Release notes - IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1

IBM® SPSS® Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.



IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 provides a suite of desktop applications that support the creation, authoring, and editing of surveys that are used for conducting phone interviews, web interviews, and face-to-face interviews. IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 updates the following products:

New features

IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 provides the following new features:

Refer to Readme.txt in the root installation directory for information pertaining to the IBM SPSS Data Collection license agreement.

Compatibility issues with earlier versions

Patch 1

Author role-based access

IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 provides new activity features to support role-based access to the Author application. Role-based access allows you to customize and manage permissible tasks assigned to Author users. Role-based limitations restrict users from viewing, editing, and adding components in a survey without the proper privileges. Role-based access applies to both the desktop and web-deployed versions of Author when the application accesses projects that are located in IBM SPSS Data Collection Interviewer Server Administration.

The new activity features require an Interviewer Server Administration administrator to manually add the features to the appropriate users and roles. Refer to the Default IBM SPSS Data Collection Author roles and activities topic in the IBM SPSS Data Collection Author User's Guide for more information.

Version 6 GA

Data Entry


IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 installs updated documentation files. The updated information may not correctly display in the help system until you manually delete the IBM Eclipse Help System's cache files:

  1. Navigate to the Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and stop the DataCollectionHelpCenterService service.
  2. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\6\Documentation\ibm_help\eclipse and delete the workspace directory.
  3. Open the configuration directory and delete the four child directories (org.eclipse.core.runtime,, org.eclipse.osgi, and org.eclipse.update). Take care that you DO NOT delete the file config.ini.
  4. Restart the DataCollectionHelpCenterService service. All of the help system topics should now display as expected.

System requirements and installation

When you run the IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 installer on your machine, it will verify which applications are installed, and install only the required files for the applications currently installed. If no applications are installed, you must first install the appropriate applications from the IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 installation CD.



Do not attempt to install IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Patch 1 over the following products:

Installing the patch

Copy the IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6.00.010.exe file to your computer, and double click the file. You will need to have administrative privileges, and if you installed the products using a specific user, you should log on to the machine as that user to install the patch.

Uninstalling the patch

You cannot use the Windows Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs feature to uninstall the patch. If you need to uninstall the patched applications, you can do so by running the patch executable file.


For information on system requirements, see the IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 Installation Guide. The guide is located on the IBM SPSS Data Collection Desktop 6 CD at: CD:/Documentation/<language>/Server_Installation_Guide.pdf

Known problems

At time of publication, the following issues were known:


Author Desktop Edition

Note: Most of the known problems in this section also apply to Author Server Edition

Questions pane

Shared Lists pane

Question Repository

General issues

Survey Reporter Desktop Edition

Note: Most of the known problems in this section also apply to the Survey Reporter Server Edition

Base Professional

Data Model


None at this time.

Translation Utility

None at this time.

Paper and Paper — Scan Add-on

Data Collection Developer Library

Related information

Technical Support is available to maintenance customers. Customers may contact Technical Support for assistance in using products or for installation help for one of the supported hardware environments. To reach Technical Support, see the SPSS web site at

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