Release Memorandum - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

IBM Confidential

Release Memorandum - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

Data Management Division - 36223
Route 100, Somers NY
February 14, 2001

Released to: RFA Distribution List

Subject: Release for Announcement - QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, & VM

The Data Management Division releases the QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, & VM for announcement by the:

IBM Americas - United States
IBM Americas - Latin America
IBM Americas - Canada
IBM Asia Pacific
IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa

QMF for z/OS, QMF High Performance Option (HPO), and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1.

QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

QMF for the S/390 platforms includes key enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer:

QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

QMF for Windows Key Enhancements

QMF's server-based pricing, unlimited users per server, and centralized install make it a top choice in Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

Planned Availability Date: March 29, 2002

The information in this release is not to be disclosed prior to announcement on 02/26/02. This information may be posted to geography early-announcement databases.

                                  (ORIGINAL SIGNED BY)
                                  Janet R. Perna
                                  General Manager Database Management

Table of Contents

Release Memorandum - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

Internal Announcement Letter for ICA Software - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

  • Title
  • Short Title
  • Overview
  • Program Number
  • Marketing Information
  • Marketing Channels
  • Routes to Market by Geography
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Customer Financing
  • Education Support
  • Proposal Inserts
  • Configurator Information
  • Key Sales Support Information
  • Installation Information
  • Administrative Information
  • Software Key Management
  • Ordering Information
  • WWERB Status and Pricing Option Templates
  • Programming RPQs
  • (formerly known as ShopIBM) Information
  • Products eligible for Single Version Charging
  • Attachment - Sell Sheet
  • Offering/Solution Highlights/Positioning
  • Target Market
  • Value Proposition
  • Pain
  • Benefits
  • Unique Differentiators
  • Competitive Offerings
  • Accessibility by People with Disabilities
  • Euro Currency
  • Caribbean North Release Information
  • Affected Countries/Channels
  • Business Partners Terms & Conditions
  • Worldwide Customer Letter for ICA Software - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

  • Title
  • Overview
  • Key Prerequisites
  • At a Glance
  • Program Number
  • Description
  • QMF for the S/390 Platforms
  • QMF HPO for z/OS and OS/390
  • QMF for Windows
  • Accessibility by People with Disabilities
  • Euro Currency
  • Product Positioning
  • Program Number
  • Hardware and Software Support Services
  • SmoothStart/Installation Services
  • Reference Information
  • Supplemental Information

  • Supplemental Information
  • (discretionary information)
  • Education Support
  • Technical Information
  • Specified Operating Environment
  • Planning Information
  • Security, Auditability, and Control
  • Customer Financing
  • Ordering Information
  • Current Licensees
  • New Licensees:
  • Customized Offerings
  • Integrated Technology Services (IBM Global Services)
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Prices
  • Call Now to Order
  • Announcement Countries
  • Business Partner Attachment for - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

  • Business Partner Information
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Installation Information
  • Administrative Information
  • Business Partner Ordering Information
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Global Financing
  • Prices
  • Complementary Business Partner Attachment

  • Title
  • Complementary Business Partner Information
  • Complementary Business Partner Information
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Proposal Inserts
  • Installation Information
  • New Sales Manual Text - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

  • QMF for the S/390 Platforms
  • QMF HPO for z/OS and OS/390
  • QMF for Windows
  • Euro Currency
  • Technical Description

  • Internal Announcement Letter for ICA Software - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)


    IBM QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, and VM -- Business Intelligence Starts Here!

    Short Title

    QMF V7.2 for z/OS, VSE, & VM


    QMF for z/OS, QMF High Performance Option (HPO), and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1.

    QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    QMF for the S/390 platforms includes key enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer:

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows Key Enhancements

    QMF's server-based pricing, unlimited users per server, and centralized install make it a top choice in Business Intelligence (BI) tools. Planned Availability Date: March 29, 2002

    Program Number

    Program                            Program
    Name                               Number
    --------------------------------   --------
    IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390,   5675-DB2
      Version 7.1
    IBM DB2 Server for VSE and VM,     5697-F42
      Version 7.2

    Marketing Information

    Marketing Channels

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    ESW (S390)


    Routes to Market by Geography

    Route Description                    WW  AP  CANADA  US  EMEA  LA
    -----------------------------------  --  --  ------  --  ----  --
    SS/1 Sales Specialist                 X
    SS/3 Sales Specialist
    SI/1 Systems Integrator
    SI/2 Systems Integrator
    SI/3 Systems Integrator
    SP/1 Solution Provider
    SP/2 Solution Provider
    SP/3 Solution Provider
    ISV/1 Independent Software Vendor
    ISV/3 Independent Software Vendor
    RES/1 Reseller                        X
    RES/2 Reseller
    RES/3 Reseller
    SA/1 Sales Agent
    SA/3 Sales Agent
    RET Retailer
    DR Direct Response
    DRE Direct Response Electronic
    TEL/1 Telesales                       X
    TEL/3 Telesales
    OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer   X


    Note to the EMEA PM: This section will be automatically deleted at PLET Generation time.

    Marketing Strategy

    QMF on the Host delivers processing in CICS, CMS, and TSO, and sharing of objects across the enterprise with DB2 as the premier database server.

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows is offered for centrally managed data access that is nearly universal across databases and end-user platforms. Wherever SQL can be applied for business needs -- whether against relational or ODBC-compliant databases, or databases running on the major hardware and operating systems platforms, including z/OS and OS/390, Linux, AIX, iSeries, and Windows-based servers -- QMF for Windows merges the scalability and performance expected of an enterprise product with the flexibility of browsers, Java-enabled workstations, and Windows-based PCs. These capabilities, plus native support for host QMF objects and advanced DB2 functionality, place QMF for Windows at the foundation of a business intelligence strategy, signalled by the phrase "Business Intelligence Starts Here!"

    Non-Cryptographic (or Limited Cryptographic) Products 

    The U.S. export classification determination for this non-cryptographic product has been assigned as specified in the Corporate IPD Guide and as required by Corporate Instruction, Governmental Programs 102B (Legal 112E).


                         Live Product Demo      Live Solution/Integrated Demo
                         -----------------      -----------------------------
    At announcement          Yes                          Yes
    By planned availability  Yes                          Yes

    For additional demonstration information, access OITool at:

    Promotional Material 

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    The following materials are available immediately from Mechanicsburg:

                Title                                       Order Number
     --------------------------------------------------     ------------
     QMF for Windows                                        GC26-8928
     Query Management Facility: A Universal Interface       GC26-9181
       to DB2
     QMF High Performance Option for DB2 for z/OS and       GC26-9414

    These brochures and other QMF information, including a 60-day QMF "Try and Buy," can be accessed on the QMF Web site at:
    or the Xtreme Leverage: Data Management intranet portal at:

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    The following promotional material may be ordered through the country publications ordering system immediately.

                Title                                       Order Number
     --------------------------------------------------     ------------
     QMF for Windows                                        GC26-8928
     Query Management Facility: A Universal Interface       GC26-9181
       to DB2
     QMF High Performance Option for DB2 for z/OS and       GC26-9414
    These brochures and other QMF information, including a 60-day QMF
    "Try and Buy," can be accessed on the QMF Web site at:
    or the Xtreme Leverage: Data Management intranet portal at:


    Customer Financing

    CAN, EMEA--->

    IBM Global Financing offers attractive financing to credit-qualified commercial and government Customers and Business Partners to assist them in acquiring IT solutions. Offerings, rates, terms, and availability can vary by country. Contact your local Global Financing organization. Country contacts are on the Web at:

    <---CAN, EMEA

    US, LA, CAN--->

    IBM Global Financing offers attractive financing to credit-qualified commercial and government customers and Business Partners in more than 40 countries around the world. IBM Global Financing is provided by the IBM Credit Corporation in the United States. Offerings, rates, terms and availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization. Country organizations are listed on the Web at:

    <---US, LA, CAN

    Education Support


    IBM Global Services, Learning Services, provides education to support many IBM offerings. Descriptions of Learning Services courses are on our Intranet site:

    Questions? contact:


    A QMF for Windows: End User Workshop (CF800) is available. To obtain the class schedule, call 800-IBM-TEACH (800-426-8322) or access the Web at:

    Go to the following Web site to enroll for classes:

    QMF, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows on-site administration and configuration education are provided for a fee from the following IBM Business Partner:

                                           Rocket Software, Inc.
                                           Two Apple Hill Drive
                                           Natick, MA 01760
                                           (508) 655-4321


    AP, LA--->

    Contact your IBM representative for all course information.

    <---AP, LA

    Proposal Inserts

    Proposal material is available through








    OITool, ERIF PICA (English ) or ERIF PICF (French) in Ami Pro (sambin) format.

    at general availability.

