QUESTION Understanding inheritance of visual parts in VisualAge. ANSWER When inheriting visual parts, you don't have the same flexibility as when inheriting scripts. In the case where you override the inherited visual part ("or specialize it"), any subsequent changes to the superclass part are not visible to the subclass, as saving the changes causes the regeneration of the abtBuildInternals and other runtime methods, which are completely overridden by the same runtime methods in the subclass. Scenarios for VISUAL PARTS in VisualAge: *Class B is inherited from class A. Class B remains unchanged. Class A is changed. The changes to class A will show up in class B. *Class B is inherited from class A. Class B is changed or specialized. Class A is then changed. The changes to class A will now NOT show up in class B. As a result, inheriting visual parts should be thought of as a one-time copy. Therefore, you should be careful to stabilize the visual part class you are inheriting from as much as possible before inheriting.