OVERVIEW ________ This document covers the enhancements made to the AS/400 Connection since Version 3.0a. This document describes the enhancements, how to install them and how to take advantage of them. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS _________________________ To install this package, perform the following steps: 1. Download ABTTA43D.EXE as a BINARY file. 2. Change your current directory to the directory containing ABTTA43D.EXE and issue the following command: ABTTA43D -d va_directory where va_directory is the directory that contains your VisualAge image file. For example: ABTTA43D -d C:\VISUALAG 3. Verify that you have a file named ABTTA43D.CTL in the FEATURE subdirectory of the directory containing your image and a file named ABTTA43D.DAT in the IMPORT subdirectory of the directory containing your image. 4. Start up your image and go to the Options menu in the VisualAge Organizer. Choose the Load Features option and select "AS/400 Connection V3.0a Fix Pack 1 (05/96)". The fix will then be loaded into your image. FIXES INCLUDED IN THIS FIX PACK _______________________________ PTR #2508011 - DDM EXCEPTIONS WRITTEN TO THE TRANSCRIPT Problem description: Some IBM escape messages and all user messages which occur within the DDM job return a severity code of 0, resulting in the message being written to the Transcript instead of an exception being signalled. Past workarounds: Recompile #promotableMessages to include the message identifier that should raise an exception. Fix: An exception is now raised based soley on the message type. The message type roughly corresponds to the MSGTYPE argument on the SNDPGMMSG CL command. The message severity is not used in determining whether or not an exception should be raised due to inconsistent usage of message severity. The following list identifies the mapping between AS/400 message types and VisualAge AS/400 Connection exception severities: AS/400 Message Type Description AS/400 Connection Severity ---------------------------------- --------------------------- "Completion message" INFO "Diagnostic message" ERROR "Scope message" INFO "Information message" INFO "Inquiry message" INFO "Sender's copy message" INFO "Request message" INFO "Command message" INFO "Notify, exception already handled" ERROR "Escape, exception already handled" ERROR "Notify, exception not handled" ERROR "Escape, exception not handled" SEVERE "Reply, not validity checked" INFO "Reply, validity checked" INFO "Reply, message default used" INFO "Reply, system default used" INFO "Reply, from system reply list" INFO Refer to the VisualAge AS/400 Connection User's Guide and Reference for additional information regarding exception handling and severities. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PTR #2508458 - LOGICALRECORDVIEW>> ENDVIEW SHOULD RETURN SELF This fix changes some of the information provided in the Readme file of Version 3.0a. The Readme from Version 3.0a states the following: >Logical Views with a Subset of Fields > >For the cases where your logical view contains a subset of fields of >the physical file, use "logicalView". If you want >to describe a logical view having a subset of fields in >"CustomerMasterRecord". implement a class method >such as the following: > >customerNameLogicalView > ^(self logicalView) > field: 'customerNumber'; > field: 'lastName'; > field: 'firstName'; > key: 'customerNumber'; > endView. > >The result will be a STRUCTURE that is compatible with >RECORD subclasses, and contain as many fields and keys as you specify. The endView method has been fixed to return an instance of the LOGICALRECORDVIEW class, not a STRUCTURE. You need to use the asStructure method to convert the LOGICALRECORDVIEW to a STRUCTURE as follows: customerNameLogicalView ^((self logicalView) field: 'customerNumber'; field: 'lastName'; field: 'firstName'; key: 'customerNumber'; endView) asStructure. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PTR #2507992 - PRESSING ESC KEY AT SIGNON WINDOW CAUSES WALKBACK The behavior has been changed so that the escape key now acts the same as having pressed the cancel key, and the USERCANCELLEDSIGNON exception is generated. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PTR #3612878 - READALL ONLY READS *FIRST FILE MEMBER, NOT NAMED MEMBER Problem description: AS400SequentialFile>>readAll does not read named file members. The first member of the AS/400 file is read, regardless of the member specified by the AS400SequentialFile part's memberName attribute. Fix: The #readAll action has been modified to answer records for the member name assigned to the file. If no member name is assigned, records for the first member are returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PTR #2508486 - ENVY-INCORROUT PACKAGING PROBLEMS WITH ADVANCED Problem description: When packaging applications that use the host objects hierarchy within the Advanced Resource parts, subclasses of AS400HostObject are incorrectly removed by the packager. This removal results in a walkback at runtime. Fix: Packager rules have been put in place to instruct the packager to not remove these classes.