pq16321- DB Decimal fields show 0s after decimal point when decimal separator is not a period ($.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: Database Prerequisites: None Symptom: The decimal and thousands separators used in numerical values are determined by the country/regional settings (i.e. locale info). Depending on the settings, you may have a situation where the decimal separator is something other than a period. A lot of countries use a comma as the decimal separator. This causes a problem when columns defined as Decimal are retrieved from a database. When you retrieve data from a DB2 table, the data is passed as a string. So the data from a decimal column comes in as a string with the appropriate decimal separator in the string. VisualAge converts the string to the appropriate object type. For columns defined as DECIMAL, VA converts the string to a ScaledDecimal object by calling ScaledDecimal class>>#fromString:. This method assumes the decimal separator is a period. If the string contains a decimal separator other than a period, an incorrect ScaledDecimal value gets returned. Workaround: Open a workspace on pq16321.st and file in the fix.