Technical Support – Statistical Macro Library - Intraclass Correlations

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Gives intraclass correlations for reliability of a single rater, mean of raters and test of null population values for all three models discussed by Shrout and Fleiss.

Download the readme file (iccsf.txt)

These macros implement the calculations for intraclass correlations and related statistics for assessing interrater reliability described in Shrout and Fleiss' 1979 Psychological Bulletin article (Vol. 86, No. 2, pp. 420-428). In all three models, each of the N subjects/objects is rated by K raters.

  • Model 1: Raters are a random sample from a specified population of raters, and each rater does not rate all subjects/objects. Therefore, each subject/object is rated by a potentially different set of raters.
  • Model 2: Raters are a random sample from a specified population of raters, and each rater rates each subject/object.
  • Model 3: Raters constitute the entire population of raters, and each rates each subject/object.

  • ICCSF1.SPS: calculates the full results for model 1: ICC estimate for a single rater, 95% confidence interval for the single rater estimate, F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters, 95% confidence interval for the mean of raters estimate and number of raters required to produce a lower bound on the 95% CI for the mean of raters estimate greater than or equal to .7, .8 and .9. Requires SPSS 6.0 and above and the Matrix and Macro procedures.
  • ICCSF1A.SPS: calculates abbreviated results for model 1: ICC estimate for a single rater, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters and F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value. Requires the Matrix and Macro procedures.
  • ICCSF2.SPS: calculates full results for model 2: ICC estimate for a single rater, 95% confidence interval for the single rater estimate, F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters, approximate 95% confidence interval for the mean of raters estimate using Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom and number of raters required to produce a lower bound on the 95% CI for the mean of raters estimate greater than or equal to .7, .8 and .9. Requires SPSS 6.0 and above and the Matrix and Macro procedures.
  • ICCSF2A.SPS: calculates abbreviated results for model 2: ICC estimate for a single rater, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters and F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value. Requires the Matrix and Macro procedures.
  • ICCSF3.SPS: calculates full results for model 3: ICC estimate for a single rater, 95% confidence interval for the single rater estimate, F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters and 95% confidence interval for the mean of raters estimate. Requires SPSS 6.0 and above and the Matrix and Macro procedures.
  • ICCSF3A.SPS : calculates abbreviated results for model 3: ICC estimate for a single rater, ICC estimate for the mean of K raters and F-test of null hypothesis of 0 population value. Requires the Matrix and Macro procedures.