
The @VAR() function calculates the variance (difference) between two members. The variance calculation recognizes the difference between accounts that are tagged in the database outline as "Expense" or "No Expense" and calculates the variance accordingly.


@VAR (mbrName1, mbrName2)

mbrName1 and mbrName2Members from the same dimension whose variance results are to be calculated. The variance is derived by subtracting mbrName2 values from mbrName1, unless an account is tagged as "Expense", in which case mbrName1 values are subtracted from mbrName2.


The following example is based on the Sample Basic database. The variance between Actual and Budget is calculated as follows:

Variance = @VAR(Actual,Budget);

In this example Sales is defined as "No Expense", whereas COGS is tagged as "Expense". This example produces the following report:

                Year    Product    Market 
                   Sales      COGS	
                   =====      ====
Actual            400855     179336	
Budget            373080     158940	
Variance           27775    (20396)

See Also

@VARIANCE, which calculates statistical variance based on a sample of a population
@VARIANCEP, which calculates statistical variance based on an entire population

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