Migrating to Release 6.1

New Features in Release 6.x

New Features in Release 6

For Release 6, this document contains a new section which includes a set of working sample applications and a tutorial-style explanation of the basic concepts needed to get started writing API programs.

Programs compiled with the Release 6.x API do not work with previous server releases.
Programs compiled with the Release 5 API work with Release 6.x and Release 5 servers.

Attributes APIs

New C Main Attributes Functions

New Visual Basic Main Attributes Functions

New C Main Attributes Structures

New Visual Basic Main Attributes Structures

New C Outline Attributes Functions

New Visual Basic Outline Attributes Functions

New C Outline Attributes Structure

New Visual Basic Outline Attributes Structure

Existing C Main Functions
Changed for Attributes

Existing Visual Basic Main Functions
Changed for Attributes

Existing C Main Structures
Changed for Attributes

Existing Visual Basic Main Structures
Changed for Attributes

Existing C Outline Functions
Changed for Attributes

Existing Visual Basic Outline Functions
Changed for Attributes

Existing C Outline Structures
Changed for Attributes

Existing Visual Basic Outline Structures
Changed for Attributes

Other APIs

Enhanced Database Member Query
(Existing C Main Function)

Enhanced Database Member Query
(Existing Visual Basic Main Function)

Database File Information
(New C Main Function and Structure)

Database File Information
(New Visual Basic Main Function and Structure)

Location Aliases
(New C Main Functions)

Location Aliases
(New Visual Basic Main Functions)

Timestamp Query
(New C Outline Function)

Timestamp Query
(New Visual Basic Outline Function)

Performance Stats
(New C Main Functions)

Extended Member Query
(New C Outline Functions and Structure)


The Hyperion Essbase API is supported on all Essbase client and server platforms:

Because Visual Basic is not available on UNIX, the Visual Basic API is not supported on UNIX platforms.

For installation information, see the Hyperion Essbase Installation Guide.

See Building an Application Program on UNIX.

APIs and Platforms

The following table lists the available APIs on the supported platforms:

  Main API
in C
Main API in VB Outline API in C Outline API in VB Grid API in C
Windows 32-bit yes yes yes yes yes
Windows NT yes yes yes yes yes
AIX yes N/A yes N/A yes
HP-UX yes N/A yes N/A yes
Solaris yes N/A yes N/A yes