
The @LEVMBRS() function returns all members with the specified level number or level name in the specified dimension.


@LEVMBRS(dimName, levName|levNum)

dimNameDimension name specification.
levName|levNumA level name or an integer value that defines the number of a level. A value of 0 or a negative integer defines a level number.



In the Sample Basic database:

@LEVMBRS(Measures,"Profit and Loss")  

both return the following members if level 0 of the Measures dimension is named Profit and Loss:

Sales, COGS, Marketing, Payroll, Misc, Opening Inventory, Additions, Ending Inventory, Margin %, Profit %, and Profit per Ounce (in that order).


returns Actual, Budget, Variance, and Variance %.

The following example restricts the calculation to members with the combination Budget and one of the members of the Market dimension with a level name of "State".

FIX (Budget,@LEVMBRS(Market,State))
   CALC DIM (Year,Measures);

See Also


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