New Features

If you used previous releases of Essbase, this section will help you identify issues with upgrading from Release 5.x to Releases 6.0 and 6.1. It describes changes to functions and commands that you need to know about before running your existing scripts in a Release 6.x environment.

What's New in Release 6.1

New MaxL Language Reference Section

The MaxL language is the new multi-dimensional database access language for Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server. You can use the MaxL Command Shell as the interface for logging in to Hyperion Essbase and passing MaxL statements to the server and you can embed MaxL statements in Perl programs.

This new section describes the MaxL language, its syntax, and commands, and how to use the language in both the MaxL and Perl environments.

Custom-Defined Macros and Custom-Defined Functions

Release 6.1 has added to the Hyperion Essbase calculator language the ability to create and manage custom-defined macros and functions. Included in the MaxL Language Reference section are examples of custom-defined macros and functions.

Use the create macro MaxL statement to create custom-defined macros. These macros enable you to combine existing calculator functions into a single new function called a macro.

Use the create function MaxL statement to create custom-defined functions. Custom-defined functions enable you to use custom calculator functions within the Essbase calculator framework. These custom-developed functions are written in the Java programming language and are called by the Essbase calculator framework as external functions.

For more information about custom-defined macros and functions, see the Database Administrator's Guide.

New Calculation Functions

The following functions are new in Release 6.1:

New Relationship Functions

New Range Functions

New Mathematical Functions

New Member Set Functions

New Miscellaneous Functions

New ESSBASE.CFG Settings in Release 6.1

ESSCMD Information

The following ESSCMD command was added in release 6.1:


The following ESSCMD commands were updated in release 6.1:

What's New in Release 6

New Calculation Functions

The following functions are new in Release 6:

New Allocation and Forecasting Functions

New Statistical Functions

New Member Set Functions

New Relationship Functions

New Date and Time Functions

The following calculator changes have been made in Release 6:

New Report Writer Commands

The following commands are new in Release 6:

ESSCMD Information

ESSCMD information and commands, as found in the Quick Technical Reference Guide, have been added to the online Technical Reference documentation.

The following commands are new in Release 6:

The following commands are modified in Release 6:

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