READ.ME for IC19588.EXE Abstract: --------- APAR Module(s) Abstract ------- ---------- --------------------------------------- IC19588 so32dll.dll SO32DLL MEMORY LEAK IN APPLICATION WITH FTPDIR(), FTPLS(), AND socket.sys FTPLOGOFF() CALLS, CAUSING SWAPPER.DAT TO FILL UP Description: ------------ This package provides replacement modules for The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4, TCP/IP stack and DLL's. Note that service is cumulative. See the Change History below for the APARs applied to the stack and DLL's since product GA. Installation instructions: -------------------------- You must have the following installed on your system: - TCP/IP and MPTN from The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4, component id 5639B1700, R520. - The fix for APAR IC16401 or MPTS FixPak WR08503 (see below for a description). 1. You should create a temporary directory and decompress (unzip) IC19588.EXE into it. Enter the following: IC19588 . No subdirectories are created. 2. Since some of the files are locked by the system (the DLL's), to replace them you must now perform a shutdown of your OS/2 system. The directions below will walk you thru the procedure for replacing these files. 3. Reboot your system. 4. As soon as your system begins to boot, and you see the OS2 with a small white block in the upper left corner of your screen, depress the ALT key and the F1 key at the same time (ALT-F1). 5. The Recovery Choices screen should be displayed. Press C to get a command prompt. 6. Your system will now continue to boot, and should complete with an [X:\] prompt, where "X" is your boot drive. 7. Change to the drive and temporary directory in which you unzipped the IC19588.EXE file. 8. The files listed in this directory should replace ANY EXISTING FILES of the same name currently on your system. DO NOT create a subdirectory for these files and simply place it in your PATH in CONFIG.SYS. If you do, it will create multiple copies of DLL'S, and EXE's etc, which could cause erratic behavior of your operating system. 9. Place the files in directories as listed in the "Contents" section below. Note that "y:" is the drive on which MPTN was installed. 10. Reboot your system. You can use Ctrl-Alt-Del. 11. Your system should now start normally and all file changes will be in effect. 12. When your system has completed startup, you can verify that the new TCP/IP stack is running by issuing the following command from an OS/2 command prompt: INETVER The following should be displayed: Inet Version: 3.50k, 3.50e Contents -------- The following is a list of the files contained in IC19588.EXE and the directories in which they should be placed: y:\mptn\protocol 11-14-97 11:13a 263372 0 afinet.sys 2-06-97 9:20a 8858 0 afos2.sys 6-09-97 1:53p 43456 0 ifndis.sys 12-08-97 12:02p 65896 0 sockets.sys y:\mptn\dll 12-08-97 12:02p 38866 0 so32dll.dll 6-22-97 6:02p 77813 0 tcp32dll.dll 4-24-97 6:42p 33228 0 tcpipdll.dll 6-22-97 6:02p 32288 0 tcptime.dll Change History --------------- APAR Module(s) Abstract ------- ---------- --------------------------------------- IC19410 afinet.sys TRAP D IN AFINET.SYS AFTER WR08415 WAS APPLIED Fixed divided by 0 in window congested logic IC18339 afinet.sys ROUTING TABLE CORRUPTED RANDOMLY IF TRY TO CHANGE DEFAULT ROUTER FROM A METRIC 1 DEFAULT ROUTER TO METRIC 2 DEFAULT ROUTER IC17436 so32dll.dll RECV() CALL ON A SOCKET CALL TO MEMORY ADDRESSES ABOVE SOCKETS.SYS 512 MB RETURNS ERROR CODE 10014 IC17444 tcp32dll.dll TCP32DLL.DLL TRAPS AT MALLOC. IC17741 ifndis.sys THIS APAR IS OPENED TO CORRECT PROBLEMS THAT IC17363 sockets.sys INTRODUCED OR DID NOT CORRECT. IC17363 afinet.sys NEW FUNCTION IN TCP/IP TO SUPPORT INCOMING ETHERNET PACKETS IN sockets.sys EITHER DIX OR 802.3 