
The DIMBOTTOM command includes the members at the bottom of the dimension, those members with no children (level 0), to the report.


mbrName Single member from the dimension for which you want to use the bottom-level members.


This command extracts the members at the bottom of the dimension, those members with no children (level 0), to the report. mbrName is from the dimension whose bottom members you want to select.


The command <DIMBOTTOM Product adds all the members from the bottom of the Product dimension to the following report:

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year
<ROW (Product)
This example produces the following report:
                      Chicago Sales Actual 

                 Qtr1   Qtr2   Qtr3   Qtr4    Year 
              ======= ====== ====== ====== ======= 

Stereo          2,591  2,476  2,567  3,035 10,669 
Compact_Disc    3,150  3,021  3,032  3,974 13,177 
Television      4,410  4,001  4,934  6,261 19,606 
VCR             3,879  3,579  4,276  4,877 16,611
Camera          2,506  2,522  2,602  3,227 10,857

See Also


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