APAR PQ02023 Readme file

PQ02023 Adds d_purge_user() to Clean Up for DDMS Apps Using Temp ACBs
  An external DDMS function call is provided (d_purge_user()) to clean up
  all leftover structures for DDMS apps using temporary ACBs.

  Install this fix on top of English 1.3.1 (PTF3) CS/2 UQ05603 or ECS/2 UQ11442.

  Problem Description
  When running many DDMS apps which use temporary ACB resources, the DAE work
  pool memory is depleted.

  Other Fix Included
  Also included in this fix is:
  PQ18251 - Visual Age app compiled with /Gt traps after many calls to DDMS.

  APAR Installation
  1. Shut down CS/2.
  2. Backup the files being replaced:
     a. Under \cs2\backup\ create directories: PQ02023\dll\
     b. To \cs2\backup\PQ02023\dll\ copy:
     c. To \cs2\backup\PQ02023\dll\32_bit\ copy:
     d. To \cs2\backup\PQ02023\include\c\ copy:
  3. Download the PQ02023.zip into a temporary directory.
  4. Issue:  pkunzip PQ02023.zip
  5. Copy the 5 files to their respective directories:
     cs2dmcls.dll -> \cs2\dll
     cs232dm.dll  -> \cs2\dll\32_bit
     cs232tdm.dll -> \cs2\dll\32_bit
     cs2dmcal.h   -> \cs2\include\c
     cs2dm.h      -> \cs2\include\c
  6. Restart CS/2.

  Documentation Update
  The following has to be added to the "Device Data Management Support"
  book in Chapter 11 between d_output() and d_query():

d_purge_user - Purge DAE ACB

|  Support  | CS/2  | ECS2  | CS/VM | CSDOS | CS6000|ECS6000| CSSUN | CS/NT |
| Originator|   X   |   X   |   X   |       |   X   |   X   |   X   |   X   |
| Process   |   X   |   X   |   X   |       |   X   |   X   |   X   |   X   |

Purpose: Purges from the local DDMS server all internal structures associated
with the calling ACB name. This command is useful when a DDMS application
is started and stopped many times and it is coded to use a DAE Temporary ACB
name. Coding this API in such application will prevent the DAE work pool
from getting full.

NOTE: This API should be invoked as the last DDMS API the program executes
      before terminating. Ensure that all pending DDMS API calls have been
      completed prior to issuing this call.

| >>---d_purge_user( address of RDS )------------------------------------>< |

RDS: The address of an RDS. See "RDS" on page 10-17. Use the "originator"
field to specify the DAE application ACB name. Use the "destination" field
to specify the local DDMS server.

Related Topics
- Chapter 2. "Connection Commands"

Common Return codes for d_purge_user

E_SUCCESSFUL                             /* Normal successful completion     */
E_ORGNOTCONN                             /* Originator not connected.        */
E_DESNOTCONN                             /* Destination not connected.       */

Coding Example in C

CS2AP_RDS_T daerds;                            /*DAE RDS  */
RDS         rds;                               /*DDMS RDS */
char ACB_name [CS2RSNAMSIZ_N];
NAME orig = { NULL, ACB_name };
NAME dest = { NULL, "CS2DMR00.CS2NODE" };
   tmp.rsname = ACB_name;
   CS2_TEMP_RES(&daerds, &tmp);
   rds.originator  = &orig;
   rds.destination = &dest;
   d_connect( &rds, &req, &resp);
   /* main program logic */
   /*  Program using DAE Temporary ACB names is about to terminate.          */
   /*  Invoke the d_purge_user() so that DDMS deletes all our internal       */
   /*  structures which are not needed for this temporary DAE ACB anymore.   */
   d_purge_user( &rds);


- End -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last modified: January 23, 2004
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