
The @ISUDA() function returns TRUE if the specified user-defined attribute (UDA) exists for the current member of the specified dimension at the time of the calculation.



dimNameDimension name specification that contains the member you are checking.
UDAStruser-defined attribute (UDA) name string.



This example is based on the Sample Basic database. The Market dimension has members that indicate a geographic location. Some members represent major markets. The example below calculates the database and stores a budget amount for the upcoming year based on the actual amount from this year. A different sales growth rate is applied to major markets than to small markets.

FIX (Budget)
   Sales (IF(@ISUDA(Market,"Major Market")) 
      Sales = Sales->Actual * 1.2; 
      Sales = Sales->Actual * 1.1; 

This example tests to see if the current member of Market has a UDA called "Major Market". If it does, the Budget->Sales value is set to 120% of Actual->Sales. If it does not, the Budget->Sales value is set to 110% of Actual->Sales.

See Also


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