    Configurator Information

    The following configurator aids will support this announcement:


        Configurator Aid    Date Available
       ------------------   --------------
    CFSW 02/26/02

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

        Configurator Aid    Date Available
       ------------------   --------------

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


    CFSW 02/26/02


    CFSW 02/26/02


    CFSW 02/26/02


    CFSW 02/26/02

    AP, EMEA--->

    ELINK and EHONE support is available to customers eligible to use IBMLink.
    <---AP, EMEA


    EHONE support is available to customers eligible to use IBMLink.


    Use HONE SYSLINK to transmit ordering information to AAS.


    Use ELINK CFSEND to transmit ordering information to WTAAS.

    When you use the HONE configurator aid, orders will be configured at the current release level. At availability, orders will be configured at the new release level.

    US, LA, CAN--->

    Key Sales Support Information

    Do Processor-Based One-Time or Processor-Based Primary License/Annual License Charges apply? No
    Operating Environment
    OS/390-MVS: Yes
    OS/390-VM,VSE: Yes
    OS/400: No
    Is this a Tivoli product? No
    ptx: No
    Field Support: Yes.
    Direct Customer Support: Yes.

    For additional information not listed in this or previous sections, refer to:

    <---US, LA, CAN

    Installation Information

    Installation Support 


    Installation support is provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321


    AP, LA--->

    Local IBM office personnel should first query the SETI database under ERIF on

    <---AP, LA





    AP, LA--->

    using search word QMF, for answers to installation support questions. If further assistance is required, they should contact their country technical specialist. Question and answer support to the technical specialist will be provided through the

    <---AP, LA


    QUAT facility on AFEHONE.


    IQ facility on ELINK.

    AP, LA--->
    <---AP, LA

    US, CAN, EMEA--->

    Field Support 
    <---US, CAN, EMEA

    US, CAN--->

    Contact your area specialist for technical marketing assistance. Access installation and technical support information via the WWQA database -- QASearch:

    Use search word QMF. Research your questions through all available resources before you submit a question to the Q&A database.

    Access installation and technical support information from IBMLink/ServiceLink. Use search word QMF. Research your questions through all available resources before you submit a question to the Q&A database.

    Installation and application development support are provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321
    Research your questions through available resources before you submit a question to Rocket Software.

    <---US, CAN


    IBM Sales Specialists and Systems Engineers may obtain sales, installation, and technical support in presales situations by contacting Techline through the EMEA Techline Presales Technical Support Web site at:

    Additional technical support is available through worldwide Question and Answer (WWQA), QASearch function on Viewblue or EHONE.


    US, CAN, EMEA--->
    <---US, CAN, EMEA


    Trading Area/Branch Systems Engineering Representatives are responsible for providing technical sales support for this product to their customers. Systems Engineering Representatives should research their questions with their specialists, in publications, and via intranet using QASEARCH in VIEWBLUE using the search word QMF. The VIEWBLUE url is:

    IBM Systems Service and Support (SSS) provides question and answer support to trading area/branch Systems Engineering Representatives and specialists via the intranet using QAAUTHOR in VIEWBLUE. The VIEWBLUE url is:


    US, CAN, EMEA--->
    <---US, CAN, EMEA

    Early Support Program  No.

    Administrative Information

    AP, CAN--->

    Software Key Management

    These program products use an access/usage protection method that requires a password key to enable the software function.

    Key management will be performed by the registration centres. Any queries should be sent to:
    <---AP, CAN


        IBM JAPAN:           YMTVMZ(CUJPNKEY)




    Ordering Information

    Remove references to ADMININFO items. Change SYSLINK to CFSEND and AAS to WTAAS.

    ESW nomenclature can be found at the following address:

    You find it starting at the OI Tool address:,

    then select 'Other Links', 'EMEA Software Ordering Information' and enter PID number in the PPRDS-DG page.


    Single Version Charging  Administrative instructions are provided in FPM 375.

    S/390 and zSeries Parallel Sysplex License Charge (PSLC)

    S/390 and zSeries Parallel Sysplex License Charges, based on service units (shown as millions of service units per hour (MSU)), apply. For detailed administrative instructions to support the ordering of products using this pricing methodology, refer to ERIF BOME SWOG, Section 022.008.

    LA, EMEA--->

    Refer to SWORDERINFO and CFSW on EHONE.
    <---LA, EMEA

    License Use Management 

    Is this product License Use Management Enabled?                 No
    iFOR/LS-based Tool (Strategic)
    Measured Usage Tool (S/390)
    SLM/400 (AS/400)
    Other (Specify) ________________________
    Is a FEATURE within the product License Use Management Enabled? Yes
    Please identify the FEATURE:  QMF for Windows V7.2
    If Yes, select the License Use Manager
    iFOR/LS-based Tool (Strategic)                                  Yes
    Measured Usage Tool (S/390)
    SLM/400 (AS/400)
    Other (Specify) _______________________
    Is the Implementation of License Use Management Customer Managed
    Use?                                                            Yes
    Is the Product Key Protected (to install/access the product)?   No
    If yes, select the applicable Access Control Method
    IBM iFOR/LS-based Tool (if Use Based Priced)
    Other (Specify) ______________________
    Is IBM Distributing the Key?                                    Yes
      (The key is on the CD-ROM.)

    WWERB Status and Pricing Option Templates

                                 Program Package
                                 Part Number/
                                 PID Number        DAT Number
                                 ---------------   ----------
    o  Pricing Option Template   5675-DB2          ALP154V2
                                 5697-F42          ALP002V5

    NOTE TO EDITOR  The WWERB and Price File Option boxes are provided for internal ICA/PLA RFA review purposes only. They must be commented out of this section in the published Ivory announcement.


    Note to the EMEA PM: These boxes will be automatically deleted at PLET Generation time.

    Vendor Logo Product Code:  I

    Vendor Royalty Payments are due.

    Programming RPQs

    Requests for PRPQs will not be accepted.

    US, CAN---> (formerly known as ShopIBM) Information

    Is this product(s) to be sold via the (formerly known as ShopIBM) Web site?

    If yes, select the (formerly known as ShopIBM) sections for the product from the list below:

       Database & Data Management

    If this product is to be sold on ShopIBM, is there an existing version on (formerly known as ShopIBM) currently?

    If yes, does this new version completely replace the old?

    If no, provide specific directions.

    Please provide the marketing bullet point copy for the features and benefits that should appear on (formerly known as ShopIBM) web site for this product. Also supply a one-line marketing "tag line". QMF V7.2 for z/OS, OS/390, VSE, and VM - Business Intelligence Starts Here!

    Note to Editor  Do not publish (formerly known as ShopIBM) information in announcement. Remove this section before announcing.
    <---US, CAN

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->



    RFA Number: 36223 Planned Announcement Date: 02/26/02
    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA

    CAN, EMEA--->

    Products eligible for Single Version Charging

    <---CAN, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->
    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->

    QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1, and QMF V7.2 for VSE and VM, V7.2

    QMF for OS/390

     Replaced Program             Replacement Program            Single
     Program  Program             Program     Program            Version
     Number    Name               Number       Name          Charging Applies
     -------  -------------       ------------------------   ----------------
     5668-972 QMF V1              5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
     5668-721 QMF V2              5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
     5706-254 QMF V3              5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
     5645-DB2 QMF V6              5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
     5675-DB2 QMF V7.1            5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
      *  Note 3 of DAWN-0040 applies

    QMF for Windows Feature

     Replaced Program             Replacement Program            Single
     Program  Program             Program     Program            Version
     Number    Name               Number       Name          Charging Applies
     --------------------------   ------------------------   ----------------
     5697-D27 QMF for Windows     5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
                V3.3                           V7.1
     5645-DB2 QMF for Windows     5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
                V6                             V7.1
     5675-DB2 QMF for Windows     5675-DB2    DB2 UDB              Yes  *
                V7.1                           V7.1
      *  Note 3 of DAWN-0040 applies

    QMF for VSE and VM

     Replaced Program             Replacement Program            Single
     Program  Program             Program     Program            Version
     Number    Name               Number       Name          Charging Applies
     --------------------------   ------------------------   ----------------
     5668-AAA QMF for VM          5697-F42    DB2 Server           Yes  *
              V2                               for VSE & VM
     5648-061 QMF for VSE         5697-F42    DB2 Server           Yes  *
              V3                               for VSE & VM
     5706-255 QMF for VM          5697-F42    DB2 Server           Yes  *
              V3                               for VSE & VM
     5648-A70 QMF for VSE & VM    5697-F42    DB2 Server           Yes  *
              V6                               for VSE & VM
     5697-F42 QMF for VSE & VM    5697-F42    DB2 Server           Yes  *
              V7.1                             for VSE & VM
      *  Note 3 of DAWN-0040 applies

    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->
    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA

    Attachment - Sell Sheet

    Offering/Solution Highlights/Positioning

    QMF is a powerful multipurpose query, reporting, and application-building tool that lays a data access foundation for the entire enterprise. Novices and experts alike can find themselves instantly productive when accessing any DB2, and choosing from a wide range of capabilities.

