English Warehouse Manager server component

CAUTION!!! FixPak 4 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.0) and later contains Java code, which entails extra steps for patching. In order for a fix to take affect, you must follow these instructions in order.

Downloading the FixPak

The FixPak must be applied only to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.00, dated 10/16/00 or later). Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the FixPak.
  1. Download the FixPak, saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click wse050us.exe. This will launch a MS DOS prompt, which will create and inflate WSE050US.BIN file.
 Prerequisites for Applying the Patch Installing the Patch

(At this point, please be sure that Item 2 from Downloading the FixPak has completed. That item involves executing the file that was downloaded from the web, thus creating the larger .bin file that will be saved as an FTP file to the server.)

  1. OS/400:(If you are already in an AS/400 session, signoff and sign back on). Create a save file in QGPL

  3. PC: Use FTP to transfer WSE050US.BIN to the AS/400:

  4.   C:\>FTP <AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\WSE050US.BIN QGPL/WSE050US
    ftp> quit

  5. OS/400: Run the following commands. If the ShowCase library is already in your library list, you may omit the first command.

  6.   ADDLIBLE <SCSERVER> ,where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
    APYSCPTF DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/WSE050US)[You will be prompted for the name of your server library. Enter your library name when prompted]
  7. OS/400: If the restore is correct, the following message will appear:

  8.   PTF WSE050US Successfully Loaded for <SCSERVER>, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library..
  9. OS/400: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE.

  10.   DSPJRN JRN(<SCSERVER>/SCPTFLOG), where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
  11. Restart your ShowCase server. <SCSERVER>/STRSCSVR, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
  12. ATTENTION!!! New For 4.0, You MUST do the following step:

  13.   The ShowCase jar file must be then be recompiled:
    ADDLIBLE SCSERVER, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
    CMPSCJAR and prompt(F4).
    Enter a time and date for the compile. Since this will take as long as it did for the install, it is advised that this be done on off hours.
    Until you recompile, you will experience performance issues.
  14. The patch process is now complete.
Back to table of contents to continue installation

1B. Upper English, Warehouse Manager server component

This section describes how to install the FixPak for Upper English version of the Warehouse Manager server component, which is called the ShowCase server in these instructions. If you use the US English version, see US English Warehouse Manager server component

CAUTION!!! FixPak 4 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.0) and later contains Java code, which entails extra steps for patching. In order for a fix to take affect, you must follow these instructions in order.

Downloading the FixPak

This FixPak must be applied only to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.00, dated 10/16/00 or later).  Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the FixPak.
  1. Download the FixPak, saving the file in any convenient directory on your PC.
  2. In Windows Explorer, double-click wse050ps.exe. This will launch a MS DOS prompt, which will create and inflate WSE050PS.BIN file.
Prerequisites for Applying the FixPak Installing the FixPak

(At this point, please be sure that Item 2 from Downloading the Patch has completed. That item involves executing the file that was downloaded from the web, thus creating the larger .bin file that will be saved as an FTP file to the server.)

  1. OS/400:(If you are already in an AS/400 session, signoff and sign back on). Create a save file in QGPL

  3. PC: Use FTP to transfer WSE050PS.BIN to the AS/400:

  4.   C:\>FTP <AS/400 IP Address>
    User (system:(none)): <userid>
    331 Enter password.

    Password: <password>
    230 <userid> logged on.
    ftp> binary
    ftp> put c:...\WSE050PS.BIN QGPL/WSE050PS
    ftp> quit

  5. OS/400: Run the following commands. If the ShowCase library is already in your library list, you may omit the first command.

  6.   ADDLIBLE <SCSERVER> ,where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
    APYSCPTF DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(QGPL/WSE050PS). [You will be prompted for the name of your server library. Enter your library name when prompted]
  7. OS/400: If the restore is correct, the following message will appear:

  8.   PTF WSE050PS Successfully Loaded for <SCSERVER>, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library..
  9. OS/400: A journal will be created during the apply process. The journal contains information about the apply process and the last entry in the journal contains the PTF level. There should not be any journal entries of type ER or CE.

