
The @ROUND() function rounds expression to numDigits.


@ROUND (expression,numDigits)

expressionSingle member specification, variable name, or other numeric expression.
numDigitsSingle member specification, variable name, or other numeric expression that provides an integer value. If numDigits is 0, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If numDigits is greater than 0, expression is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If numDigits is a negative value, expression is rounded to a power of 10. The default value for numDigits is 0.


The following example is based on the Sample Basic database:

Profit = @ROUND("Profit_%", 1);

This example produces the following report:

                     Market Product 

                   Profit_%                 Profit         
            Jan     Feb     Mar      Jan      Feb      Mar
            ===     ===     ===      ===      ===      === 
Scenario   21.37   19.09   18.46    21.4      19.1    18.5 

See Also


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