
The @INT() function returns the next lowest integer value of expression.


@INT (expression)

expressionMember specification or mathematical expression that generates a numeric value.


The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. Assume that the Profit % member is not tagged as Dynamic Calc.

The following formula rounds the values for West down to the nearest integer.

This example produces the following report:
                    Profit %
                Cola      Actual	
               Jan    Feb    Mar
               ===    ===    ===
California    38.64  37.98  38.37
Oregon        17.50  16.13  16.11
Washington    29.23  30.90  32.00
Utah          23.08  23.08  20.97
Nevada        -3.95  -6.76  -5.33
  West       104     101   102

See Also


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