    QMF for Windows provides key capabilities which include:

    Built for DB2, and easily integrated with desktop "suite" tools such as spreadsheets, QMF for Windows allows administrators to safely extend data access to Windows and the Web, conserve database processing resources, and deploy a true companion tool to DB2 throughout the enterprise.

    Target Market

    The target market includes small, medium, and large businesses, but especially those that can benefit from the server-based pricing and powerful architecture of the QMF family that affordably opens up data access to many types of users and data sources.

    Value Proposition

    What is it worth to have reliable data access throughout your enterprise? Instant answers to mission-critical questions -- from mainframe to Windows desktops or browsers around the world, including when connecting over the Internet -- is fundamental to all your business operations. In addition, native support for DB2 architecture helps keep costs down and uptime high.


    There are many wrong ways to enable data access that bring reliability issues, database resource waste, out-of-control queries, administrative headaches, complex and expensive database gateways and middleware. These and proprietary approaches lock you into a single interface, product, location, or a certain number of user "seats" making it difficult to grow.


    Unique Differentiators

    As a native Windows Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) requester, QMF for Windows is a unique application. It is architecturally coupled to DB2 across platforms and supports advanced DB2 functionality (including DB2-specific SQL, creating and running static SQL, and running stored procedures) even as it integrates data seamlessly with your existing Windows applications.

    Scalability is not an issue with the QMF family of integrated tools. On the server side, any licensed DB2 workstation database can be the data source. On the client side, QMF for Windows is capable of data fetching on a scale limited only by the resources of the client machine, handling millions of rows of data, if needed.

    Competitive Offerings

    All other offerings in the Windows desktop space are based on PC database architecture requiring open database connectivity (ODBC) drivers and result in the limitations imposed by that middleware standard, including setup and version maintenance.

    Applications such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Lotus 1-2-3 are sometimes viewed as Windows desktop query tools. However, these tools are not commonly seen in the field connected directly to enterprise databases, as is the norm for QMF for Windows. Compatibility problems associated with large databases accessed by other PC applications discourage their use.

    Accessibility by People with Disabilities

    The following features support use by people with disabilities:

    Euro Currency

    These programs are not impacted by euro currency.


    No action is required by the RFA Writer.
    Canada will update this text when processed in their
    generator, if any change is needed.
    OWNER: Linda Woolman/Markham/IBM@IBMCA  T/L 886-4983 or 905-316-4983

    Caribbean North Release Information

    Affected Countries/Channels

    This announcement is applicable in Caribbean North Countries.


    Business Partners Terms & Conditions

    ESW (S390)

    For more information refer to Marketing announcement "Business Partner Program - S/390 and zSeries Software", PLET ZA97-0110, revised on August 21, 2001.


    The product (s) is (are) added to Category zzz .


    The product(s) is (are) added to Exhibit zzzzzzz (name).

    Revised exhibit for (name)

    New (or revised) exhibits for zzzzzzzz (name) .

    Note to EMEA PM: To enable you to indicate which Category within an Exhibit the product(s) is(are) added to, indicate the minor changes to an existing Exhibit, insert a new or major changed Exhibit, please delete what is not applicable and complete the empty field zzzzzz.
    All related information and instructions on how to define which category within which exhibit the product is(are) added to, are thoroughly described in option 7 (RELEASE Files/Forms) go to CHANSW file, and refer to Business Partners Ts&Cs section.
    This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET generation time.

    Worldwide Customer Letter for ICA Software - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)


    IBM QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, and VM -- Business Intelligence Starts Here!


    QMF for z/OS, QMF High Performance Option (HPO), and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1.

    QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    QMF for the S/390 platforms includes key enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer:

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows Key Enhancements

    QMF's server-based pricing, unlimited users per server, and centralized install make it a top choice in Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

    Key Prerequisites

    At a Glance

    QMF V7.2 Family enhancements include:


    To order, contact:
    Your IBM representative, an IBM
    Business Partner, or the
    Americas Call Centers at
      800-IBM-CALL   Reference: LE001

    <---USPlanned Availability Date: March 29, 2002

    Program Number

    Program                            Program
    Name                               Number
    --------------------------------   --------
    IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390,   5675-DB2
      Version 7.1
    IBM DB2 Server for VSE and VM,     5697-F42
      Version 7.2

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    Availability of National Languages  QMF V7.2 for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1

    National language translations for QMF for Windows are included on the single product CD-ROM. These translations are available with QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1, as indicated below.

    Note that the Hebrew translation is new for the V7.2 release and that the Simplified Chinese translation is not provided for the V7.2 release.

    QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1

    Feature                             Availability
    Number    Description                  Date          Countries
    -------   ------------------------  -------------    ---------

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    US---> QMF for OS/390 Brazilian Portuguese 03/29/02 Brazil Canadian French 03/29/02 Canada Danish 03/29/02 Denmark English Uppercase (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide French 03/29/02 France German 03/29/02 Germany Italian 03/29/02 Italy Japanese 03/29/02 Japan Korean 03/29/02 Korea Spanish 03/29/02 Spain Swedish 03/29/02 Sweden Swiss French 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss German 03/29/02 Switzerland QMF for Windows Arabic 03/29/02 Egypt Belgian French 03/29/02 Belgium Brazilian Portuguese 03/29/02 Brazil Canadian French 03/29/02 Canada Danish 03/29/02 Denmark English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide French 03/29/02 France German 03/29/02 Germany Hebrew 03/29/02 Israel Italian 03/29/02 Italy Japanese 03/29/02 Japan Korean 03/29/02 Korea Portuguese 03/29/02 Portugal Spanish 03/29/02 Spain Swedish 03/29/02 Sweden Swiss French 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss German 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss Italian 03/29/02 Switzerland Traditional Chinese 03/29/02 Taiwan


    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    CAN---> QMF for OS/390 Canadian French 03/29/02 Canada French 03/29/02 Canada English Uppercase (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide QMF for Windows Canadian French 03/29/02 Canada French 03/29/02 Canada English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    EMEA---> QMF for OS/390 Danish 03/29/02 Denmark English Uppercase (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide French 03/29/02 France German 03/29/02 Germany Italian 03/29/02 Italy Spanish 03/29/02 Spain Swedish 03/29/02 Sweden Swiss French 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss German 03/29/02 Switzerland QMF for Windows Arabic 03/29/02 Egypt Belgian French 03/29/02 Belgium Danish 03/29/02 Denmark English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide French 03/29/02 France German 03/29/02 Germany Hebrew 03/29/02 Israel Italian 03/29/02 Italy Portuguese 03/29/02 Portugal Spanish 03/29/02 Spain Swedish 03/29/02 Sweden Swiss French 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss German 03/29/02 Switzerland Swiss Italian 03/29/02 Switzerland

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    LA---> QMF for OS/390 Brazilian Portuguese 03/29/02 Brazil English Uppercase (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide Spanish 03/29/02 All QMF for Windows Brazilian Portuguese 03/29/02 Brazil English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide Spanish 03/29/02 All

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    AP---> QMF for OS/390 English Uppercase (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide Korean 03/29/02 Korea Japanese 03/29/02 Japan QMF for Windows English U.S. (SBCS) 03/29/02 Worldwide Japanese 03/29/02 Japan Korean 03/29/02 Korea Traditional Chinese 03/29/02 Taiwan

    AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    QMF V7.2 for VSE and VM, V7.2

    National language translations for QMF for Windows are available on a single CD-ROM which is shipped with the product. Except for the addition of Hebrew and the removal of Simplified Chinese, translations available with QMF V7.2 for VSE and VM, V7.2, are as previously announced for V7.1:

    Feature                             Availability
    Number    Description                  Date          Countries
    -------   ------------------------  -------------    ---------
    QMF for Windows
              Hebrew                    03/29/02         Israel

    <---AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


    Price  $XXX.XX Note to the Field Communications Editor: Do not include/publish prices on Internet


    QMF for the S/390 Platforms

    QMF for z/OS, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1. QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    QMF for Windows provides a Windows or Java interface to build queries or execute predefined queries with easy-to-use, point- and-click, drag-and-drop form creation for fast aggregation, grouping or formatting performed directly in the query results. It provides easy manipulation and integration with important commercial or custom Windows applications such as spreadsheets, desktop databases and executive information systems.

    QMF for the S/390 platforms includes enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer.

    End User Enhancements:

    Administrator Enhancements:

    Application Enabling:


    QMF HPO for z/OS and OS/390

    QMF HPO V7.2 consists of QMF HPO/Manager for enhanced control over QMF environments, and QMF HPO/Compiler for automatically generating OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II, COBOL for MVS, or COBOL for OS/390 programs that help minimize CPU processing required to run enterprise reports.

