
IBM DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390 7.1
and DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1

PTF UQ67688

Server Installation Notes



Additional software requirements
Problems fixed
Installation instructions
New function
Security recommendation


This document describes APAR PQ57139/PTF UQ67688, which upgrades DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390 V7.1 to Hyperion Essbase 6.1.4, Hyperion 6.1.4 Grid APIs, Hyperion 6.1.4 MaxL client, and Essbase Integration Services 6.1.

Additional software requirements

DB2 Coreqs:

PTF UQ67688 requires that you also apply two DB2 PTFs, even though PTF UQ67688 has no official Coreq PTFs.

If you use DB2 V7, apply these PTFs:

If you use DB2 V6, apply these PTFs: UQ55777/UQ52715:   DB2 OLAP Server and OIS access data stored in DB2 databases through the DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI).  Character data (SQL_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, and SQL_LONGVARCHAR), which is being sent or retrieved by these applications, is converted to and from the CCSID in which DB2 is storing data.  These APARs let you convert additional data types, such as SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME, and SQL_TIMESTAMP.

Prior to the availability of these PTFs, OLAP Server and OIS had to convert these types of data to the code page used internally by the application.  DB2 OLAP Server PTF UQ67688 removes this function from DB2 OLAP Server and OIS.  Therefore, you must have one of the above-mentioned DB2 PTFs applied if you are trying to access database tables that contain columns of type SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME, or SQL_TIMESTAMP.

This function is not available in DB2 V5, and you will not be able to retrieve data of these three types correctly if you are using DB2 V5.

UQ63282/UQ63281:   SQLDataSources queries were not properly processed when running with the MULTICONTEXT=1 parameter setting in the ODBC initialization file, dsnaoini.  For DB2 OLAP Server users, this setting is in $ARBORPATH/bin/dsnaoini.  Symptoms of this problem are never-ending calls to data sources, which can be verified by examining the DB2 ODBC application trace.

DB2 suggested Coreq:

         On DB2, Version 7, you should install DB2 PTF UQ73878: ODBC Userid and Password

Prior to the availability of PTF UQ73878 , the DB2 ODBC driver code did not authenticate users. This meant unauthorized users could access databases.

Problems fixed

The following problems are also fixed by this PTF:
  1. RACF password was required to be minimum of 6 characters.  This is inconsistent with RACF rules.
  2. If logon through Application Manager fails, an uninformative message 'ERROR writing to server' is issued,
  3. User defined SQL was not saved after exiting OIS.
  4. Password was invalid after OIS crash.
  5. Viewing Log File from OIS Desktop did not work.
  6. 'Error -28616 ODBC Error DB2 for OS/390  ODBC Driver SQLSTATE=22001 ERRLOC=2:229:12 when saving a metaoutline.
  7. DATAPOOL was unable to recognize SMS migrated data sets.
  8. A CEEDUMP could occur (MM WRITE has failed with return code = 39) after load of data to an application, stop and restart of application, and then a calc.
  9. Copying an application or database failed when the application was started and the database contained data.
  10. User wanted be able to start multiple OLAP and OIS servers in one LPAR.
  11. datapool.log was mixing local and GMT timestamps.
  12. Using a script that disabled logins and re-enabled logins after a calc, the re-enablement was not successful. Received this message in essbase.log:
   Mon Jan  7 18:06:28 2002 Local/ESSBASE0///Warning(1051003)
   Error 1054021 processing request Set Application State  -

and this in the application log:

   Mon Jan  7 18:06:28 2002   Local/CN1STMTH///Error(1019031)
   Unable to write /xx/yy/db2olap/app/AAA/AAA.app ;

Installation instructions

If you are installing the base product and all PTFs for the first time, follow instructions in the Program Directory regarding running the jobs in *.*.SDOLBASE and skip steps 1 through 5 in this document.  Follow steps 6 through 8 after you have installed the product.

