pq20130 - "UndefinedObject does not understand value" walkback when opening a notebook with a container. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: Application Builder Prerequisites: v4.02b Symptom: Customer's application dynamically creates a form and places it in a containing window using the subpartNamed:put: message. The openWidget message is sent to the form after it has been added as a subpart to the window. If there is an existing form in the window, it is removed using the removeSubpartNamed:ifAbsent: message and saved away for later use. The problem occurs when an existing form that has a portable notebook and a container on one of the pages is re-opened. Again, the openWidget message is used to open the form. When the form is opened, the notebook and its pages get created but the components for a page aren't created. The reason the components aren't created is because the componentsCreated flag has a value of true. This flag gets set to true in the AbtPortableNotebookPageView>>initializePageWidgets method but it never gets reset to false when its containing form is removed from the window using the removeSubpartNamed:ifAbsent: message. Solution: Open a workspace on pq20130.st and file in the fix.