    QMF HPO contains significant user interface and productivity enhancements to QMF HPO/Compiler, providing even greater flexibility for customization of compiled programs to specific needs and environments, including:

    In addition, the creators and end users of compiled programs will find more numerous and intuitive input panels and prompts for specifying their requirements, including:

    QMF for Windows

    QMF for Windows V7.2 offers:

    Data Visualization with DB2 Spatial Extender and IM Scoring:

    QMF for Windows now offers data visualization and business analysis capabilities with direct support for spatially-enabled DB2 data and DB2 Spatial Extender.

    Organizations can spatially enable existing data with the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender V7.2, a feature of DB2 Extended Edition and DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition V7.2. Spatial data can then be accessed along with normal business data using ordinary and familiar SQL query techniques and immediately begin viewing this data geographically and dimensionally. For example, existing customer lists can be visualized in seconds by location, layered with multiple categories of topographical features including roads, natural formations, or political boundaries, analyzed for key characteristics such as proximity, and these visualizations saved for later reuse or published to an intranet. Transparent support for spatial data in QMF for Windows represents a powerful competitive and productivity advantage for organizations everywhere.

    QMF for Windows users can improve the quality and timeliness of BI available to analysts via use of the DB2 IM Scoring feature of DB2 Extended Edition and Enterprise Extended Edition. Using the new QMF for Windows V7.2 Expression Builder, users can easily invoke IM Scoring to apply the latest mining analytics in real time.

    Behind the scenes, mining is used to analyze high volumes of data to discover the latest business trends or patterns. The results are represented in a model -- think of the model as a set of rules or a formula for predicting the most likely outcome based on past history.

    The new V7.2 Expression Builder helps QMF users build the SQL expression to invoke DB2 IM Scoring which, in turn, applies these rules to new business situations. For example, to apply the most appropriate marketing tactics for a new customer situation; to identify cross selling opportunities for preferred customers; to perform risk assessment "on the fly"; to predict propensity to buy, probability of abuse, likelihood of customer attrition. The result is improved decision making.

    Browser-based Querying and Charting:

    Users may now perform more operations in their QMF objects using a Web browser, including creating and sharing queries and formatting results. A Java-based charting component is also available on demand when using QMF for Windows browser-based querying.

    Users may now create, save, and run QMF prompted queries with their browsers, and use QMF forms to format query results with either a default or a previously saved QMF form.

    QMF queries created in the Windows interface of QMF for Windows and formatted with summaries, roll-ups, colors and other features may now be run using the QMF for Windows browser interface with all formatting intact.

    Administrators may now also govern and track queries run by QMF for Windows browser-based users, using the same administrative interface presently used to track Windows-based and OS/390 based QMF users.


    In addition to existing support for multiple DB2 database platforms through DRDA and CLI connectivity, QMF for Windows users can now use their QMF objects to read data from ODBC-compliant data sources. This makes simultaneously available, through a single, powerful interface, the DB2 databases that serve the entire enterprise as well as departmental servers in mixed environments such as Informix and Microsoft SQL Server. In addition, ODBC-compliant PC applications, such as desktop databases and spreadsheets become available as query data sources.

    This new capability adds considerable breadth to the portability and compatibility of QMF objects across hardware, network, operating system, and database platforms, and dramatically expands end-user options for BI gathering.

    Ease-of-Use and Interface Enhancements:

    Multiple interface enhancements bring even greater productivity to QMF for Windows users:

    Administrative Enhancements:

    In addition to governing and tracking of browser-based users, the QMF for Windows Administrator has the following new capabilities:

    For further details on new features found in QMF for Windows V7.2, consult the product on-line help facility.

    Accessibility by People with Disabilities

    The following features support use by people with disabilities:

    Euro Currency

    These programs are not impacted by euro currency.

    Product Positioning

    Positioning of QMF is summarized by the phrase "Business Intelligence (BI) starts here!" Easy to use and fast to implement, query and reporting tools remain important to DB2 customers for operational and data warehouse query and reporting. Offering such a tool designed specifically for the DB2 enterprise is expected to enhance the success of any BI or data warehouse strategy. By offering fast query performance from the Windows environment, easy integration with and sharing of QMF host objects, browser-based querying, and extensive governing control over user actions and DB2 resource consumption, QMF products are a natural selection over and above any other for customers who have DB2 or are interested in DB2 or other data sources.


    Program Number


    Hardware and Software Support Services

    SmoothStart/Installation Services


    Installation services support for QMF, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows are provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321


    Reference Information

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->

    Supplemental Information

    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA


    Supplemental Information


    (discretionary information)

    Education Support


    A QMF for Windows: End User Workshop (CF800) is available. To obtain the class schedule, call 800-IBM-TEACH (800-426-8322) or access the Web at:

    Use the following Web site to enroll for classes:

    QMF for Windows on-site administration and configuration education are provided for a fee from the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321


    AP, LA--->

    Contact your IBM representative for all course information.

    <---AP, LA


    IBM Global Services, Learning Services, provides education to support many IBM offerings. Descriptions of Learning Services courses are on our Intranet site:

    Questions? contact:

    Technical Information

    Specified Operating Environment

    Hardware Requirements  QMF V7.2 Features of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1

    QMF V7.2 Features of DB2 Server for VSE & VM, V7.2

    Software Requirements  The host software requirements are those required to run:

    QMF for Windows, V7.2, runs on 32-bit operating systems as follows:

    The following QMF functions have software dependencies:

    Planning Information

    US, AP--->

    Direct Customer Support 
    <---US, AP


    Installation and application development services support for QMF, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows are provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321


    US, AP--->

    <---US, AP

    Packaging  DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1, and DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2, except as noted below, are shipped on 9-track magnetic tapes (written at 6,250 bpi), 3480 cartridges, or 4-mm DAT cartridges.

    Also included is a Program Directory.

    The QMF for Windows CD-ROM also contains all supported national languages and all U.S. English and translated publications in softcopy format.

    A QMF for Windows 60-day "Try and Buy" is shipped with DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    Security, Auditability, and Control

    The announced program uses the security and auditability features of the host hardware or operating system software. The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities.

    Customer Financing

    US, LA, CAN--->

    IBM Global Financing offers attractive financing to credit-qualified commercial and government customers and Business Partners in more than 40 countries around the world. IBM Global Financing is provided by the IBM Credit Corporation in the United States. Offerings, rates, terms and availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization. Country organizations are listed on the Web at:

    <---US, LA, CAN


    IBM Global Financing offers attractive financing to credit-qualified commercial and government customers and Business Partners in more than 40 countries around the world. IBM Global Financing is provided by the IBM Credit Corporation in the United States. Offerings, rates, terms and availability may vary by country. Contact your local IBM Global Financing organization. Country organizations are listed on the Web at:


    Ordering Information

    Current Licensees

    Current licensees of QMF for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, and VM

    AP, LA, EMEA--->

    will receive instructions on how to order this update.

    <---AP, LA, EMEA

    US, CAN--->

    will be sent a program reorder form that can be returned directly to

    <---US, CAN


    IBM Software Delivery and Fulfillment.



    IBM CSO SW Asset Fulfillment.


    US, CAN--->

    Reorder forms are scheduled to be mailed by April 12, 2002. Reorder forms returned to

    <---US, CAN


    IBM Software Delivery and Fulfillment.



    IBM CSO SW Asset Fulfillment.


    US, CAN--->

    will be processed within 10 work days of receipt.

    <---US, CAN

    New Licensees:

    Orders for new licenses can be placed now.

    Shipment will not occur before availability date.

    Unless a later date is specified, orders entered before the planned availability date will be assigned a schedule date of one week following availability.

    Shipment will begin on the planned availability date.

    New users of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1 should specify:

    Type: 5675 Model: DB2

    New users of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2 should specify:

    Type: 5697 Model: F42

    LA, EMEA--->

    To order a basic license, specify the program number and feature number of the desired distribution medium. Note that feature number 9001 is not required.

    <---LA, EMEA


    New Licensees  Based on the customer requested arrival date (CRAD) and to allow for order processing, the first customer shipment will begin within three business days after general availability.

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Basic License 
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN---> To order a basic license, specify the program number and feature number 9001 for asset registration.
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Entry Support License (ESL):  To order an ESL license, specify the program number, feature number 9001 for asset registration, and the applicable ESL OTC feature number. Also specify the feature number of the desired distribution medium.
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                                           DB2 V7.1
                                           ESL OTC
     Description                           Feature
     ------------------------------------  --------
     QMF for OS/390                        0621
     QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)        0653
     QMF for Windows (No QMF Prereq)       0685
     QMF HPO                               0717


    AP, CAN--->

                                           DB2 V7.1
                                           ESL OTC
     Description                           Feature
     ------------------------------------  --------
     QMF for OS/390                        A1TC
     QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)        A2CJ
     QMF for Windows (No QMF proreq)       A1WF
     QMF HPO                               A2FM

    <---AP, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                                           DB2 V7.1
                                           ESL OTC
     Description                           Feature
     ------------------------------------  --------
     QMF for OS/390
     QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)
     QMF for Windows (No Requirement)
     QMF HPO

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    ESL = Basic License


    ESL machines can be determined by referring to the IBM Entry End User/390 Attachment (Z125-4379).

