ESSCMD Getting Started

Before you start ESSCMD, make sure that the following items are properly installed and running:

For information on protocols supported by Hyperion Essbase, see the Installation Guide.

Starting ESSCMD

The Hyperion Essbase server installation places the ESSCMD.EXE and ESSCMD.HLP files (ESSCMD and esscmd.hlp on UNIX platforms) in the BIN directory of your application server.

To start ESSCMD:

Enter ESSCMD at the operating system command prompt. ESSCMD runs within the operating system command line window.

Once you start the application, a command prompt like this one appears: :::[#]->

where # is the value of the active login instance. Each subsequent, successful login increments this value by one. When you start ESSCMD, the instance number is zero (0).

Canceling ESSCMD Operations

When running ESSCMD, you can cancel an asynchronous operation, such as a calculation, export, or restructure operation, by pressing and holding the Esc key until ESSCMD responds.

Quitting ESSCMD

To quit ESSCMD:

Enter EXIT at the prompt and press Enter. ESSCMD disconnects from the application server and returns you to the operating system command prompt.

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