QUESTION When I try to access a DSOM object from VisualAge, the VisualAge process ends with no indication of the reason. ANSWER DSOM servers are accessed through an intermediate process known as the DSOM Daemon. If this process is not running when VisualAge sends the first DSOM message, SOM raises a terminating error (Error 30109) and ends the invoking process (VisualAge). You will only see the message associated with this error if you have DSOM debugging enabled (SET SOMDDEBUG=1). The message will be output on STDOUT by SOM (or to the DSOM message file if it is enabled). You must have STDOUT redirected to a file to see its content. You can insure that the DSOM Daemon is running by including it in your STARTUP.CMD file. Enter a line similar to the following: start "DSOM Daemon" /MIN somdd.exe