QUESTION How do I get graphics to show up on an existing visual part from within VisualAge? ANSWER This is best answered with an example. If you want a rectangle to show up on a window created in the composition editor after an event is triggered (like a pushbutton being clicked for instance), the following code could be used. You would make an event to script connection. The key to the following code is how to get the actual widget and the window of the widget. The window of the widget is what is needed in order to be able to draw graphics. Examples in the manuals seem to always use the default window versus a widget's window. Here is some script written in VisualAge : graphicDraw | drawWindow win gc | "setting drawWindow to the actual widget" drawWindow := ((self subpartNamed: 'Window') yourself) widget. win := drawWindow window. "setting win to the window of the widget" gc := (win createGC: None values: nil). win fillRectangle: gc x: 75 y: 75 width: 50 height: 50. gc freeGC.