pq21435 Horizontal scrollbar set to XmASNEEDED remains visible once it is initially displayed) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected Platforms: All Affected Features: AppBldr Prerequisites: None Symptom: Using XmASNEEDED policy for the scrollbars of a container, once the scrollbars are displayed, they are not rehidden when the data has changed. Workaround: Resizing the container corrects the problem. also, The container icon tree uses #itemWidth to keep track of the largest item in the list. As new nodes are added, it checks in EwIconList>>#adjustMaxWidth: if the new node is larger than any of the previously added nodes. However, it does not do the converse when removing nodes. As a crude workaround: cv itemWidth: 0. cv widget refresh. after removing an item. This causes excessive redraw, but it does produce the final correct result (i.e., scrollbars are hidden when all data is shown).