  10.   DSPJRN JRN(<SCSERVER>/SCPTFLOG), where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
  11. Restart your ShowCase server. <SCSERVER>/STRSCSVR, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
  12. ATTENTION!!! New For 4.0, You MUST do the following step:

  13.   The ShowCase jar file must be then be recompiled:
    ADDLIBLE SCSERVER, where SCSERVER is your ShowCase library.
    CMPSCJAR and prompt(F4).
    Enter a time and date for the compile. Since this will take as long as it did for the install, it is advised that this be done on off hours.
    Until you recompile, you will experience performance issues.
  14. The FixPak process is now complete.
Back to table of contents to continue installation

2. OLAP server component, US English & Upper English

This section describes how to install the FixPak for both the US and Upper English versions of the OLAP server component.

Downloading the FixPak

This FixPak must be applied only to DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400 V7.1 (ShowCase STRATEGY 4.00, dated 10/16/00 or later). Refer to the instructions below for downloading and applying the FixPak.

Prerequisites for Applying the FixPak

  1. Verify that the version of ShowCase STRATEGY Essbase/400 installed is not 4.1. Type the following to display the ESSSVR version:

  2. <Essbase Installation Library>/DSPESSENV
  3. To find out if this FixPak has already been applied, check the Essbase version.
  4. If the Essbase Server version is 4.10.032, then the patch has already been applied.
  5. Ensure that you can use FTP between your PC and your AS/400.
  6. You will be required to sign on to your AS/400 as QSECOFR or with equivalent authority (*ALLOBJ, *IOSYSCFG, *SAVSYS, *JOBCTL, and *SECADM special authorities are needed) to apply the FixPak.
  7. The Essbase server to which this FixPak will be applied must be shut down before applying the FixPak. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase-supplied command, ENDESSSVR.
  8. Bring down your Warehouse Manager server. Either use your typical method of shutting down, or use the ShowCase-supplied command, ENDSCSVR.
  9. Once both the Essbase server and the Warehouse Manager server are shutdown, signoff your AS/400 session and re-signon.
Installing the FixPak

Note: Before installing the FixPak, be sure to read and follow the prerequisites listed above.

  1. OS/400: Start with a fresh AS/400 session. Create a save file in QGPL using the following command:
  2. PC: Use FTP to transfer db2ptch.svf to the AS/400:
    1. C:\>FTP<AS/400 IP Address>
      User (system:(none)): <userid>
      331 Enter password.

      Password: <password>
      230 <userid> logged on.
      ftp> binary
      ftp> put c:...\db2ptch.svf QGPL/UPDTSAVF
      ftp> quit

  3. Designate a temporary working library to restore the contents of this save file into. We highly suggest that you create a temporary library for this purpose. For the remainder of these instructions we will refer to this library as ATEMPERARYLIB.
  4. Restore the save file using the following command:
  5. Issue the following command:

  7. Issue the following command and respond to the installation prompts:

  9. The FixPak process is now complete.
Back to table of contents to continue installation

3. Warehouse Builder client component

Please read and print these instructions before installing the FixPak!  These FixPaks are language specific. Please download the FixPak for your language only.

Downloading the FixPak

Applicable Versions
This FixPak applies to ShowCase ODBC and Warehouse Builder version 4.0 and later. Apply this FixPak if you are using one of these applications.

FixPak Installation Instructions.

  1. Copy the FixPak file to your ShowCase STRATEGY\Bin directory. This is the file that contains the executable files such as SCDD32.EXE. (NOTE: Do not copy this file to your Backup folder)
  2. Rename or delete the existing Backup folder that contains previous ShowCase FixPak applications.
  3. Double-click on the FixPak executable file.  A Welcome dialog box appears, and the software searches for the files to update. Note: The FixPak can only search the drive to which it is copied.  The original file is saved in the BACKUP directory, which is automatically created on the drive from which the FixPak is run.
The FixPak program runs and automatically modifies, adds, renames, or deletes files as necessary to complete the FixPak.