If you are installing only this PTF,  you must create new HFS directories and a Load Library before installing the PTF:

1.  Copy jobs DOLISMKD, DOLALUPD, and DOLDDUPD, and REXX exec DOLMKUPD to your OS/390 environment.  These jobs are provided in separate HTML files with the client FixPak.  During SMP/E install, these parts will be APPLYed to your *.*.SDOLBASE library, but they must be executed before the SMP/E install.

2.  Run the DOLISMKD job with the control card in SYSTSIN DD set to call DOLMKUPD.

3.  Run the DOLALUPD job.

4.  Run the DOLDDUPD job.

5.  Run the SMP/E installation program.

6.  Copy loadlib member OLAPAMS to APF authorized library or authorize the  *.*.SDOLLOAD library.  The library into which you copy OLAPAMS can either be in linklist or you have to export a STEPLIB environment variable that references this  library.  Be advised that if you choose the STEPLIB environment variable route, all the other libraries referenced in this variable must also be  authorized.  The member OLAPAMS has already been link edited (bound) with the leparm ac(1), and all you need to do is copy it.

7.  Install Java, ODBC, and the Java API:

UQ67688 introduces new "custom defined macros" and "custom defined functions" that require Java and a new import/export utility that requires Java and JDBC.  Java can be downloaded from the IBM Java Web site. DB2 OLAP Server runs as an APF authorized program. Before using the Java features in DB2 OLAP Server, you must APF authorize all Java libraries located in ${JAVA.HOME}/bin and ${JAVA.HOME}/bin/classic, because some of them are being loaded during startup of a DB2 OLAP Server application/database.

JDBC installation and setup instructions are located in the JVBC and SQLJ Administration chapter in DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS V7 Application Programming Guide and Reference for Java (SC26-9932).

Java API for XML and XML parser:
If you plan to use Java based OLAP Server features, such as user defined functions and macros, or if you plan to use the OIS model/metaoutline import/export utility, you must have the Java API for XML processing (JAXP) and an XML parser installed.  The API and the parser are not distributed with OLAP Server and OIS and must be installed separately.  Both OLAP Server and OIS use an XML parser called Crimson, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Apache XML Project website.

  • Which version of Crimson do I need?   We have tested Crimson release 1.1.3, which already includes JAXP. Earlier Crimson releases (older than 1.1.2 beta 2), do not include JAXP. If you chose to use an earlier release, you will have to install JAXP separately. You may download JAXP from Sun Microsystems.

  • How do I install Crimson on my system?  Download the Crimson distribution from the Apache website.  Extract the archive and copy the crimson.jar file to your HFS file system.   We recommend using ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ext , because there is no additional work that needs to be done to use the jar archive. (Java 1.3 is able to automatically locate jar archives that are stored in ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/ext. See your java documentation for more details.)

  • How can I verify that my Crimson installation was successful?

  • Start the OLAP server.
  • If you have an existing application, start it; otherwise, create an application.
  • You should see something similar to this on the server console (or in the output file that you specified in your JCL for DD STDOUT):

  •      [JVM] IBM Corporation [1.3.1]
    [JVM] Classic VM [1.3.1]
    [JVM] z/OS OS/390 [01.04.00]
    [JVM] Installing Java security manager
  • Your application log should contain two messages:
  • [Sat Jun 15 14:48:33 2002]Local/Demo///Info(1002035)
    Starting Essbase Server - Application [Demo]

    [Sat Jun 15 14:48:37 2002]Local/Demo///Info(1200480)
    Loaded and initialized JVM module

