pq21299 - AppDefault printer display set to nil when cancel out prompter ---------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: DDE Prerequisites: None Symptom:Cancelling out of a CwPrinterPrompter sets displayName to nil. Workaround: Change the following in CgPrintJobAttributes>>#devModeDriver:devName:devMedium:flags:oldDeviceMode: " result < 0 ifTrue: [devModeNew := nil]. " "Fix was put in because pressing cancel on the printer setup dialog would cause the default display to be set to nil. result = 2 when the user presses cancel. If this happens, then we want to return the old dev model." result = 2 ifTrue: [devModeNew := devModeOld] ]. closePrinterFn callWith: prHandle. ^devModeNew ]