Version 4.2 Fix Pack 1 release notes

These release notes contain information about IBM InfoSphere Global Name Recognition, Version 4.2 Fix Pack 1, such as installation notes, known issues, fixed problems, and usage notes.

Note: For the latest version of the release notes, see the online information center at or the separate release notes HTML file that accompanies the installation media.


System requirements

For the latest information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at

Performance considerations

Searches should not exceed five tokens when running a search against a large data list (5 million or more names) on a computer that runs Linux for S/390. Including more than five tokens in your search query can return results that exceed the limit size, causing a transaction timeout that leads web services to fail. See the product information center for more performance information.

Installing Version 4.2 Fix Pack 1

Install IBM InfoSphere Global Name Recognition, Version 4.2 before attempting to install Fix Pack 1.

The installation program now writes new configuration files to *.config.template and does not overwrite existing configuration files.

Before you begin

Install InfoSphere™ Global Name Recognition, Version 4.2 before attempting to install Fix Pack 1.

You must run the installer from the product media, or copy the product installer package including the executable to a local drive. The product installer cannot be run from a network drive. If you are upgrading, ensure that your existing product version is supported.
Note: If you are upgrading InfoSphere Global Name Recognition, Version 4.2 Hotfix 2 or Version 4.2, Hotfix 3 you must first grant permission to the installing user to write to the <Install root>/data/ file.
  1. Obtain the product media for the fix pack.
  2. Run the installation program:
    Installation mode Procedure
    GUI mode
    • Navigate to the /Disk1/InstData/VM/ directory on the product media for your platform.
    • Run the install executable.
    Command line mode
    • Open a command prompt or shell window.
    • Navigate to the /Disk1/InstData/VM/ directory on the product media for your platform.
    • Run the install executable with the -i console option.
      install -i console
  3. Follow the instructions on the installation program wizard to install the fix pack.
    1. On the Introduction panel, review the information and ensure that your computers meet all system requirements.
    2. On the Destination panel, browse to the directory (fully qualified path) where you want to install the fix pack. This directory must be the directory that contains your existing IBM®InfoSphere Global Name Recognition Version 4.2 installation.
    3. On the Pre-Installation Summary panel, review the summary. When you are finished, click Next to complete the installation.
    4. On the Install Complete panel, review the status, and then click Done to exit the installation.
  4. If you have selected to install web services, the Name Analyzer tool, or the documentation, run the following script to start the embedded WebSphere® Application Server:
    Operating system Script location
    Microsoft Windows \product_install_location\startGNR.bat
    AIX® /product_install_location/
    Linux, Solaris /product_install_location/
    Attention: If the startGNR script does not exist in your installation directory, check for errors in the installation and configuration log files, which exist in the following directory:/product_install_location/installer/logs/.

List of fixes and corrections

The following list describes the errors or problems corrected with Version 4.2 Fix Pack 1:

Distributed Search
Name Preprocessor did not allow for customization of external files for parsing. No error message appears when Name Preprocessor cannot write to a file where there is not enough space.
Linguistic precision enhancements
A number of improvements have been made to name regularization, variants, and qualifiers, including:
  • The generic regularization rules file,, has been updated to handle radio station frequency identifier information (for example Fiesta Radio 98.6 F.M.).
  • Tokens in organizational names are now correctly regularized.
  • Regularization rules changes were made for German. German spelling variations were added to the variant file.
  • Enhancements to titles, affixes, and qualifiers (TAQ) include additions for Malay names.
  • "M" is no longer a variant for Mohamed.
NameHunter configuration
The left bias parameter for Indian given names is now set as FALSE by default.
Affix rules for phrase creation that were applied too strictly have been adjusted (for example, "Abdul Hussain" in India).
NameSifter can generate unpredictable results when used with non-English organization names. This limitation includes English names with European business suffixes such as E.U. and S.A. Do not attempt to use NameSifter with name data that is not based on United States English. It is intended for use with personal and organizational names from the United States only.
Name Preprocessor
Name Preprocessor output and configuration have changed. See relevant sections in the information center or PDFs. Changes are summarized as follows:
  • Name Preprocessor no longer generates .nh files. It splits the interim .npp file into multiple files. As a result, nhFile and numNhFiles are replaced by nppOutFile and numNppOutFiles. crateNh and createNpp have been removed.
    Note: Distributed Search and NameWorks Embedded Search users should re-run Name Preprocessor to generate new data list files.
  • NameWorks Embedded Search should users set createOrig=false in the npp.config file to run Name Preprocessor to generate output (used as data list files).
  • Distributed Search users should continue to set createOrig=true or createOrig=false, depending on whether to perform unique search or full search.
Search - general
Improved search handling of compressed names.
Transliteration - Kanji
Transliteration of Japanese Kanji names is improved, including names containing spaces.

Product documentation

You can find product documentation with fix pack updates for Version 4.2 in the following places:
Version 4.2 information center
  • Access at®:
  • Access on your local server, installed as part of the product install:
    Open a web browser and enter the URL for your server: http://<servername>:<HTTP port#>/help/index.jsp
    <HTTP port#>
    The documentation port number that you specify during installation.
    WebSphere Application Server hostname or IP address.
Culture reference for Name Analyzer
Culture reference information is provided within the IBM InfoSphere Global Name Recognition Name Analyzer tool.
IBM product Support home
Access at
In addition to Technotes and other Support-related information, contains links to the information center, PDF versions of the product information, and the latest updates of the release notes.

Known issues and changes to using the product

Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support portal at
  1. Under Search support, enter a keyword, phrase, error code, or APAR number to search on.
  2. Select Within my selected products.
  3. Click the search arrow icon.

As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the Support portal. By searching the Support portal, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

At time of publication, there were no known installation problems. Check the Support portal for the most current information.


You can find the latest announcement letter, which is linked to from the following page at See the announcement for the following information:
  • Detailed product description, including a description of new functions
  • Product-positioning statement
  • Packaging and ordering details
  • International compatibility information