    8.  Run the following two programs:
    -path prefix-/usr/lpp/db2olap/bin/update
    -path prefix-/usr/lpp/db2olap/bin/oisinst
    The update program:  You must run the update program run to configure the OLAP working environment for the new Java and MaxL functionality that is introduced with this PTF.  The update program performs the following functions: This program must be executed by a user with write authority to $ARBORPATH.  If any parts are missed or become damaged, update can be rerun.  The user will be prompted for the location of the Java installation($JAVA_HOME environment variable) and the location of the Java Virtual Machine Library (JVMMODULELOCATION essbase.cfg setting).  If these prompts are not answered, users will be unable to run user defined functions, but other functionality of OLAP will not be affected.  The following new environment variables are added to your $ARBORPATH/essbaseenv.doc file and must be copied to your .profile file:
    JAVA_HOME= <default value for java installation, such as  /usr/lpp or /etc>
    In addition, the update program will create or update the $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file with the required keyword:
    JVMMODULELOCATION= <default for java installation>/bin/classic/libjvm.so
    The oisinst program:   You must run the oisinst program to create new OIS directories and configure the OIS working environment for the new import/export functionality that is introduced with this PTF.  For version 6.1 of OIS, oisinst: This program must be executed by a user with write authority to the $ISHOME or $ARBORPATH/is directory.  The user will be prompted for the locations of the Java installation (if $JAVA_HOME is not already set) and the JDBC installation ($JDBC_HOME).  If these prompts are not answered, users will be unable to run the import/export utility, but other functionality of OIS will not be affected.  The following new environment variable will be added to your $ARBORPATH/essbaseenv.doc file and must be copied to your .profile file:

        JDBC_HOME= <default value for jdbc installation, such as  /usr/lpp/db2/>

    If you are installing OLAP and OIS for the first time, update will be run automatically by setup.sh;  oisinst will also be run automatically, if the user elects to install OIS.

    After running oisinst, you must create the following links:

         ${ISHOME}/bin/impexp.ksh -> ${INSTALLDIR}/is/bin/impexp.ksh
         ${ISHOME}/bin/model.dtd -> ${INSTALLDIR}/is/bin/model.dtd
         ${ISHOME}/bin/ motl.dtd -> ${INSTALLDIR}/is/bin/motl.dtd

    9. If you use OIS, run:  *.*.SDOLPLIB(MCATUPD)

    Users who are not installing OIS for the first time: MCATUPD will add a new table to update the metadata catalog.  Follow instructions in the comments section of the job.  See Import/Export Function for more information about MCATUPD and MCATCRE8.

    New function

    Password change from client:  Users can now change their RACF password from the Application Manager login panel and from the Hyperion spreadsheet add-in.  While it is possible within DB2 OLAP Server to specify the number of invalid login attempts before a username is disabled and to specify a time limit for how long a user's password must be changed, we recommend that you use only RACF or only DB2 OLAP Server to manage user IDs and passwords.

    On demand data set creation:   If an application requires a free VSAM data set and none is available, the application will wait while a data set is created and formatted, and then will continue processing using the new data set.

    Import/Export Function:This function enables importing data into and exporting data from an OLAP metadata catalog.  Imported and exported data files are in XML  (Extended Markup Language) file format .  Both OLAP models and metaoutlines can be saved in XML files and imported into other OLAP metadata catalogs.  The import/export function will not work if a user attempts to use a group metadata catalog; APAR PQ62980 will fix this restriction.

    New samples: A sample model and metaoutline for OIS have been shipped with this PTF:

