TUNENB - NETBIOS and NETBUEI Performance Tuning Tool Version.1.0 TUNENB.EXE was designed to examine the effects of various combinations of NETBIOS parameters on the NETBIOS 64KB segment and the NETBUEI 64KB segment. (Use at your own risk) TUNENB.EXE was designed to examine the effects of various combinations of NETBIOS parameters on the NETBIOS 64KB segment and the NETBUEI 64KB segment. It is believed to be accurate but has not been formally tested by IBM. You may use TUNENB.EXE at your own risk. TUNENB.EXE is not supported by IBM. The TUNENB.EXE program does calculations to determine the maximum permissible values for configurable parameters affecting NETBIOS and NETBEUI performance. Output is displayed, and should be used as a guide in configuration of parameters in the PROTOCOL.INI and IBMLAN.INI files. You may allow the input values to default, or override them with command line options. The constraints of both the NETBEUI and NETBIOS 64KB segment limitations and variables allocated by the Lan Server or Lan Requester redirector are considered in the tuning algorithms. This program is valid for use on network configurations using NETBIOS with NETBEUI.