QUESTION There are unlisted actions for both an okay and cancel pushbutton on a part's custom settings view, but how do you handle an apply pushbutton ? ANSWER If you are creating a VisualAge part, and want the custom settings view to have an apply pushbutton, add an event-to-script connection from the pushbutton clicked event to the following script: *******For VisualAge version 1.0******** apply | op newOp | op := (self partAttributeValue: #(#updateOperation #self)) execute. newOp := op target customSettingsOperation stackHolder: op stackHolder; defaultValuesSource: op defaultValuesSource; target: op target. self partAttributeValue: #(#updateOperation #self) put: newOp. *******For VisualAge version 2.0******* apply | op newOp | op := ((self subpartNamed: 'updateOperation') value) execute. newOp := op target customSettingsOperation stackHolder: op stackHolder; defaultValuesSource: op defaultValuesSource; target: op target. (self subpartNamed: 'updateOperation') value: newOp.