    They are also on the client under:
     C:\Program Files\IBM\OLAP Client Only\IS\samples.
     Before importing this data, you must first create the metadata catalog and database tables using JCL supplied in *.*.SDOLPLIB.  Each JCL  job must be modified to contain the correct user and database information, as described in comments at the beginning of each job.
    1. Submit *.*.SDOLPLIB(MCATCRE8) to create the metadata catalog. If an OLAP metadata catalog already exists, use *.*.SDOLPLIB(MCATUPD) instead to update it.
    2. Submit *.*.SDOLPLIB(SDATCRE8) to create sample source tables.
    3. Submit *.*.SDOLPLIB(LOADSDAT) to load data into the sample source tables.
    Once the sample data is loaded, an OIS model and metaoutline can be created using the import/export function.   To use this function:
    1. Connect to olapisvr using the OIS Desktop console
    2. Select File -> XML Import/Export.
    3. The import tab should already be selected; if not, select it.
    4. Click Open XML File and navigate to the directory where the sample xml files are located, which by default is: C:\Program Files\IBM\OLAP Client Only\IS\samples.
    5. Select sample_model.xml.
    6. Click Import to Catalog.
    Repeat these steps to import the file sample_metaoutline.xml.  Once the metaoutline is imported:
    1. Select File -> Open on the OIS Desktop to open the metaoutline.
    2. Click on the metaoutline TBC Metaoutline under the model TBC Model.
    3. Click Open.  You must change all occurrences of 'TBC' in the sample_metaoutline.xml to the same schema name you chose when you ran  *.*.SDOLPLIB(SDATCRE8).
    Now you are ready to load the data to an OLAP cube:
    1. Select Outline -> Member Load.
    2. Enter an application and database name.  If the application already exists, you will need to check Delete all members first.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Click Finish.
     When the member load is complete:
    1. Close the dialog box.
    2. Select Outline -> Data Load.
    3. Enter the same application and database name you entered for the Member Load process.
    4. Select Use Default Calc Script in the Calc Scripts section.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Click Finish.

    Test program for JCBC/DB2 Connectivity:  JDBCtest.java can be used to test your Java and JDBC environment.
    To compile, change to the $ARBORPATH/java directory on the server and enter javac JDBCtest.java.  To run, make sure that JDBCtest.class is in a directory included in your CLASSPATH environment variable, and then enter java JDBCtest  followed by your DB2 Location Name (such as jdbc:db2os390:DSNX).  If the test is successful, the output will be similar to this:

    >java JDBCtest DSNX

    product name:DSN07011

    product version:07.01.0001

    driver name:DSNAJDBC

    driver major version:1

    driver minor version:0

    MEMCHECK - Memory Availability Checking Utility:  If you get memory allocation errors while running DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390, you can use this stand-alone program to tell you how much  memory is left after all the OLAP loaded dlls and the cache sizes have been taken into account.  MEMCHECK has been installed in your -PathPrefix-/usr/lpp/db2olap/bin directory under the name DOLMEMCK.  You do not need to have started ESSBASE before you run it, but you must assign DOLMEMCK the extended attribute of +a.

    A UNIX System Services process is spawned whenever a DB2 OLAP Server Application/Database is activated.  ESSSVR, the executable that runs in that process, has substantial memory requirements, which if not met, can severely curtail the server's functionality or even prevent ESSSVR from being able to start.  MEMCHECK will determine if at least enough memory will be available for the ESSSVR executable to start.  If enough memory is available for MEMCHECK to run to completion, it produces the output shown below.
    Examination of the values reported below can indicate whether an ESSSVR process is likely to quickly run out of memory, and, if so, what environmental parameters may need adjustment.  We do not expect users to understand all these statistics, but if you continue to have memory allocation problems after checking all the settings described in Memory Allocation Failures with DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390, you should set RPTSTG(ON) and RPTOPTS(ON) in your _CEE_RUNOPTS environment variable, run MEMCHECK, and contact DB2 OLAP Server service to receive instructions on sending the output for analysis.

      LDAREGRQ     REGION SIZE REQUESTED         = 0x03600000 (56623104)
      LDALIMIT     < 16M V=V REGION LIMIT VALUE  = 0x007fa000 (8364032)
      LDAVVRG      < 16M V=V REGION HIGH VALUE   = 0x007fa000 (8364032)
      LDAELIM      > 16M V=V REGION LIMIT VALUE  = 0x7f806000 (2139119616)
                      (For LDAELIM, a value of 2G is recommended.
                       This value may be lower if IEFUSI limits
                       available memory or if settings are too low)
      LDAEVVRG     > 16M V=V REGION HIGH VALUE   = 0x7f806000 (2139119616)  <==
      LDALOAL      < 16M USER REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x00015000 (86016)
      LDAHIAL      < 16M AUTH REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x00042000 (270336)
      LDAELOAL     > 16M USER REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x01951000 (26546176)
      LDAEHIAL    > 16M AUTH REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x00b16000 (11624448)
      LDASMFL      < 16M V=V SMF LDALIMIT VALUE  = 0xffffffff (-1)
      LDASMFR      < 16M V=V SMF LDAVVRG VALUE   = 0xffffffff (-1)
      LDASMFEL     > 16M V=V SMF LDAELIM VALUE   = 0xffffffff (-1)
      LDASMFER     > 16M V=V SMF LDAEVVRG VALUE  = 0xffffffff (-1)