FRAME TYPES WR08503 (see below) This MPTS FixPak provides replacement modules for The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4. This includes the TCP/IP stack, DLL's, and stack utilities, and other MPTS modules. TCP/IP APAR fixes included in MPTS FixPak WR08503: ------------------------------------------------- All apars in IC16401 (see below) and the following apars: IC17388 so32dll.sys AnyNet traps on startup in so32dll sockets.sys IC17374 tcp32dll.sys Name resolution outside of 'mptn\etc\hosts' does not work tcpipdll.dll sockets.sys IC17306 tcp32dll.dll ANYNET TRAPS ON STARTUP DUE TO SHORTAGE OF STACK SPACE >>Available as part of IC17374 only<< IC02340 afinet.sys WARP SERVER SMP when CMSTOP ABNORMAL, ADAPTER CLOSES REBOOT REQ IC17123 afinet.sys EXCEPTION IN DEVICE DRIVER: AFINET$ WHEN PROCESSING SOCLOSE() IC16875 so32dll.dll TCP/IP CLIENT HANGS SENDING REQUESTS TO WEB SERVER IC15968 ifndis.sys ETHERNET WINDOWS NT ADMIN PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION, CONNECTION LOST, SOMETIMES MUST RE-BOOT TO RECOVER IC16645 sockets.sys TCP/IP SERVER STOPS RESPONDING TO CLIENT IC16915 sockets.sys Hang in 16-bit application >>Available as part of IC16875 only<< IC16792 tcpipdll.dll TCPIPDLL.DLL IS NOT THREAD SAFE >>Available as part of IC16875 only<< tcp32dll.dll IC16401 (see below) OS/2 TCP/IP V4.0 STACK, STACK APPS - SERVICE UPDATES FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES APAR fixes included in IC16401: ------------------------------ IC16401 provides replacement modules for The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4, TCP/IP stack, DLL's, and stack applications. This is a consolidation of service fixes to Warp Connect and Warp Server, forward-fitted to The SMP Feature for OS/2 Warp Server Advanced, Version 4 TCP/IP since GA (see below for the list of APARs). APAR Module(s) Abstract ------- ---------- --------------------------------------- IC16615 afinet.sys SELF CONNECTS AND SIMULTANEOUS OPENS (SOCKET CONNECTING TO ITSELF, 4.4BSD) SUPPORT ADDED. IC15864 ifndis.sys ATM (IFTYPE=37) IS NOT SUPPORTED IN IFNDIS.SYS IC15977 tcp32dll.dll HOSTNAME RESOLUTION ON THE LAN, BUT NOT THROUGH A SERIAL CONNECTION. IC16022 afinet.sys INTERNET CONNECTION SERVER (ICS) BOTTLENECK DUE TO TOO HIGH MSL MAXIMUM SEGMENT LIFETIME) IC16023 afinet.sys WHILE BOOTP CLIENT IS AWATING A SERVER'S REPLY, IT WILL RESPOND TO A PING OF ANY ADDRESS THAT IS SENT TO ITS MAC ADDR IC16024 sockets.sys ROUTED STOPS UPDATING THE ROUTE TABLE IN MIDDLE OF FOURTH RIP UPDATE (WHEN THERE REDUNDANT ROUTERS SENDING RIP) IC16026 routed.exe WITH ROUTED TURNED ON, NFS FAILS TO START ON BOOT-UP DUE INABILITY TO INTERPRET THE RIP REQUEST PACKETS CORRECTLY. IC16033 inetwait.exe INETWAIT.EXE DOES EXIT(STATUS) INSTEAD OF RETURN(STATUS), AND THUS MPTSTART.CMD CANNOT PARSE ITS RETURN CODE. IC16036 inetwait.exe MPTSTART CALLING IFCONFIG BEFORE NETBIND COMPLETES RESULTING IN TCP/IP NOT ACTIVATING - REGRESSION IN WR08210 OF ORIGINAL APAR IC16234 ifndis.sys MAKE GRATUITOUS ARP BE SENT FOR ALL ALIASES DEFINED IC16235 afinet.sys POOR PERFORMANCE DUE TO INPROPER IMPLEMENTATION OF ALGORITHMS. IC16236 ifndis.sys SNMPD RETURNS A "0" WHEN QUERIED FOR "IFOPERSTATUS." LEGAL VALUES ARE 1, 2, OR 3 ACCORDING TO RFC1213. IC16253 afinet.sys TRAP IN AFINET WHEN LOTUS NOTES SERVER PERFORMING HIGH LEVELS OF NETWORK TRAFFIC IC16254 tcp32dll.dll SINCE APPLYING WR08210, THE DOMAIN NAME tcpipdll.dll GETS APPENDED TO FULLY QUALIFIED NAME ON TCP/IP REQUESTS, CAUSING NETWORK CONGESTION IC16255 tcpipdll.dll TCP/IP 3.0: SEARCH COMMAND OF RESOLV2 DOESN'T LOOK FOR THE OTHER DOMAIN IC16454 afinet.sys MPTS FROM COMM SERVER 4.1: THE PRIMARY SX.EXE PROCESS DOES NOT SHUTDOWN IF ACSTRACE IS RUNNING AT COMM SERVER SHUTDOWN TIME