
The @MDSHIFT() function shifts a series of data values across multiple dimension ranges.


@MDSHIFT (mbrName, shiftCnt1, dimName1, [range1|(range1)], . . . shiftCntX, dimNameX, [rangeX|(rangeX)])

mbrNameAny valid single member name or member combination, or a function that returns a single member or member combination, from which the values are to be shifted.
shiftCnt1...shiftCntXInteger that defines the number of member positions to shift.
dimName1, . . . dimNameXDefines the dimension names in which the shift is to occur.
range1|(range1) . . . rangeX|(rangeX)Optional. A valid member name, a comma-delimited list of member names, member set functions, and range functions from the same dimension. If rangeList is not specified, Hyperion Essbase uses the level 0 members from the dimension specified with the dimName parameter. If the range list is comma delimited, then the list must be enclosed in parentheses.


The Budget figures for Ending Inventory need to be calculated by taking Prior Year->Opening Inventory results as a starting point:

                                  Jan   Feb   Mar

Prior Year   Opening Inventory    110   120   130  . .
Budget       Ending Inventory     N/A   N/A   N/A . .

The following calc script assumes that the Scenario dimension is as follows:

       Prior Year

FIX (Budget)
"Ending Inventory" = @MDSHIFT("Opening Inventory", 1, Year, , -1, Scenario,);

In this example, range1 is not specified, so Hyperion Essbase defaults to the level 0 members of the Year dimension, which was specified as the dimName1 parameter. Since range2 is also not specified, Hyperion Essbase defaults to the level 0 members of the Scenario dimension, which was specified as the dimName2 parameter. This example produces the following result:

                                 Jan     Feb     Mar
                                 ===     ===     ===
Prior Year  Opening Inventory    110      120     130 . .
Budget      Ending Inventory     120      130     140 . .

See Also


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