    ESSSVR successfully loaded into memory.
    esssvrdm.dll successfully loaded into memory.
    mdsm.dll successfully loaded into memory.
    esssd.dll successfully loaded into memory.
    essdvrq.dll successfully loaded into memory.
    libglobalcS.a successfully loaded into memory.

     * * * * *
      30 threads successfully started
     * * * * *

    VSM allocation values after 1519 mallocs of 1048576 bytes (1593835520):

    (The value above, 1593835520, is of most interest, indicating available memory.)

         LDALOAL      < 16M USER REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x0071f000 (7467008)
         LDAHIAL      < 16M AUTH REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x00045000 (282624)
         LDAELOAL    > 16M USER REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x630a0000 (1661599744)
         LDAEHIAL     > 16M AUTH REGION ALLOC VALUE = 0x00e44000 (14958592)

    How to run multiple OLAP or OIS servers in one LPAR:

    DB2 OLAP Server:

    The DB2 OLAP Server reads the contents of the essbase.cfg file when first starting up.  To run multiple instances of OLAP in a single LPAR,  you need to create multiple instances of the essbase.cfg file containing the following settings:

    You must insert these settings in both the server and client essbase.cfg configuration files, which reside in the $ARBORPATH/bin directory, and the four "PORT" command values in these files must match.  The essbase.cfg file may contain other entries depending on your installation.
    You must perform several other steps in order to enable multiple agents on one computer, such as setting the ARBORPATH environment variable to different values for each instance of the agent process (OLAP server). Please see the OLAP Database Administrator's Guide for instructions.

    The default values are:

    Two common reasons for wanting to change the default port are:
    1. The agent port, 1423, may already be in use on the LPAR, or the first server port, 32768, may be inappropriate for your site.
    2. You might want to install a second agent on a single LPAR to facilitate testing. Use AGENTPORT and the related configuration settings to assign the second agent to a different port than the first.
    Other installed products might use port/socket numbers that will conflict with the ones you choose. Use the netstat command to view the TCP/IP socket activity on your machine.

    DB2 OLAP Integration Server:

    To connect to OIS from the command line on OS/390 or z/OS:

    1. To start OLAP Integration Server with the default port number (3388):  olapisvr
    2. To start OLAP Integration Server with a different port number:   olapisvr -P3333
    On the Client Desktop, in order to connect to OIS with port number 3333, you need to provide a port number after the server name, separated by a colon ':'


    Accessing alternate data sources using OLAP Integration Server

    When connecting to OLAP Integration Server (OIS), you must indicate what metadata catalog to use and what tables to include as the data source.  On the distributed platforms, you provide an ODBC database name as the data source, and OIS displays all the tables in the database in the left-hand column of the OLAP Model window.

    On OS/390, the DB2 location name is used by the ODBC interface as the "ODBC database" name.  The DB2 location name refers to a DB2 subsystem, and frequently there are many more tables in a DB2 subsystem than in a database on a distributed platform.  Because it is difficult to find and manage hundreds or more tables in the OIS OLAP Model window, OIS on OS/390 lets you list only those tables with creator IDs that match a pattern.

    By default, OIS lists only tables that have a specific user ID as the creator ID. When using DB2 for OS/390 V6.1 or DB2 for OS/390 V7.1 without APAR PQ58787/PTF UQ67626 applied, the default creator ID is the user ID used to start OIS.  When using DB2 for OS/390 V7.1 with APAR PQ58787/PTF UQ67626 applied, the default creator ID is the user ID specified in the Data Source window.

