MH MACRO The mh.sps macro is most easily used by simply having it resident as a text file in your working directory and executing the following SPSS syntax: INCLUDE MH.SPS . MH rowvar colvar stratvar . where rowvar is the name of one of the two primary variables, colvar is the other primary variable and stratvar is the stratification variable. As usual, a working data file must be defined when invoking the macro. The data may be either individual cases or weighted aggregated data, just as with most SPSS procedures. The macro first saves your working data file to a file named mh__tmp1.sav. The double underscore in the file name is an attempt to render unlikely the overwriting of an existing file. The same convention has been used later in the macro when creating new variables in an attempt to avoid duplicating existing variable names. Such duplication would cause the macro to fail. The SET commands are used to minimize output; they may be changed or removed if you have problems running the macro in order to aid in identification of problem sources. The macro should function on any SPSS release offering macro support. It uses commands and procedures from the Base System exclusively, so it does not require the Advanced Statistics module, as do the official SPSS macros released with Windows versions of SPSS. It consists essentially of some data manipulation, some basic calculations and a reporting of results. The row and column variables can be either numeric or string variables (as they are handled using AUTORECODE). Each variable should assume only two unique values in the data (since they define a 2x2 cross classification). More than two distinct values on either or both of these variables will cause the macro to fail. The stratification variable can also be either string or numeric; each unique value defines a stratum. Multiple invocations of the macro within the same session of SPSS for Windows will produce warnings; these can be ignored.