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Parallel Sysplex License Charge (PSLC) Basic License  To order a basic license, specify the program number and feature number 9001 for asset registration. Specify the PSLC Base feature. If applicable, specify the PSLC Level A and PSLC Level B, and PSLC Level C, PSLC Level D features and quantity.

    If there is more than one program copy in a Parallel Sysplex, the charge for all copies is associated to one license by specifying the applicable PSLC feature numbers and quantity represented by the sum of the Service Units in Millions (MSUs) in your Parallel Sysplex. For all other program copies, specify the PSLC No-Charge (NC) Identifier feature on the licenses.

    Also, specify the feature number of the desired distribution medium.

    QMF for OS/390 Feature (PSLC) 

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               0764             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0765             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0766             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0607             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0608             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0609             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0610             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0611             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0612             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0613             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0614             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0615             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0616             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0617             QMF PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A1QJ             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1QK             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1QL             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1QM             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1QN             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    46 - 175        A1QP             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1QQ             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A1QR             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    176 - 315       A1QT             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1QU             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A1QV             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    316 or more     A1QW             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1RA             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1RB             QMF PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin
    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A1RF             QMF PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1RG             QMF PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1RH             QMF PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1RJ             QMF PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1RK             QMF PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1RL             QMF PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1RM             QMF PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A1RN             QMF PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1RP             QMF PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1RQ             QMF PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A1RR             QMF PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A1RT             QMF PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1RU             QMF PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1RV             QMF PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1                                QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2                                QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3                                QMF PSLC Level A, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45                           QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
    46 - 175                         QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
    176 - 315                        QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1000 MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    0766 - quantity 1
    0607 - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:


    AP, CAN--->

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A1QL - quantity 1
    A1QM - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A1RH - quantity 1
    A1RJ - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature of QMF (PSLC) 

    (Requires QMF for OS/390)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               0636             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0637             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0638             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0639             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0640             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0641             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0642             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0643             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0644             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0645             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0646             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0647             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0648             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0649             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A2AQ             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2AR             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2AT             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2AU             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2AV             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    46 - 175        A2AW             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2BA             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A2BB             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2BC             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2BD             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A2BE             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    316 or more     A2BF             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2BG             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2BH             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A2BJ             QMFW PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2BK             QMFW PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2BL             QMFW PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2BM             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2BN             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2BP             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2BQ             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A2BR             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2BT             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2BU             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A2BV             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A2BW             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2CA             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2CB             QMFW PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1                                QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2                                QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3                                QMF PSLC Level A, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45                           QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
    46 - 175                         QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
    176 - 315                        QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1000 MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    0638 - quantity 1
    0639 - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:


    AP, CAN--->

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A2AT - quantity 1
    A2AU - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A1VL - quantity 1
    A1VM - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature (PSLC) 
    (Without QMF for OS/390 requirement)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               0668             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0669             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0670             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0671             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0672             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0673             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0674             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0675             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0676             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0677             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0678             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0679             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0680             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0681             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A1UM             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1UN             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1UP             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1UQ             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1UR             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    46 - 175        A1UT             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1UU             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A1UV             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    176 - 315       A1UW             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1VA             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A1VB             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    316 or more     A1VC             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1VD             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1VE             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A1VJ             QMFW PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1VK             QMFW PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1VL             QMFW PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1VM             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1VN             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1VP             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1VQ             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A1VR             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1VT             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1VU             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A1VV             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A1VW             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1WA             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1WB             QMFW PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1                                QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2                                QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3                                QMF PSLC Level A, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45                           QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
    46 - 175                         QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
    176 - 315                        QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1000 MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    0670 - quantity 1
    0671 - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:


    AP, CAN--->

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A1UP - quantity 1
    A1UQ - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A1VL - quantity 1
    A1VM - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF High Performance Option (PSLC) 

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               0700             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0701             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0702             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0703             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0704             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0705             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0706             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0707             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0708             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0709             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0710             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0711             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0712             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0713             QMF PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A2DU             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2DV             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2DW             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2EA             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2EB             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    46 - 175        A2EC             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2ED             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A2EE             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    176 - 315       A2EF             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2EG             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
                    A2EH             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs (does not
                                     apply to Japan)
    316 or more     A2EJ             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2EK             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2EL             QMF PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin
    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1               A2EM             QMF PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2EN             QMF PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2EP             QMF PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2EQ             QMF PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2ER             QMF PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2ET             QMF PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2EU             QMF PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A2EV             QMF PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2EW             QMF PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2FA             QMF PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A2FB             QMF PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A2FC             QMF PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2FD             QMF PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2FE             QMF PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description
    ------------    --------         ---------------------
    1                                QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2                                QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3                                QMF PSLC Level A, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45                           QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
    46 - 175                         QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
    176 - 315                        QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
    316 or more                      QMF PSLC Level D, 1000 MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    0702 - quantity 1
    0703 - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:


    AP, CAN--->

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A2DW - quantity 1
    A2EA - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Example 1  For a single machine with 11 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    A2EP - quantity 1
    A2EQ - quantity 8

    Example 2  For two machines in a Parallel Sysplex, which have an aggregation of 60 MSUs, the PSLC features would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Workload License Charge (WLC) Basic License 

    To order a basic license, specify the program number and feature number 9001 for asset registration. Also, specify the feature number of the desired distribution medium.

    Variable Workload License Charge Features

    QMF for OS/390 Feature (WLC) 

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          0622             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0623             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0624             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0625             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0626             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0627             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0628             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0629             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0630             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0631             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0632             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0633             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0634             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0635             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    0622 - quantity 1

    0623 - quantity 130

    0626 - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A1TD             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1TE             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1TF             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1TG             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1TH             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1TJ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1TK             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TL             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TM             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TN             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1TP             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1TQ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1TR             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1TT             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A1TD - quantity 1

    A1TE - quantity 130

    A1TH - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC            WLC Basic License
                    Feature          One-Time Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A1TU             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1TV             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1TW             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1UA             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1UB             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1UC             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1UD             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UE             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UF             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UG             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1UH             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1UJ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1UK             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1UL             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A1TU - quantity 1

    A1TV - quantity 130

    A1UB - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45                           VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175                         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315                        VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575                        VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more                      VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: Reg per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature of QMF (WLC) 
    (Requires QMF for OS/390)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          0654             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0655             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0656             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0657             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0658             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0659             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0660             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0661             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0662             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0663             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0664             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0665             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0666             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0667             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    0654 - quantity 1

    0655 - quantity 130

    0658 - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A2CK             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2CL             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2CM             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2CN             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2CP             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2CQ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2CR             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CT             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CU             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CV             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2CW             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DA             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DB             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2DC             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A2CK - quantity 1

    A2CL - quantity 130

    A2CP - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC            WLC Basic License
                    Feature          One-Time Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A2DD             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2DE             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2DF             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2DG             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2DH             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2DJ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2DK             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DL             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DM             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DN             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2DP             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DQ             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DR             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2DT             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A2DD - quantity 1

    A2DE - quantity 130

    A2DH - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF for Windows Feature of QMF (WLC) 
    (Requires QMF for OS/390)

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45                           VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175                         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315                        VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575                        VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more                      VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: Reg per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature (WLC) 
    (Without QMF for OS/390 requirement)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          0686             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0687             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0688             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0689             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0690             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0691             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0692             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0693             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0694             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0695             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0696             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0697             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0698             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0699             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    0686 - quantity 1

    0687 - quantity 130

    0690 - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A1WG             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1WH             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1WJ             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1WK             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1WL             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1WM             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1WN             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WP             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WQ             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WR             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1WT             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1WU             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1WV             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1WW             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A1WG - quantity 1

    A1WH - quantity 130

    A1WL - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC            WLC Basic License
                    Feature          One-Time Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A2AA             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2AB             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2AC             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2AD             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2AE             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2AF             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2AG             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AH             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AJ             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AK             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2AL             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2AM             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2AN             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2AP             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A2AA - quantity 1

    A2AB - quantity 130

    A2AE - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF for Windows Feature (WLC) 
    (Without QMF for OS/390 requirement)

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45                           VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175                         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315                        VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575                        VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more                      VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: Reg per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF High Performance Option (WLC) 

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          0718             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0719             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0720             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0721             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0722             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0723             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0724             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0725             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0726             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0727             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0728             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0729             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0730             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0731             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    0718 - quantity 1

    0719 - quantity 130

    0722 - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on Machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A2FN             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2FP             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2FQ             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2FR             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2FT             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2FU             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2FV             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2VW             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GA             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GB             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2GC             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GD             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GE             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2GF             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A2FN - quantity 1

    A2FP - quantity 130

    A2FT - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC            WLC Basic License
                    Feature          One-Time Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45          A2GG             VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2GH             VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2GJ             WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2GK             WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2GL             VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2GM             WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2GN             VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GP             WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GQ             L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GR             L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2GT             VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GU             WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GV             L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2GW             L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    Example 1  For a single machine with the program running at 220 MSUs, the Variable WLC features would be:

    A2GG - quantity 1

    A2GH - quantity 130

    A2GL - quantity 45

    Example 2  If there are 2 machines in a sysplex, and a program is running on machine #1 at 190 MSUs and on machine #2 at 140 MSUs, the Variable WLC feature numbers and quantities to be ordered would be:

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF High Performance Option (WLC) 

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC              WLC Basic License
                    Feature          Monthly License Charge
    MSU Capacity    Number           Feature Description
    ------------    -------          --------------------------------
    0 - 45                           VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175                         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315                        VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575                        VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more                      VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                                     L4: Reg per 1000 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    Growth Opportunity License Charge (GOLC)  To order a GOLC software, specify the program number, feature number 9001 for asset registration, and the GOLC monthly charge feature number from the table below. Also, specify the feature number for the desired distribution medium.