    To access other tables, you can append "+" (plus sign) and SQL pattern-value to the DB2 location name.  The pattern-value argument can contain:

    These argument values are used on conceptual LIKE predicates in the WHERE clause. To treat the metadata characters (_ and %) as themselves, an escape character must immediately precede the _ or %. The escape character itself can be specified as part of the pattern by including it twice in succession.

    To list all the tables in the DB2 subsystem, the pattern-value must be either %% or %_ since a single % is interpreted by DB2 as a request for other information.

    Although all tables that meet the naming pattern will be listed, you can fully use only those tables to which the OIS administrator user ID has READ authority.

    For example, to list all tables with a creator ID starting "TB", enter the DB2 location ID, followed immediately by "+TB%".  The DB2 location ID is what DB2 on OS/390 uses as a database name.  In this example, the location ID is  "STPLEX4A_DSN7", so enter "STPLEX4A_DSN7+TB%" in the Data Source field.

    The OLAP Model window displays all tables with creator IDs that start "TB".


    Use of Multiple Metadata Catalogs: All information discussed in this section is based on the assumption that DB2 OLAP PTF UQ67688 has been applied.

    In the GA release of DB2 OLAP Server for OS/390 v7.1, OLAP Integration Server (OIS) required that the user ID that started OIS (OIS administrator ID) have DB2 SYSADM authority for the DB2 subsystem that contains the OIS metadata catalog.  Several customers requested that IBM provide an alternate mechanism for accessing the metadata catalog that does not require DB2 SYSADM authority; the alternate mechanism is available in DB2 OLAP PTF UQ67688.

    PTF UQ67688 provides end users with two options when logging in to OIS:

    Providing a RACF group ID allows multiple end users to access the same metadata catalog while not requiring  that end users share a user ID or that the DB2 administrator construct synonyms for the OIS metadata catalog tables for each additional end user.  To use this mechanism, the DB2 connection exit routine DSN3@ATH or its equivalent must be installed for the DB2 subsystem.  Create the metadata catalog with CREATOR (the schema name) of the  RACF group ID.

    To provide an even more flexible implementation to allow end users to access their own metadata catalogs, you should apply the DB2 ODBC APAR fix PQ58787 in conjunction with the DB2 OLAP PTF UQ67688.  As of the date of this document, no PTF number has been assigned for the DB2 ODBC APAR PQ58787, and you will have to request a ++APAR from DB2 to obtain this fix.  OIS does not require that the DB2 ODBC APAR fix PQ58787 be installed in order to use OIS. However, the DB2 ODBC fix enables OIS at the OLAP  PTF UQ67688 level to use multiple user-owned metadata catalogs in one DB2 subsystem.  Without this fix, OIS end users can access only the metadata catalog with CREATOR (the schema name) of the OIS administrator ID or RACF group ID.

    Without PQ58787 (the DB2 fix), OIS allows you to select:

    With PQ58787 (the DB2 fix), OIS allows you to select: The DB2 ODBC fix (PQ58787) is available for DB2 V7 only.
    DB2 ODBC fix
    DB2 V6
    DB2 V7
    group name specified
    Metadata Catalog
    OIS administrator ID
    group specified at login
    OIS administrator ID
    group specified at login
    user in 'User Name' field
    group specified at login


    1. When the group name is not specified in the OLAP Metadata Catalog field (location name 'ol7b' only):

    If PQ58787 (DB2 fix) is applied:

    If PQ58787 (DB2 fix) is not applied: 2.  When the group name is specified in the OLAP Metadata Catalog field (i.e.; location name:group name, ol7b:#0vka):

    Regardless of whether PQ58787 (DB2 fix) is applied:

    Version Information

    You can now quickly determine what version and APAR level of DB2 OLAP Server you are running.  The version information is written to the Essbase.log and the console window when DB2 OLAP Server is starting up.  In addition, the customer can also query for the version information by selecting the Server -> Information -> License Info panel from the Application Manager client.  For example:



