
EXPORTTHREADS sets the the default number of export threads at the application or database level that the PAREXPORT utility can produce.


EXPORTTHREADS appname dbname n

 appnameThis is the name of the application. You can also use xxxxx as a wildcard to indicate all application names.
 dbnameThis is the name of the database. You can also use xxxxx as a wildcard to indicate all database names.
 nThis integer, between 1 and 8, inclusive, sets the default for the number of export threads that can be used to export data. This number should generally be equal to the number of processors on your machine that you wish to commit to doing parallel export. The default is 1.


EXPORTTHREADS enables the user to specify the number of threads. The export process is then executed in parallel, and multiple threads can retrieve data and write to their corresponding export files concurrently. If EXPORTTHREADS is not specified, or is not followed by its arguments, then the default value of 1 is used.


EXPORTTHREADS sample basic 4


For more information about the Export Utility, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

See Also


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