OS/2 LAN Server for Macintosh 1.0 ServicePak IP06200 Version.1.0 :date.05/01/96 :summary.PACKAGE :support.N ServicePak for the IBM OS/2 LAN Server for Macintosh (LSM). V1.0 (IP06200). Refreshed current IP06200 for install tool update. * This ServicePak is for LAN Server Macintosh (LSM) V1.00, syslevel * IP06000. This ServicePak contains all previously available LSM * corrective service (LSMOD9), plus fixes for two additional APARs. * * This package is functionally the same as the previous IP06200, but * the installation process has been automated to eliminate the manual * execution of the LSMLKLST.EXE. It is NOT necessary to apply this * ServicePak if you have alrady applied IP06200. Diskette media may * be requested using PTF IP20742. (SYSLEVEL will be IP06200) * * WARNING: Before Installing the ServicePak, ARCHOFF.EXE (located * on the Service Tool Diskette) must be executed to rename any * ARCHIVE logs that have been created by previously installed LS 4.0 * FixPaks. This ServicePak WILL NOT install properly if ARCHOFF.EXE * is not run prior to starting SERVICE. With the ServicePak Tool * diskette in the A drive, type A:ARCHOFF at an OS/2 command prompt * to execute the pre-install program. * * The IP06200.INF, located on the first ServicePak diskette, contains * installation, and other useful information about this ServicePak. * Please review before installation of service. The CSF2-B is used for * installation of this ServicePak and is considerably different from * previous ServicePaks. * * Read LSESSERV NEWS for information on current, or upcoming service * for LAN Server, Extended Services, and other PSP products. * * Problems which still exist after these fixes are applied should be * be reported through normal support channels. Questions may be * asked on the following forums: * * OS2LSMAC FORUM on IBMPC (IBM internal only) * OS2LAN CFORUM (external and internal) * LSESSERV.NEW * PSP service offering, news, and updates IP06200.LAB * Label File (for internal IBM users) LS4TOOL1.DSK * CRC=X'BAD8' Service Tool Disk 3.50" 1.44MG I06200B1.DSK * CRC=X'DD08' Service diskette #1 3.50" 1.44MG