    A new command, RECALL, has to added to the DATAPOOL utility to enable users to recall migrated or archived data sets.  Users can recall migrated data sets from all data pools or from one specified data pool.  To execute the command, enter  RECALL from a DATAPOOL session.  For example:


    Enter command and parameters:    RECALL  <POOL NAME|ALL>

    New DATAPOOL Detailed Help Messages

    DATAPOOL has been enhanced to displayed more detailed help text.  The following is an example of the enhanced HELP utility.  To access the help, enter HELP from a DATAPOOL session.


    Enter command and parameters: help

    ADDDS       <POOL NAME>
    DUMP        <FILE NAME>
    HELP        [COMMAND]

    Security Recommendation

    _BPX_BATCH_UMASK environment variable

    The command umask (file mode creation mask) behaves differently when you start the OLAP or OIS server in the foreground vs. starting it as a batch job (i.e., with JCL) .  If you start the server via a batch job, new files that are created (such as log files) by the process are assigned permission bits of 666, as if _BPX_BATCH_UMASK were set to 0000, even though _BPX_BATCH_UMASK was set to 0022 in the OLAP or OIS administrator's .profile file.

    This is working as designed, as documented in the OS/390 V2R10.0 UNIX System Services User's Guide (SC28-1891-10):

    "This variable will be overridden by umask (usually set from within /etc/profile) if BPXBATCH is invoked with the 'SH' option (SH is the default). SH causes BPXBATCH to execute a login shell which runs the /etc/profile script (and runs the user's .profile) and which may set the umask before execution of the intended program.

    The shell's initial setting of the mask is 000, which means that read, write, and execute permission can be set on for everyone. But the system wide profiles provided with the product set the mask to 022."

    If you want to force the batch job to execute with the umask value of 0022, we recommend you use the JCL introduced via PTF UQ67688 in *.*.SDOLPLIB(OLAPJCL).

    You could also add "export  _BPX_BATCH_UMASK=0022" to your .profile file, which will enable your batch job to pick up the right umask setting.  However, be advised that every batch job you submit that starts a process in USS that will execute with the umask value of 0022.


    The MaxL Perl Module (Essbase.pm).  The MaxL Perl module is not available in this release of OLAP Server.

    SQL Drill Through Restriction in OIS Desktop.  SQL drill thru is supported only when connected via the default port.

    Help files missing on OIS Desktop.  If the administrator selects "Help" after receiving an error validating a model,  he will get a message indicating  the help file is missing.

    OLAP Miner.  The server component of OLAP Miner has not been ported to OS/390, but it is included on the client CD.  You can install OLAP Miner on Windows NT and mine data on OS/390 or z/OS.  The OLAP Miner installation instructions cover this topic.

    MaxL client limitation for multi byte languages.  If you are using MaxL client commands to display data (e.g., application or database information) that contains multi byte characters, you will notice that table output columns are not aligned properly; they are shifted to the left. This is also true if you are using a multi byte codepage and  the displayed data does not  contain any multi byte characters.  This problem is not an issue if you are using a single byte codepage.

    DATAPOOL data set names.  All DATAPOOL names must begin with high level qualifiers of 2 or more parts.  It is recommended that no other files be created that begin with these same high level qualifiers, because these other files could be corrupted or deleted by various DATAPOOL functions.

    MMM and MONTH functions.  OIS on 390 does not support MMM and MONTH functions in a DateTime column. These functions are used to represent the MONTH format in the date column.  MMM displays the three letter month name abbreviation, and MONTH displays the complete month name.  When a model or metaoutline is built and uses  one of these functions, the server will generate a query with the DB2 built-in function MONTHNAME,  which DB2 on 390 does not support.

    Import/Export Function.  The import/export function will not work if a user attempts to use a group metadata catalog.  APAR PQ62980 will fix this restriction.

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    (c) Copyright 1991-2002 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.