ESSCMD Interactive Mode

In interactive mode, you enter commands and respond to prompts. This is useful when you are performing simple tasks that require few commands. If you are performing more complex tasks that require many commands, consider creating a script file or batch file; see Using Script and Batch Files for Batch Processing for information.

For syntax conventions when working in interactive mode, see ESSCMD Syntax Guidelines.

Logging Into the Server

After starting ESSCMD, you must connect to the Hyperion Essbase server so that you can enter commands. Follow these steps:

  1. At the ESSCMD prompt, log in to the server with the LOGIN command.
  2. Enter the Hyperion Essbase server name. When you connect from the server console, the server name depends on your network setup. For example, the name could be LOCAL.
  3. Enter your user name.
  4. Enter your password.

    The ESSCMD prompt appears as follows:
    where userName is your login name.

    You can enter any valid
    ESSCMD command.

    Note: To load an application into memory and select a database on the Hyperion Essbase server, use the SELECT command to select a database from an application that resides on the server.

    The ESSCMD prompt appears as follows:



    Entering Commands

    There are two ways to enter commands in interactive mode. Choose either of the following methods to enter commands:

    • Type the command and press Enter.

      ESSCMD prompts you for each of the command parameters. For example, the SELECT command has two parameters, as shown in the command syntax:
      SELECT "appName" "dbName";
      If you enter only SELECT and press Enter, ESSCMD prompts you for the first parameter, the application name (appName). After you enter the application name and press Enter, ESSCMD prompts you for the database name (dbName).

    • Type the commands and all parameters, then press Enter.

      Using SELECT as the example, you would type:
      SELECT "Sample" "Basic";

    Whichever method you use, the interactive prompt now reflects the application and database names. For example, the following prompt tells you that the Sample application and Basic database are selected:


    In this case, you can enter other commands without the application or database name parameters that it normally requires.

    Canceling Operations

    While ESSCMD is running, you can cancel an asynchronous operation, such as a calculation, export, or restructure operation, by pressing and holding the Esc key until ESSCMD responds.

    Warning: Do not pause or suspend your system (for example, by pressing Ctrl-S) while Essbase is processing a command. Pausing the system may prevent Hyperion Essbase from correctly completing the command.

    Copyright (c)1991-2000 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved.