
Welcome to the online API Reference. To help you get started using this document, this introduction provides the following information:

Who Should Read This Document

This document is designed for engineers and programmers who need to develop custom front-end programs that access Hyperion Essbase OLAP server.

What's in This Document

The online API Reference is a comprehensive reference to the functions and libraries you can use to develop custom front-end programs that access Essbase application servers. The document provides:

What's Not in This Document

This document describes the Hyperion Essbase API. If you need information on other topics, see the following manuals.

What You Should Know Before You Start

To use this book, you need the following:

Conventions Used in This Guide

To make the online API Reference easier to use, the it uses the syntax, and text conventions described in this section.

Text Conventions

The following text conventions are used throughout this guide:

1, 2, 3Procedures or steps that you follow in order.
( ) Bulleted lists provide information, not procedural steps.
This FontMember names and the names of other Essbase objects.
italicsTitles of books, important terms and special emphasis.
Vertical bar separator between pop-up menu items and top-level menu items (shown in the menu bar). For example, Essbase|FlashBack means the FlashBack command on the Essbase menu in the Spreadsheet Add-in
enterType characters, then press the Enter key.

Syntax and Text Formatting Conventions

To make code and examples easier to understand, this guide uses the following conventions.

ConventionPurpose Example
monospace font
Function, structure, file, directory, and environment variables names in text
italicAnything you replace with a value in syntax EsbOtlCloseOutline
" "
Double quotes enclose text parameters or parameters that include a space

Parentheses enclose function parameters, show order of execution for operations

(hOutline, hMember);

(a + b) * c
Comment marker indicates text from // to end of line should be ignored in processing
// Gets results
;Statement terminator marks end of command EXIT;

Using Function Reference Entries

API function entries supply the following kinds of information:

Function Name

DescriptionBrief description of the function.
Syntax Function syntax. Function name and required keywords: bold. Parameters: italics.
ParametersDefinitions of the parameters of the function.
Return ValueValue returned by the function.
  • Bulleted notes on using the function.
AccessLevel of security or other access required to use the function.
How to use the function.

See AlsoRelated functions

Related Publications

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