
CCONV calculates currency conversions. This command is available only if your company has purchased the optional Hyperion Essbase Currency Conversion product.


CCONV currExchMbr | TOLOCALRATE curType;

currExchMbr Currency name containing the required exchange rate. This is a member from the currency database.
TOLOCALRATEConverts a converted currency back to the original, local rate.
curType Currency type. This is a member from the CurType dimension in the currency database.


You convert data values from a local to a common, converted currency using the CCONV currExchMbr command. For example, you might convert data from a variety of European currencies into US$. You can then convert the data values back to the original, local currency using the CCONV TOLOCALRATE curType command.

You can convert all or part of your main database using the rates defined in your currency database. You can keep both the local and converted values in your main database, or you can overwrite the local values with the converted values.

If you want to overwrite local values with converted values:

You do not need to create a CURPARTITION dimension in your main database. Use the CCONV command in a calc script to convert all the data in your database.

Note: You cannot use the FIX command if the CCTRACK setting is set to TRUE (the default) in the ESSBASE.CFG file and you are not using a CURPARTITION dimension.

If you want to keep both local and converted values:

In your main database, you need to define the members that store the local and converted values. You do this by creating a CURPARTITION dimension. The CURPARTITION dimension has two partitions, one for local values and one for converted values.

To convert data, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the DATACOPY command to copy data from the local to the converted partition.
  2. Use the FIX command to calculate only the converted partition and use the CCONV command to convert the data.
  3. Use the CALC command to recalculate your database.
To convert currencies, you need to create a currency database and define specific dimensions in your main database. For more information, see the Database Administrator's Guide.




converts all the data values from local currency values (for example, French Francs and US$) to Japanese Yen using the YEN exchange rate from the currency database.


converts all the data values back to the local currencies using the Act xchg currency type from the currency database

CCONV Actual->US$;

converts all the data values from local currencies to US$ using the Actual, US$ exchange rate from the currency database.

FIX (Act)

converts the data in the Act currency partition back to the local currencies using the Act xchg currency type from the currency database.

FIX (Actual)
    CCONV "Act xchg"->US$;

copies Actual data values from the local currency partition to the converted currency partition. Fixes on the Actual data (in the converted partition) and converts it using the Act xchg, US$ rate from the currency database. Recalculates the database.

See Also


For more information on converting currencies, see the Database Administrator's Guide.

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