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Undoing the FixPak

If you want or need to get back to the original files (before the FixPak was applied), you will find them in the BACKUP directory, which is located on the drive that the FixPak is run from. The BACKUP directory contains a file called unpatch.bak. This file is a script file containing the commands necessary to automatically restore the original files. To restore the original files (from any operating system environment):

  1. Locate the unpatch.bak
  2. Rename the unpatch.bak to unpatch.bat
  3. At an MS-DOS prompt, type the path to unpatch.bat (E.g., C:\ProgramFiles\STRATEGY\Desktop\Backup\unpatch.bat) and press Enter.

  4. OR:
    On the desktop, click Start > Run, and browse for the FixPak to unpatch.bat. Click OK.
Your application is automatically restored to its pre-FixPak configuration.

If you apply multiple FixPaks over time without deleting the Backup directory, the BACKUP directory will contain multiple copies of FixPak files and the related original files from each backup. You may wish to periodically clean the BACKUP directory to recover disk space. To keep the most recent backup information, keep the latest unpatch.bak (or unpatch.bat if you already renamed it) file and the files listed in its text.

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4. OLAP client components

If you are installing client products from a DB2 OLAP Server FixPak, you must install server products to the same FixPak level. For example, if you install a FixPak 5 client, you must also install the FixPak 5 server. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.

This file describes problems corrected by one or more FixPaks for the OLAP clients of DB2 OLAP Server for AS/400, Version 7.1. Even if you have only one of the problems fixed in one of the FixPaks, you need to perform a full FixPak installation.

To install this FixPak, make sure your system has enough memory.  Then download the files that match your operating systems and national languages and begin the installation.  For complete installation instructions, see the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

Changes to Supported Software

FixPak 4 and later FixPaks make the following changes in the levels of software supported by DB2 OLAP Server: See the OLAP Setup and User's Guide for more information about supported software.

Stopping Services on Windows NT before Installation

The installation program on Windows NT automatically stops the Window NT services for DB2 OLAP Server and its features before copying files.  In rare circumstances the install program might appear to freeze after displaying the message that it is stopping the services.  If this occurs, exit the installation and manually stop any DB2 OLAP Server services that are running.

To stop Windows NT services:

  1. Select Services from the Control Panel.
  2. From the Service list, select the service for DB2 OLAP Server and, if present, the service for DB2 OLAP Integration Server.
  3. Click Stop.

Installing on Windows

To apply this FixPak, you need to download one file that contains both the server and client components.  If you run your servers and clients on different machines, you can download the same file to each machine.

Downloading the FixPak

Download the following file to the Windows machine on which you have installed the clients.
Download this file
Contents National
Download the
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet add-in for Excel 
Spreadsheet add-in for Lotus 1-2-3 
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese 
Brazilian Portuguese

Starting the Installation

  1. Expand the executable file by typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt, or by double-clicking the file.
  2. Run SETUP.EXE to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.  Use the Custom option to install only the server or clients you want.
  3. After the files are expanded, you can delete the zip file.

Workaround for bug on Windows 2000

On Windows 2000, DB2 OLAP Server experiences problems if the TMP User Variable or the TEMP Environment Variable is longer than seven characters.  The temporary workaround is to set both variables to the following value:
To change your Windows 2000 TMP User Variable and TEMP Environment Variable, take these steps:
  1. On your Windows 2000 workstation, click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System.
  2. Select the Advanced tab of the System Properties dialog.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. In the User variables box, scroll down to the TEMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  5. On the Edit User Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and click OK.
  6. In the System  variables box, scroll down to the TMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  7. On the Edit System Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and keep clicking OK until you close the Environment Variables dialog.
IBM is working on this problem and will update a future FixPak with a permanent solution.