    QMF for OS/390 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     0618
    QMF GOLC H50     0619
    QMF GOLC H70     0620

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    0650
    QMFW GOLC H50    0651
    QMFW GOLC H70    0652

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    0682
    QMFW GOLC H50    0683
    QMFW GOLC H70    0684

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     0714
    QMF GOLC H50     0715
    QMF GOLC H70     0716


    AP, CAN--->

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     A1RC
    QMF GOLC H50     A1RD
    QMF GOLC H70     A1RE

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A2CC
    QMFW GOLC H50    A2CD
    QMFW GOLC H70    A2CE

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A1VF
    QMFW GOLC H50    A1VG
    QMFW GOLC H70    A1VH

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     A2FF
    QMF GOLC H50     A2FG
    QMF GOLC H70     A2FH

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY----- Begin

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     A1RW
    QMF GOLC H50     A1TA
    QMF GOLC H70     A1TB

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A2CF
    QMFW GOLC H50    A2CG
    QMFW GOLC H70    A2CH

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A1WC
    QMFW GOLC H50    A1WD
    QMFW GOLC H70    A1WE

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30     A2FJ
    QMF GOLC H50     A2FK
    QMF GOLC H70     A2FL
    CHINA ONLY----- End


    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30
    QMF GOLC H50
    QMF GOLC H70

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
    GOLC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         -------
    QMF GOLC H30
    QMF GOLC H50
    QMF GOLC H70

    <---LA, EMEA

    zELC License Charge (zELC)  To order zELC software, specify the program number, feature number 9001 for asset registration, and the zELC monthly charge feature number from the table below. Also, specify the feature number for the desired distribution medium.

    Note: zELC feature codes for VSE and VM (5697-F42), V7.2 were previously announced:


    QMF for OS/390 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0768
    Model 0B1 Basic  0769
    Model 0C1 Basic  0770
    Model 001 Basic  0771
    Model 0A2 Basic  0772
    Model 002 Basic  0773
    Model 003 Basic  0774
    Model 004 Basic  0775

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0786
    Model 0B1 Basic  0787
    Model 0C1 Basic  0788
    Model 001 Basic  0789
    Model 0A2 Basic  0790
    Model 002 Basic  0791
    Model 003 Basic  0792
    Model 004 Basic  0793

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0777
    Model 0B1 Basic  0778
    Model 0C1 Basic  0779
    Model 001 Basic  0780
    Model 0A2 Basic  0781
    Model 002 Basic  0782
    Model 003 Basic  0783
    Model 004 Basic  0784

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0795
    Model 0B1 Basic  0796
    Model 0C1 Basic  0797
    Model 001 Basic  0798
    Model 0A2 Basic  0799
    Model 002 Basic  0800
    Model 003 Basic  0801
    Model 004 Basic  0802


    AP, CAN--->

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2NW
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PA
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PB
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PC
    Model 001 Basic  A2PD
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2PE
    Model 002 Basic  A2PF
    Model 003 Basic  A2PG
    Model 004 Basic  A2PH

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2QP
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2QQ
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2QR
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2QT
    Model 001 Basic  A2QU
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QV
    Model 002 Basic  A2QW
    Model 003 Basic  A2RA
    Model 004 Basic  A2RB

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2PT
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PU
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PV
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PW
    Model 001 Basic  A2QA
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QB
    Model 002 Basic  A2QC
    Model 003 Basic  A2QD
    Model 004 Basic  A2QE

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2RL
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RM
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2RN
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2RP
    Model 001 Basic  A2RQ
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2RR
    Model 002 Basic  A2RT
    Model 003 Basic  A2RU
    Model 004 Basic  A2RV

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY----- Begin

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC OTC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PJ
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PK
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PL
    Model 001 Basic  A2PM
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2PN
    Model 002 Basic  A2PP
    Model 003 Basic  A2PQ
    Model 004 Basic  A2PR

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC OTC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RC
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2RD
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2RE
    Model 001 Basic  A2RF
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2RG
    Model 002 Basic  A2RH
    Model 003 Basic  A2RJ
    Model 004 Basic  A2RK

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC OTC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2QF
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2QG
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2QH
    Model 001 Basic  A2QJ
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QK
    Model 002 Basic  A2QL
    Model 003 Basic  A2QM
    Model 004 Basic  A2QN

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC OTC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RW
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2TA
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2TB
    Model 001 Basic  A2TC
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2TD
    Model 002 Basic  A2TE
    Model 003 Basic  A2TF
    Model 004 Basic  A2TG
    CHINA ONLY----- End


    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF for OS/390 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                     DB2 V7.1
                     zELC MLC
    zELC             Feature
    Category         Number
    --------         --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    <---LA, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Single Version Charging  To elect single version charging, the customer must notify and identify to IBM the prior program and replacement program and the designated machine the programs are operating on.

    Basic Machine-Readable Material 

    The supply features for QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1, are listed below. Except for the addition of Hebrew (EMEA), the supply features for QMF V7.2 for VSE and VM, V7.2, are unchanged from the previous release.

    QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA---> 9/6250 3480 4-mm Feature Description Tape Cartridge DAT CD-ROM ------------------------------ ------ --------- ---- ------ 5675-DB2 QMF HPO V7.2 6279 6277 6278
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    NLS Features:  The QMF NLS features will be available on the same date as the release code. The NLS features are as follows:

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA

    US---> 9/6250 3480 4-mm Feature Description Tape Cartridge DAT CD-ROM ------------------------------ ------ --------- ---- ------ 5675-DB2 QMF for OS/390 Brazilian Portuguese 6218 6216 6217 Canadian French 6215 6213 6214 Danish 6227 6225 6226 English Upper Case (SBCS) 6233 6231 6232 English US U/L (SBCS) 6236 6234 6235 French 6224 6222 6223 German 6194 6192 6193 Italian 6197 6195 6196 Japanese - Kanji (DBCS) 6221 6219 6220 Korean (DBCS) 6200 6198 6199 Spanish 6203 6201 6202 Swedish 6206 6204 6205 Swiss French 6209 6207 6208 Swiss German 6212 6210 6211 5675-DB2 QMF for Windows (Requires QMF) Arabic 6257 Belgian French 6258 Brazilian Portuguese 6259 Canadian French 6260 Danish 6263 English - US U/L (SBCS) 6264 French 6265 German 6266 Hebrew 6276 Italian 6267 Japanese - Kanji (DBCS) 6268 Korean (DBCS) 6269 Portuguese 6270 Spanish 6271 Swedish 6272 Swiss French 6273 Swiss German 6274 Swiss Italian 6275 Traditional Chinese 6262 5675-DB2 QMF for Windows (Without QMF Requirement) Arabic 6237 Belgian French 6238 Brazilian Portuguese 6239 Canadian French 6240 Danish 6243 English - US U/L (SBCS) 6244 French 6245 German 6246 Hebrew 6256 Italian 6247 Japanese - Kanji (DBCS) 6248 Korean (DBCS) 6249 Portuguese 6250 Spanish 6251 Swedish 6252 Swiss French 6253 Swiss German 6254 Swiss Italian 6255 Traditional Chinese 6242

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


                                     9/6250   3480        4-mm   CD-ROM
     Feature Description             Tape     Cartridge   DAT
     ------------------------------  ------   ---------   ----   ------
      QMF for OS/390
         Brazilian Portuguese        6218     6216        6217
         English Upper Case (SBCS)   6233     6231        6232
         English US U/L (SBCS)       6236     6234        6235
         Spanish                     6203     6201        6202
      QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)
         Brazilian Portuguese                                    6259
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6264
         Spanish                                                 6271
      QMF for Windows (Without QMF Requirement)
         Brazilian Portuguese                                    6239
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6244
         Spanish                                                 6251

