Sample Visual Basic API Program

This file contains an annotated Essbase Visual Basic API program. This fundamental sample program can be used in a Visual Basic programming environment as a starting point for more functional programs.

This file is to be used with the Hyperion Essbase API Reference to illustrate basic points in API programming. A complete set of actual VB code files is also included with the Hyperion Essbase API.

Visual Basic Sample Program 1 (initialize.vbp)

Option Explicit

'*** Always obtain and process the return error status
  Dim lngStatus As Long  ' Return error status

'*** EsbGetAPIVersion()needs the following
  Dim lngAPIVersion As Long

'*** EsbInit() accepts an initialization structure
'***   and returns an instance handle
  Dim structInit  As ESB_INIT_T  ' Create an instance of the initialization structure
  Dim lngInstHndl As Long        ' Instance handle for program (returned by EsbInit())

'*** EsbGetMessage() (enabled by cmdInit()) needs the following
'*** (see EsbListMessages() for intMsgLen and strMsg)
  Dim intMsgLev  As Integer  ' Whether information/warning/serious error/fatal error
  Dim lngMsgNmbr As Long     ' Message number in Essbase.mdb

'*** EsbAutoLogin()needs the following
  Dim strServer   As String * ESB_SVRNAMELEN   ' Empty string okay
  Dim strUser     As String * ESB_USERNAMELEN  ' Empty string okay
  Dim strPassword As String * ESB_PASSWORDLEN  ' Empty string okay
  Dim strAppName  As String * ESB_APPNAMELEN   ' Empty string okay
  Dim strDbName   As String * ESB_DBNAMELEN    ' Empty string okay
  Dim intOption   As Integer  ' Flags whether to display dialog box, allow user to log
                              '   in without selecting the application/database, or
                              '   allow user to interact with dialog box to log in and
                              '   select the application/database
  Dim intAccess  As Integer  ' User's access level to application/database
  Dim lngCtxHndl As Long     ' Context handle for login (returned by EsbAutoLogin()
' Initialized, logged in, able to log out, able to terminate
' Ready to work with databases, users, objects

  Dim intArrayIndex As Integer ' Declare an integer, for example

Private Sub ESB_ListErrorStackMsgs() '*** EsbGetMessage() needs the following '*** (see Declarations for intMsgLev and lngMsgNmbr) Const intMsgLen = 256 ' Set maximum message length as a constant, Dim strMsg As String * intMsgLen ' then Dim message string at that length '*** Get all messages from error stack and display them in list box lngStatus = EsbGetMessage(lngInstHndl, intMsgLev, lngMsgNmbr, strMsg, intMsgLen) ' Retrieves strMsg from stack and decrements stack pointer Dim intStackNmbr As Integer ' To track the number of messages on the error stack intStackNmbr = 1 Do While Mid$(strMsg, 1, 1) <> Chr$(0) ' Do while the error stack has messages MsgBox "Error stack #" & (intStackNmbr) & " is level #" & (intMsgLev) _ & "/message #" & (lngMsgNmbr) intStackNmbr = intStackNmbr + 1 ' Increment the stack number displayed lngStatus = EsbGetMessage(lngInstHndl, intMsgLev, lngMsgNmbr, strMsg, intMsgLen) Loop End Sub
Private Sub cmdAutoLogin_Click() intOption = ESB_AUTO_DEFAULT ' Allows user to interact with login dialog box '*** Call EsbAutoLogin() and obtain the return error status lngStatus = EsbAutoLogin(lngInstHndl, _ strServer, strUser, strPassword, _ strAppName, strDbName, _ intOption, _ intAccess, _ lngCtxHndl) ' EsbAutoLogin() returns a unique ' context handle for each login, even if the ' user and server are the same '*** Display the return error status If lngStatus = 0 Then MsgBox "This login ID (context handle) is logged in: " & (lngCtxHndl) Call ESB_ListErrorStackMsgs ' Even successful logins return useful messages cmdAutoLogin.Enabled = False ' True would allow other login IDs (context handles) cmdLogout.Enabled = True cmdLogout.Enabled = True ' Log out; cmdTerm.Enabled = False ' then terminate the API Else MsgBox "Login failed: " & (lngStatus) Call ESB_ListErrorStackMsgs ' Always handle messages if function call fails End If End Sub
Private Sub cmdGetAPIVers_Click() '*** ' You can call EsbGetAPIVersion() before or after you call EsbInit() '*** '*** Call EsbGetAPIVersion() and obtain the return error status lngStatus = EsbGetAPIVersion(lngAPIVersion) '*** Display the API version or that the call failed If lngStatus = 0 Then MsgBox "The API version is " & (lngAPIVersion) Else MsgBox "EsbGetAPIVersion() failed: " & (lngStatus) End If End Sub
Private Sub cmdInit_Click() '*** Initialize the structure before you call EsbInit() structInit.Version = ESB_API_VERSION structInit.MaxHandles = 10 structInit.LocalPath = "D:\Essbase\Client" ' <ARBORPATH>\Client is the default structInit.MessageFile = "" ' The default message file structInit.ClientError = ESB_TRUE ' Enables EsbGetMessage() to retrieve ' top message in stack structInit.ErrorStack = 100 ' No. of messages allowed in stack; ' stack initialized on each call '*** Call EsbInit() to initialize the API; obtain the return error status lngStatus = EsbInit(structInit, lngInstHndl) '*** Display the return error status If lngStatus = 0 Then MsgBox "The API is initialized: " & (lngInstHndl) cmdAutoLogin.Enabled = True ' You can log in only after you initialize the API cmdInit.Enabled = False ' Initialization endures until you terminate the API cmdTerm.Enabled = True Else MsgBox "The API failed to initialize: " & (lngStatus) End If End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogout_Click() '*** Call EsbLogout() and obtain return error status lngStatus = EsbLogout(lngCtxHndl) ' Logs user out for the specified login context '*** Display whether the logout succeeded or failed If lngStatus = 0 Then ' Should test that all login IDs (contexts) are logged out MsgBox "This login ID (context handle) is logged out: " & (lngCtxHndl) cmdLogout.Enabled = False ' Log out; cmdTerm.Enabled = True ' then terminate the API Else MsgBox "EsbLogout() failed: " & (lngStatus) End If End Sub
Private Sub cmdTerm_Click() '*** Call EsbTerm() after all other calls are completed EsbTerm (lngInstHndl) '*** Display whether the API terminated If lngStatus = 0 Then MsgBox "The API is terminated" cmdGetAPIVers.Enabled = True ' After you terminate the API, cmdInit.Enabled = True ' you can call only EsbInit() and EsbGetVersion() cmdTerm.Enabled = False cmdAutoLogin.Enabled = False Else MsgBox "EsbTerm() failed: " & (lngStatus) End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() ' *** Must set boolean values in the form ESB_TRUE = 1 ' ESB_TRUE ESB_FALSE = 0 ' and ESB_FALSE are variables, not constants End Sub