pq19356 - Text field textLimit attribute causes maxLength to be set twice in abtBuildInternals ---------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: BaseSmalltalk Prerequisites: None Symptom: Text fields in version 4 have an attribute setting #maxLength that specifies the length of the input to the text field. In version 3 the attribute #textLimit was used. If an application is migrated from VA Version 3 to 4, a text field that had a max length set can cause abtBuildInternals in V4 to set the maxLength twice. Workaround: In the composition editor, do a alt+shift+mb1 on the text field. Open an inspector on the partBuilder. Open an inspector on the attributeSettings. Remove the key for #textLimit from this dictionary (self removeKey: #textLimit). Save the part.