
The LATEST command specifies a Dynamic Time Series member in a report script. You must create a Dynamic Time Series member in the database outline before you use it in a report script.


<LATEST mbrName


reservedName (mbrName)
reservedName One of the following pre-defined generation names:

History-To-Date (H-T-D)
Year-To-Date (Y-T-D)
Season-To-Date (S-T-D)
Period-To-Date (P-T-D)
Quarter-To-Date (Q-T-D)
Month-To-Date (M-T-D)
Week-To-Date (W-T-D)
Day-To-Date (D-T-D)

mbrName The name of the level 0 member in the Time dimension.


This command specifies a Dynamic Time Series tag, which has reserved generation names that are defined in the database outline alias table. If you use the < LATEST syntax, the command is applied globally in the report script. If you use the reservedName (mbrName) syntax, Hyperion Essbase applies the command only to the member listed in the syntax argument.


Q-T-D (May)
Notes See Also

Database Administrator's Guide

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