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


                                     9/6250   3480        4-mm   CD-ROM
     Feature Description             Tape     Cartridge   DAT
     ------------------------------  ------   ---------   ----   ------
      QMF for OS/390
         English Upper Case (SBCS)   6233     6231        6232
         English US U/L (SBCS)       6236     6234        6235
         Japanese - Kanji (DBCS)     6221     6219        6220
         Korean (DBCS)               6200     6198        6199
      QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6264
         Japanese - Kanji (DBCS)                                 6268
         Korean (DBCS)                                           6269
         Traditional Chinese                                     6262
      QMF for Windows (Without QMF Requirement)
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6244
         Japanese - Kanji (DBCS)                                 6248
         Korean (DBCS)                                           6249
         Traditional Chinese                                     6242

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


                                     9/6250   3480        4-mm   CD-ROM
     Feature Description             Tape     Cartridge   DAT
     ------------------------------  ------   ---------   ----   ------
      QMF for OS/390
         Canadian French             6215     6213        6214
         English Upper Case (SBCS)   6233     6231        6232
         English US U/L (SBCS)       6236     6234        6235
         French                      6224     6222        6223
      QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)
         Canadian French                                         6260
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6264
         French                                                  6265
      QMF for Windows (Without QMF Requirement)
         Canadian French                                         6240
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6244
         French                                                  6245

    US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN, EMEA


                                     9/6250   3480        4-mm
     Feature Description             Tape     Cartridge   DAT    CD-ROM
     ------------------------------  ------   ---------   ----   ------
      QMF for OS/390
         Danish                      6227     6225        6226
         English Upper Case (SBCS)   6233     6231        6232
         English US U/L (SBCS)       6236     6234        6235
         French                      6224     6222        6223
         German                      6194     6192        6193
         Italian                     6197     6195        6196
         Spanish                     6203     6201        6202
         Swedish                     6206     6204        6205
         Swiss French                6209     6207        6208
         Swiss German                6212     6210        6211
      QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)
         Arabic                                                  6257
         Belgian French                                          6258
         Danish                                                  6263
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6264
         French                                                  6265
         German                                                  6266
         Hebrew                                                  6276
         Italian                                                 6267
         Portuguese                                              6270
         Spanish                                                 6271
         Swedish                                                 6272
         Swiss French                                            6273
         Swiss German                                            6274
         Swiss Italian                                           6275
      QMF for Windows (Without QMF Requirement)
         Arabic                                                  6237
         Belgian French                                          6238
         Danish                                                  6243
         English - US U/L (SBCS)                                 6244
         French                                                  6245
         German                                                  6246
         Hebrew                                                  6256
         Italian                                                 6247
         Portuguese                                              6250
         Spanish                                                 6251
         Swedish                                                 6252
         Swiss French                                            6253
         Swiss German                                            6254
         Swiss Italian                                           6255


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF V7.2 for VSE and VM, V7.2

    Except for the addition of Hebrew and the dropping of Simplified Chinese, the QMF supply features for DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2, are the same as were previously announced:

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    EMEA---> 9/6250 3480 4-mm Feature Description Tape Cartridge DAT CD-ROM ------------------------------ ------ --------- ---- ------ 5697-F42 QMF for Windows Hebrew 6477

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, CAN--->

    Customization Options: 

    Select the appropriate feature numbers to customize your order to specify the delivery options desired. These features can be specified on the initial or MES orders.

    <---US, AP, CAN

    US---> Initial Shipments Feature Description ------- ----------- 3444 Serial Number Only (suppresses shipment of media and documentation) 3470 Ship Media Only (suppresses initial shipment of documentation) 3471 Ship Documentation Only (suppresses initial shipment of media) 3450 Satellite Electronic Delivery Update Shipments Feature Description ------- ----------- 3480 Ship Media Updates Only (suppresses update shipment of documentation) 3481 Ship Documentation Only (suppresses update shipment of media) 3482 Suppress Updates (suppresses update shipment of media and documentation) Expedite Shipments Feature Description ------- ----------- 3445 Local IBM Office Expedite (for IBM use only) 3446 Customer Expedite Process Charge ($30 charge for each product)

    US, AP, CAN--->
    <---US, AP, CAN

    AP, CAN---> Initial Shipments Feature Description ------- ----------- 3444 Serial Number Only (suppresses shipment of media and documentation) 3470 Ship Media Only (suppresses initial shipment of documentation) 3471 Ship Documentation Only (suppresses initial shipment of media) Update Shipments Feature Description ------- ----------- 3480 Ship Media Updates Only (suppresses update shipment of documentation) 3481 Ship Documentation Only (suppresses update shipment of media) 3482 Suppress Updates (suppresses update shipment of media and documentation)
    <---AP, CAN

    US, AP, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, CAN


    Expedite Shipments
     Feature                 Description
     -------                 -----------
     3445                   Local IBM Office Expedite
                            (for IBM use only)
     3446                   Customer Expedite Process Charge
                            ($30 charge for each product)

    US, AP---> Expedite shipments will be processed to receive 72-hour delivery from the time IBM Software Delivery and Fulfillment (SDF) receives the order. SDF will then ship the order via overnight air transportation.

    <---US, AP

    US, AP, CAN--->
    <---US, AP, CAN

    US, AP, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    Unlicensed Documentation 
    <---US, AP, LA, CAN



    A memo, program directory, and the following publications are supplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material when the optional QMF features are ordered.

             Title                           Number
     ------------------------------------   ---------
    QMF V7.2 for OS/390, VSE, and VM:
       Installing and Managing QMF          GC27-0720
       QMF Messages and Codes               GC27-0717
    QMF HPO, V7.2:
       QMF High Performance Option User's   SC27-0724
        Guide for OS/390
    QMF for Windows, V7.2:
       Getting Started with QMF for Windows**
       Installing and Managing QMF
         for Windows**
     **The QMF for Windows books are supplied only in softcopy on the CD-ROM.

    The following optional publications are available:

             Title                           Number
     ------------------------------------   ---------
    QMF for OS/390, V7.2:
       Introducing QMF                      GC27-0714
       QMF Reference                        SC27-0715
       Using QMF                            SC27-0716
       Developing QMF Applications          SC27-0718

    Additional copies of unlicensed publications are available and may be ordered via direct order or you may contact your IBM representative.

    Licensed Documentation  The following optional priced publications will be available from IBM by March 29, 2002.

    To order hardcopy publications, contact your IBM representative or visit the IBM Publications Web site at:

    To view or download a free PDF version of the publication, visit the QMF Web site at:

                                  Order      Feature
           Title                  Number     Number
    ---------------------------   ---------  -------
    QMF Messages and Codes                   8101
    QMF HPO User's Guide                     8104
    Installing and Managing QMF              8106
    Introducing QMF                          8107
    Developing QMF Applications              8108
    QMF Reference                            8109
    Using QMF                                8110

    Subsequent updates (technical newsletters or revisions between releases) to the publications shipped with the product will be distributed to the user of record for as long as a license for this software remains in effect. A separate publication order or subscription is not needed.

    Subsequent updates (technical newsletters or revisions between releases) to the publications shipped with the product will be distributed to the user of record for as long as a license for this software remains in effect. A separate publication order or subscription is not needed.

    The following publications are available in softcopy form on a single CD-ROM.

           Title                        Number      Language
    ---------------------------------   ---------   -----------
    DB2 Universal Database for OS/390,
    Version 7:
      Introducing QMF                   GC12-2858   German
      QMF Reference                     SC12-2849   German
      Using QMF                         SC12-2850   German
      Introducing QMF                   GC88-8618   Japan (DBCS)
      QMF Reference                     SC88-8619   Japan (DBCS)
      Using QMF                         SC88-8620   Japan (DBCS)
      QMF Messages and Codes            GC88-8621   Japan (DBCS)
      Developing QMF Applications       SC88-8622   Japan (DBCS)
      Installing and Managing           GC88-9067   Japan (DBCS)
      Introducing QMF                   GC10-3530   Spanish
      QMF Reference                     SC10-3531   Spanish
      Using QMF                         SC10-3532   Spanish
      Introducing QMF                   G517-7132   Brazilian Portugese
      QMF Reference                     S517-6998   Brazilian Portugese
      Using QMF                         S517-6999   Brazilian Portugese
      Introducing QMF                   GA30-1047   Korean (DBCS)
      Installing and Managing           GA30-1426   Korean (DBCS)
      QMF Reference                     SA30-1048   Korean (DBCS)
      Using QMF                         SA30-1049   Korean (DBCS)
      QMF Messages and Codes            GA30-1050   Korean (DBCS)
      Developing QMF Applications       SA30-1051   Korean (DBCS)
      Introducing QMF                   GC11-1685   French
      Using QMF                         SC11-1687   French
      Introducing QMF                   GC13-2904   Italian
      QMF Reference                     SC13-2905   Italian
      Using QMF                         SC13-2906   Italian

    To order hardcopy publications, contact your IBM representative or visit the IBM Publications Web site at:

    To view or download a free PDF version of the publication, visit the QMF Web site at:

    Customized Offerings

    Most product media is shipped only via Customized Offerings (i.e. CBPDO, ServerPac, SystemPac). Non-customized items (CDs, diskettes, source media, media kits) will continue to be shipped via the stand-alone product.