Migrating Applications to FixPak 4 and later

The installation program does not reinstall the sample applications, databases, and data files. Your existing applications and databases are not affected in any way. However, it is always a good idea to back up your applications and databases before an installation.

Your applications are automatically migrated to FixPak 4 when you open them.

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New Features and Changes in this FixPak

FixPak 5 fixes defects listed in the Problem Summary.  FixPak 5 does not introduce any new function.

FixPak 4 and later adds the following features and changes to DB2 OLAP Server V7.1:

Custom-Defined Macros and Functions:

The Hyperion Essbase calculator language can now be extended through the creation of custom-defined macros and functions.

Concering Java in this FixPak:

The Java runtime environment included this FixPak is not set up for general use by other Java applications on your system.  This fixpack does not define a path to the Java JRE in either your system environment variables or user environment variables; the JRE will not interfere with other Java environments already on your system.

New Calculator functions:

The following Calculator functions are new starting in FixPak 4:
Member Set Functions:
Mathematical Functions:
Dynamic Calculator Cache:
The dynamic calculator cache helps manage memory usage for calculations involving Dynamic Calc members. Managing data blocks in the dynamic calculator cache also reduces the overall memory space requirement and can improve performance by reducing the number of calls to the operating system to do memory allocations.
FixPak 4 and later includes five new ESSBASE.CFG settings that you can use to establish the size of this cache and define how it is used.
MaxL administration language:
MaxL is the multi-dimensional access language for DB2 OLAP Server. MaxL is a practical, expressive interface for administering Hyperion Essbase system administration in the following ways:
Improved Diagnostics:
Two performance statistics commands, GETPERFSTATS and RESETPERFSTATS, have been updated in Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1. The GETPERFSTATS command returns short, medium, and long performance statistics for the thread, database, and application. The statistics appear as tables in the ESSCMD window.
The RESETPERFSTATS command resets statistics gathering for a specified persistence and scope.
Improved Password Protection:
FixPak 4 and later provides an enhanced encryption algorithm for transferring login information over the network. The encryption takes place at the API level, so all of the tools should be compatible with this change. Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1 uses the Blowfish algorithm from Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. For more information, see .
Parallel Export:
In previous versions of DB2 OLAP Server, export for the multidimensional storage manager was a single-threaded process. In FixPak 4 and later, the PAREXPORT command enables administrators to export OLAP databases natively using multiple threads. The export process is therefore multithreaded and allows users to leverage the full power of their hardware investment.

The parallel export process works only with the multidimensional storage manager, not the relational storage manager.

New Formula Validation Options:
Through new menu options in Outline Editor and Formula Editor, users can choose whether Hyperion Essbase validates formulas on the client or on the server.
Release 6.1 ESSCMD Commands:
New ESSCMD Command --
Updated ESSCMD Commands --
Release 6.1 ESSBASE.CFG Settings:
New ESSBASE.CFG Settings --
Updated ESSBASE.CFG Setting --
MERANT ODBC drivers version 3.6 are provided with the SQL Interface starting in FixPak 4.
New Spreadsheet Add-in Platform:
The Spreadsheet Add-in clients now support Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium R9.5.

FixPaks 3 and 1.5 fix defects listed in the Problem Summary. These FixPaks do not introduce any new function.

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Additional Documentation

Although the following additional documentation refers to Hyperion Essbase, it applies to DB2 OLAP Server as well.

Updated Books

All of the latest books are also available on our Web site:

In FixPak 4:  The following books for DB2 OLAP Server have been updated to the Hyperion Essbase 6.1 level and are shipped starting in FixPak 4:

API Troubleshooting

When using the outline API, if you frequently encounter the error message "Cannot create temporary file name," consider making your temp directory (TMPDIR on UNIX, TMP on NT) environment variable point to a shorter directory name.

