-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLYING THE FIXES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following list outlines the changes and fixes that can be made to VisualAge for Smalltalk, Web Connection feature known problems that were not fixed on the product CD. All the files for fixes are located in this subdirectory. Perform a file in procedure as follows: 1. Install the product or feature first. 2. Correct all known problems from the product CD by following the instructions in the "Fixes for the Products" section of the product CDs readme. 3. From the Transcript window's "File" menu pull down select "Open". 4. Select the file name of the fix. 5. Press "Ctrl-A" to select all the text in the file. 6. From the "Edit" menu pull down select "File In". 7. When you receive messages asking about making scratch editions of classes, answer "OK." 8. Close the Workspace and save your image. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN PROBLEMS AND FIXES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 14 1996 On Windows platforms, HTML page parts cannot grow to be larger than the display, due to a restriction in Windows. A fix is provided in the file WINSHELL.ST, which you should filein. With this fix, you can toggle between using the embedded shell window that is normally used to display pages, or use the composite view to display pages. The composite view does NOT have the size restriction that the shell has. However, the composite view does not support displaying the title bar, background images and background color. The title bar text can be edited from the HTML page's settings page. To toggle between the shell and composite view, issue the following message from the System Transcript AbtHtmlPage useCompositeView: aBoolean Using true for the aBoolean parameter will cause the composite view to be used. Using false will cause the shell view to be used. The default after loading the fix is to use the shell view. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 14 1996 On all platforms, image buttons do not have their clicked event fired when the button is clicked. To correct this problem, filein IMBUTTON.ST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 14 1996 On all platforms, there is a bug which prevents composites embedded in composites from being used on a page. To correct this problem, filein ADDSUBS.ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 17 1996 On all platforms, there is a bug which causes National Characters to be translated incorrectly from form data passed into a Web Connection part. To correct this problem, filein NATCHAR.ST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 17 1996 On all platforms, there is a bug which forms in composites which are dropped into other forms from generating correct code. To correct this problem, filein FORMFORM.ST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 18 1996 To allow Lotus Notes parts to have QuickHTML generated against them, file in ADDLOTUS.ST. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 18 1996 Some bugs have been found and fixed in the abtcgil program. An entire new ship of the code is available. Namely, the make file are shipped but have not changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 18 1996 A new makefile for Solaris 2.5 is included, called abtcgils.mak. This came from one of our customers (thanks, Scott!!!). Let us know if there are any problems with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 23 1996 A runtime walkback may occur in packaged images in the method AbtAppBldrHtmlPage>>reinitializeNeededAttributeConnections. To fix this, file in ATTRCONN.ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oct 17 1996 More fixes to abtcgil.c. This fixes a problem when a lot of form data is set from the browser to the server to VA. Also, the OPSYS_AIX preprocessor has been changed to OPSYS_UNIX (although it is not used anywhere; nonetheless, define it on your compile statements for unix platforms for future use). There is a new define NEED_STRICMP which you should define if your compiler does not implement stricmp(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feb 11 1997 When a walkback occurs in a packaged image, a system modal dialog is displayed. To ensure a dialog box is NOT displayed, file in INVKTRNS.ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feb 11 1997 When adding HTTP headers to an AbtCgiLinkResponse object, the code to write the headers out has a bug in it. The correct version can be filed in from the file GNRTTPUT.ST.