pq20445 - Unhandled sig_alrm causes packaged application to get a Alarm Clock message and melt. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: AIX Affected Features: BaseSmalltalk Prerequisites: None Symptom: An alarm clock message is being generated when at tempting to perform tcpip socket communications in a packaged application. The error message occurs when SciSocketManager>>#getServByName: protocol: is called. This is the first async call in the app. The problem appears to be related to the async call rather then specifically to that method. The problem occurs only in a packaged image. It was packaged as an EpHeadlessRuntime app but I believe the same error occurs as a VA Reduced Runtime image. The runtime image melts immediately after the Alarm Clock message. The client component of the app is running on AIX, the server is on win/nt 4.0 (the server could be running as either a development or runtime image). Workaround: Interrupts are not set at the time that the os receives the sigalarm and so the vm dies. Specifically, the timer interrupt is the culprit. So the solution is to force the timer interrupt to be installed by simply saying: (Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait prior to the first socket activity. This need only be done once at startup. In truth, the SIGALARM problem will happen only on calls that really block (connect or accept) -- so on win3.1 and any polled platform, this error shouldn't occur.