NSKAPPA MACRO The nskappa.sps macro computes Cohen's Kappa for a two way table, which does not have to be square (i.e., although conceptually the table would be square, empirically, the raters may not have both used all of the available categories, resulting in a table with empty rows and/or columns). Statistics produced are estimates of Kappa, the asymptotic standard error under the null hypothesis of a 0 population value (ASE0), a Z-value and approximate significance level (p-value) for testing the null hypothesis, the asymptotic standard error under the alternative hypothesis (ASE1), and 95% confidence interval bounds using ASE1. The nskappa.sps macro is most easily used by simply having it resident as a text file in your working directory and executing the following SPSS syntax: INCLUDE NSKAPPA.SPS. NSKAPPA VARS=rowvar colvar. where rowvar and colvar are the two variables containing the ratings. Note that the two variables must be numeric, and they must be coded as consecutive integers from 1 to the number of rating categories (though neither variable must have all categories represented). Data can be set up as case by case data or as aggregated or summary data with one case per cell of the table and a WEIGHT variable in effect. (Weights are not rounded in the macro, so the Kappa value produced here will differ from that given by CROSSTABS in Releases 6.1.2 and above if the weights for a cell do not sum to an integer.) The macro first saves your working data file to a file named ka__tmp1.sav. The double underscore in the file name is an attempt to render unlikely the overwriting of an existing file. The SET commands are used to minimize output; they may be changed or removed if you have problems running the macro in order to aid in identification of problem sources.actions The macro should function on any SPSS release offering macro support and the MATRIX procedure (which means for modular systems you must have the Advanced Statistics module). It creates two new files, ka__tmp1.sav and ka__tmp2.sav, which contain respectively your original data, and a file used to store the values printed in the reported output. Multiple invocations of the macro in the same interactive session will produce the following note: >The macro name specified on the DEFINE command duplicates the name of a >previously defined macro. This instance will take precedence. This warning does not indicate a problem and may be ignored.