Top-Down Calculations

A top-down calculation is time consuming. The application log indicates which formulas are executed in top-down mode. Use @CALCMODE to alter your formulas to run faster.

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OLAP Problem Summary

FixPak 5 (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) resolves the following problems: This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also resolves the following updates from 4.10.020: This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.10.000 patch This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.10.000 patch This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from the 4.00.030 patch This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also includes the following from Hyperion Patch 6.00.030 This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This FixPak (Essbase/400 4.10.032 Server patch) also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010:

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Warehouse Builder Problem Summary

Products Affected: Warehouse Builder This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.030: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010: Products Affected: ShowCase ODBC This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.030: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.020: This patch also resolves the following issues from update 4.00.010:

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Known Problems

Server Rejects: @AVG("SKIP_Param", expList) the Following Client Is out of Synchronization. (19340)
The server does not accept quotations marks around the following skip parameters: SKIPNONE, SKIPMISSING, SKIPZERO, SKIPBOTH. The Calc Script Editor and client outline verification will not detect this error. When a calculation is run with this syntax error, the application log has the following error message output:
Error parsing formula for member (line <no>): invalid skip instruction in function .
Note that the server validation will catch this error in the Formula Editor.

Calc Script Editor Does Not Generate an Error Message When Reserved Words Are Not Quoted. (20343)
When validating a calculation script, the client may not generate an error message for the incorrect usage of a non-quoted reserved word used for a dimension or member name.
Calculation script reserved words include calc script commands, operators, report script commands, function names, and function arguments in addition to the basic terms, such as AND, BEGIN, MEMBER, FUNCTION, IF, THEN, and so on. For a list of these terms, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide. It is better not to use these reserved words as dimension names, member names, and aliases. If you do use them as names or aliases in calculation scripts, you must enclose them in quotation marks.

The ESSCMD Batch Job Is Canceled When Regular User Logs out by the Supervisor CONSOLE. (20434)
When running the nightly batch job, the application log appears and can be logged out via CONSOLE because the Essbase script files are not locked, the user has no firewall connections, and has read-only access to the Essbase script files.

In the Japanese Version, Header and Footer Strings that Are Set in Cascade Menu Item Are Preceded by Incorrect Characters. (21011)
With Japanese Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, header and footer strings that are set in the Cascade menu item are preceded by incorrect characters when printing and previewing.
Work around: Go into Print Preview > Setup to the Header/Footer tab and specify a custom header/footer that does not contain the incorrect characters.

Set Member Filter in Essbase Query Designer (EQD) Value with MBCS Displays Broken Character. (21012)
From within the Essbase Query Designer, attempting to create a member filter using multi-byte characters and an IME mode causes a data entry problem in both Excel and the Essbase Query Designer.
Work around: Launch the Notepad (or any other text editor that accepts multi-byte input), enter the multi-byte text, copy, and paste the text into the Essbase Query Designer.

If "Allow Application to Start" Setting Is Disabled When the ESSCMD, Call BEGINARCHIVE, Is Used, the Application and Database Cannot Restart. (21247)
If "Allow Application to Start" setting is disabled and a database is placed in the archive mode with ESSCMD, BEGINARCHIVE, after stopping the application, the application and database may not restart.

Attribute Calculation with Sparse Two-Pass Calculation Members Returns Incorrect Value. (22752)
When the attribute query contains a Sparse Two-Pass Dynamic Calc member, and the calculation formula refers to some blocks that are not included in the query, the result of the attribute query may not include the missing blocks.
Work around: Include Sparse members within the calculation formula as part of the attribute query.

Cryillic characters don't work in Outline/Calc editors
If you want to use Cyrillic characters in the outline or calc editors, remember to change the font.  From the Options menu, select Font, and then select Cyrillic from the pull-down box, the last item in the list.

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Copyright Information

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2001. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
© 1997–2001 ShowCase Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
©Copyright 1991-2001 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.