
The AFTER command displays the first character of a designated character string following the data columns in the report.


{ AFTER char [columnList] }
char Single character enclosed in quotation marks.
columnList Optional list of one or more column numbers, separated by spaces. If included, AFTER affects only these columns. If you do not specify columnList, all data columns are affected.


This command displays only the first character of a string, even if more are specified. If you do not specify any columns in columnList, char is displayed after all data columns in the report.


The {AFTER "%"} command in the following report displays the percent sign after each data value.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

<COLUMN (Year)

<ROW (Product)

{ AFTER "%" }
This example produces the following report:
                      Chicago Sales Actual 

                Qtr1   Qtr2   Qtr3   Qtr4    Year 
              ======= ====== ====== ====== ======= 

Stereo         2,591% 2,476% 2,567% 3,035% 10,669%
Compact_Disc   3,150% 3,021% 3,032% 3,974% 13,177%
  Audio        5,741% 5,497% 5,599% 7,009% 23,846%


See Also


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