
SSAUDIT and SSAUDITR enable spreadsheet update logging. The two settings are identical in function except that SSAUDITR automatically clears update log files after archiving, and SSAUDIT appends log files after archiving. The ENDARCHIVE ESSCMD command signals SSAUDITR to clear the log files.


The syntax is identical for both settings, so this section uses SSAUDIT for syntax description.

SSAUDIT audit_appname audit_dbname log_path

audit_appnameApplication name.
audit_dbnameDatabase name.
log_pathDirectory where you want the information stored.

Default behavior:

You can use a wildcard, xxxxx, to indicate "all" for any argument.

You can issue up to ten (total) SSAUDIT and SSAUDITR statements per application.


SSAUDIT enables Hyperion Essbase to log successfully completed spreadsheet update transactions. The resulting log files can be used as a source of input data upon recovery after archive operations or other server interruptions.


SSAuditR demo

enables logging with refresh (clear) for all databases belonging to the Demo application. The log is stored in the default directory.

SSAudit xxxxx xxxxx c:\sslog

enables logging for all applications and databases, storing the log file in the path c:\sslog. This example assumes that you do not have duplicate database names (see Notes below).


See Also



The Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide

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