Release notes - IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 6

IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 6 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.



The Survey Reporter Developer Kit provides a server installation of the components needed to automate the processing of data management and analysis scripts. This enables organizations to benefit from the additional processing power of a server when running large numbers of scripts. For example, scriptwriters who use IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Base Professional to create and test scripts on desktop or laptop machines can upload their completed scripts to a server with Survey Reporter Developer Kit installed and schedule batch processes to run the scripts periodically, without further intervention.

Refer to DataCollection6ProductLicenseNotices-final-utf8.txt in the root directory of the installation CD\DVD for information pertaining to IBM SPSS Data Collection 3rd party acknowledgments.

System requirements and installation

For information on system requirements and installation, see the IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 6 Installation Guide. The guide is located on the installation CD at: CD:/Documentation/<language>/Reports_Surveys_Components_Installation_Guide.pdf

Compatibility issues with earlier versions

The IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 6 no longer supports the following features:

Known problems

At time of publication, the following issues were known:

Data Model

Related information

Technical Support is available to maintenance customers. Customers may contact Technical Support for assistance in using products or for installation help for one of the supported hardware environments. To reach Technical Support, see the SPSS web site at

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