
The NAMEWIDTH command determines the width of all row name columns in the report.


{ NAMEWIDTH [ width ] }
width Optional. Specifies the total number of characters displayed for each column.

Default Value

If width is not given, then a default value of 17 is assumed.


This command determines the width of the column for all row member names in the report. Member names are truncated when necessary to fit in the column and the tilde character(~) signifies that there are letters not visible in the report. If each names column needs a different width, use the WIDTH command.


In the following example, the first report for Chicago displays the default width for the row names column while the { NAMEWIDTH 25 } command in the Boston report increases the width of the row names column to 25.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

      <COLUMN (Year)
      <ICHILDREN Year

<ROW (Product)


Boston Sales Actual

      <ICHILDREN Year

This example produces the following report:
                      Chicago Sales Actual 

                Qtr1   Qtr2   Qtr3   Qtr4    Year 
              ======= ====== ====== ====== ======= 

Stereo          2,591  2,476  2,567  3,035  10,669 
Compact_Disc    3,150  3,021  3,032  3,974  13,177 

                              Boston Sales Actual 

                       Qtr1   Qtr2   Qtr3   Qtr4    Year 
                     ======= ====== ====== ====== ======= 

Stereo                 2,450  2,341  2,377  2,917  10,085 
Compact_Disc           3,290  3,034  3,132  3,571  13,027

See Also


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