
IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 for z/OS

Additional information on updates

Last updated 09 September 2003


This document contains additional information about updates to DB2 OLAP Server v8.1 for z/OS, including:

PTF PQ75432: new ASCII import and export feature

The ESSCMD EXPORT and IMPORT commands now have a new optional parameter: [text transfer type]. The default text transfer type is EBCDIC encoding, and it will be used if the text transfer type parameter is not specified.

The text transfer type parameter can be selected from only the z/OS ESSCMD client. All other clients (on z/OS and your workstation) support the export and import of EBCDIC data only.



EXPORT exportName amount formatOption [text transfer type]

To create an ASCII export file called "export_a.txt" that contains only level 0 data in non-columnar format, enter the command:

EXPORT "export_a.txt" 2 0 1

The following sample ESSCMD session shows the new prompt for the EXPORT parameter:

File name > export_a.txt
1) All Data Blocks
2) Level 0 Data Blocks
3) Input Data Blocks
Enter the option>2
0) Default Essbase Format
1) Export in Column Format
Enter the option>0
0) Default EBCDIC Text
1) Export as ASCII Text
Enter the option>1

Sample ESSCMD Script:

The following command exports level 0 data in non-columnar format from the application/database app1/db1 into an ASCII export file called "export_a.txt". The file will be created in your $ARBORPATH/app/ directory.

Select "app1" "db1";
EXPORT "export_a.txt" 2 0 1;

To export data in EBCDIC, specify 0 for the text transfer type:

EXPORT "export_e.txt" 2 0 0;

or omit text transfer type parameter:

EXPORT "export_e.txt" 2 0;


The IMPORT command loads data values from an external source into the selected database. You can not import ASCII data from an SQL data source.


IMPORT numeric dataFile fileType y/n ruleLoc rulobjName y/n
          [ErrorFile] [text transfer type]


The following command imports data from an ASCII text file "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt". No rules file will be used during import and the processing will be aborted if an error occurs:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt" 4 "N" "Y" "Y"

The following command imports data from an EBCDIC text file "/u/OLAP81/data/import_a.txt". No rules file will be used. during import and the processing will be aborted if an error occurs:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_e.txt" 4 "N" "Y" "N";

or omit the text transfer type parameter:

IMPORT 3 "/u/OLAP81/data/import_e.txt" 4 "N" "Y";

PTF UQ77792: restrictions

The following restriction is known to exist in Hybrid Analysis:

The essbase.cfg setting HAMAXNUMCONNECTION, that allows a user to maintain open database connections for Hybrid Analysis queries, is unavailable after applying PTF UQ77792. If the HAMAXNUMCONNECTION setting is set in the essbase.cfg file, the setting is ignored and an error message is printed in the log file. Each Hybrid query establishes a new connection, and the connection is closed when the query is completed.

Copyright information

The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2003.  All Right Reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Portions (c) 1991-2003 Hyperion Solutions Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Hyperion is a registered trademark and Hyperion Solutions is a trademark of Hyperion Solutions Corporation.
Portions (c) Blue Sky Corporation.  All rights reserved.