    Integrated Technology Services (IBM Global Services)

    Please contact your IBM Representative for the list of selected services available in your country, either as standard or customized offerings for the efficient installation, implementation and/or integration of this product.


    NOTE TO US EDITOR:  Effective with ESW deployment in the US, as deployed starting in mid-November 2000, comment out the above Ordering Information and Charges tables in its entirety in the published US ivory announcement.

    In the Internal Ordering Information section add the following statement:

    Ordering Information and Charges will be available via OITool. Registered external customers and business partners can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.

    In the External Ordering Information section add the following statement:

    Registered customers can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.

    In the Business Partner Attachment section add the following statement:

    Registered business partners can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.

    Terms and Conditions

    The programs in this announcement are licensed as indicated in the IBM Offerings Simplification Announcement (LR89-0089).
    The terms for DB2 UDB, previously announced:

    US, CAN--->

    licensed under the IBM Customer Agreement,

    <---US, CAN


    licensed under the IBM Agreement for Programs,



    licensed under the IBM Offerings Simplification Announcement (LR89-0089),



    licensed under the IBM Agreement Terms (ALP Software - Japan),


    are unaffected by this announcement.

    The zELC billing codes for VSE and VM (5697-F42), V7.2, previously announced:


    Note to EMEA PM: The Announcement letter reference must be a PLET reference.Our ALP/IAP SW are licensed under the "IBM Agreement for Programs. This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET Generation time.

    US, AP--->

    IBM Operational Support Services - Support Line  Yes
    <---US, AP
    Note to the Field Communications Editor: Do not include/publish prices on Internet



    ESL = Basic License
    LTU = DSLO License



    Above Charges information will be deleted at PLET generation time.

    Consult your IBM Representative for the following applicable charge(s):zzzzzzzzz

    Note to the EMEA PM: Please complete above open field as appropriate for EMEA. This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET generation time.


                                           DB2 V7.1   DB2 V7.1
                                           ESL OTC    ESL OTC
                                           Feature    One-Time
     Description                           Number     Charge
     ------------------------------------  --------   --------
     QMF for OS/390                        0621
     QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)        0653
     QMF for Windows (No Requirement)      0685
     QMF High Performance Option (HPO)     0717


    AP, CAN--->

                                           DB2 V7.1   DB2 V7.1
                                           ESL OTC    ESL OTC
                                           Feature    One-Time
     Description                           Number     Charge
     ------------------------------------  --------   --------
     QMF for OS/390                        A1TC
     QMF for Windows (Requires QMF)        A2CJ
     QMF for Windows (No Requirement)      A1WF
     QMF High Performance Option (HPO)     A2FM

    <---AP, CAN


    QMF for OS/390 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     0618
    QMF GOLC H50     0619
    QMF GOLC H70     0620

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    0650
    QMFW GOLC H50    0651
    QMFW GOLC H70    0652

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    0682
    QMFW GOLC H50    0683
    QMFW GOLC H70    0684

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     0714
    QMF GOLC H50     0715
    QMF GOLC H70     0716


    AP, CAN--->

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     A1RC
    QMF GOLC H50     A1RD
    QMF GOLC H70     A1RE

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A2CC
    QMFW GOLC H50    A2CD
    QMFW GOLC H70    A2CE

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A1VF
    QMFW GOLC H50    A1VG
    QMFW GOLC H70    A1VH

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     A2FF
    QMF GOLC H50     A2FG
    QMF GOLC H70     A2FH

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY----- Begin

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     A1RW
    QMF GOLC H50     A1TA
    QMF GOLC H70     A1TB

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A2CF
    QMFW GOLC H50    A2CG
    QMFW GOLC H70    A2CH

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMFW GOLC H30    A1WC
    QMFW GOLC H50    A1WD
    QMFW GOLC H70    A1WE

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     GOLC
                     GOLC         Monthly
    GOLC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    -------------    -------      --------
    QMF GOLC H30     A2FJ
    QMF GOLC H50     A2FK
    QMF GOLC H70     A2FL
    CHINA ONLY----- End



    QMF for OS/390 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0768
    Model 0B1 Basic  0769
    Model 0C1 Basic  0770
    Model 001 Basic  0771
    Model 0A2 Basic  0772
    Model 002 Basic  0773
    Model 003 Basic  0774
    Model 004 Basic  0775

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0786
    Model 0B1 Basic  0787
    Model 0C1 Basic  0788
    Model 001 Basic  0789
    Model 0A2 Basic  0790
    Model 002 Basic  0791
    Model 003 Basic  0792
    Model 004 Basic  0793

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0777
    Model 0B1 Basic  0778
    Model 0C1 Basic  0779
    Model 001 Basic  0780
    Model 0A2 Basic  0781
    Model 002 Basic  0782
    Model 003 Basic  0783
    Model 004 Basic  0784

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  0795
    Model 0B1 Basic  0796
    Model 0C1 Basic  0797
    Model 001 Basic  0798
    Model 0A2 Basic  0799
    Model 002 Basic  0800
    Model 003 Basic  0801
    Model 004 Basic  0802


    AP, CAN--->

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2NW
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PA
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PB
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PC
    Model 001 Basic  A2PD
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2PE
    Model 002 Basic  A2PF
    Model 003 Basic  A2PG
    Model 004 Basic  A2PH

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2QP
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2QQ
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2QR
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2QT
    Model 001 Basic  A2QU
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QV
    Model 002 Basic  A2QW
    Model 003 Basic  A2RA
    Model 004 Basic  A2RB

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2PT
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PU
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PV
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PW
    Model 001 Basic  A2QA
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QB
    Model 002 Basic  A2QC
    Model 003 Basic  A2QD
    Model 004 Basic  A2QE

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0E1 Basic  A2RL
      (Japan only)
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RM
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2RN
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2RP
    Model 001 Basic  A2RQ
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2RR
    Model 002 Basic  A2RT
    Model 003 Basic  A2RU
    Model 004 Basic  A2RV

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY----- Begin

    QMF for OS/390 Feature 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC OTC     One-Time
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2PJ
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2PK
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2PL
    Model 001 Basic  A2PM
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2PN
    Model 002 Basic  A2PP
    Model 003 Basic  A2PQ
    Model 004 Basic  A2PR

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC OTC     One-Time
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RC
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2RD
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2RE
    Model 001 Basic  A2RF
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2RG
    Model 002 Basic  A2RH
    Model 003 Basic  A2RJ
    Model 004 Basic  A2RK

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC OTC     One-Time
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2QF
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2QG
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2QH
    Model 001 Basic  A2QJ
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2QK
    Model 002 Basic  A2QL
    Model 003 Basic  A2QM
    Model 004 Basic  A2QN

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC OTC     One-Time
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic  A2RW
    Model 0B1 Basic  A2TA
    Model 0C1 Basic  A2TB
    Model 001 Basic  A2TC
    Model 0A2 Basic  A2TD
    Model 002 Basic  A2TE
    Model 003 Basic  A2TF
    Model 004 Basic  A2TG
    CHINA ONLY----- End


    LA, EMEA--->

    QMF for OS/390 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF for Windows Feature (Requires QMF) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF for Windows Feature  (without requirement of QMF)

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) 

                                  DB2 V7.1
                     DB2 V7.1     zELC
                     zELC MLC     Monthly
    zELC             Feature      License
    Category         Number       Charge
    ------------     -------      --------
    Model 0A1 Basic
    Model 0B1 Basic
    Model 0C1 Basic
    Model 001 Basic
    Model 0A2 Basic
    Model 002 Basic
    Model 003 Basic
    Model 004 Basic

    <---LA, EMEA

    LA, EMEA--->

    Above Charges information will be deleted at PLET generation time.

    Consult your IBM Representative for the following applicable charge(s):zzzzzzzzz

    Note to the EMEA PM: Please complete above open field as appropriate for EMEA. This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET generation time.
    <---LA, EMEA

    QMF for OS/390 Feature (PSLC) 


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               0764             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0765             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0766             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0607             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0608             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0609             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0610             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0611             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0612             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0613             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0614             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0615             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0616             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0617             QMF PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A1QJ             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1QK             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1QL             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1QM             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1QN             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    46 - 175        A1QP             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1QQ             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A1QR             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    176 - 315       A1QT             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1QU             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A1QV             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    316 or more     A1QW             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1RA             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1RB             QMF PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin
    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature               PSOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A1RF             QMF PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1RG             QMF PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1RH             QMF PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1RJ             QMF PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1RK             QMF PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1RL             QMF PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1RM             QMF PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A1RN             QMF PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1RP             QMF PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1RQ             QMF PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A1RR             QMF PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A1RT             QMF PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1RU             QMF PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1RV             QMF PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    QMF for Windows Feature of QMF (PSLC) 

    (Requires QMF for OS/390)


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               0636             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0637             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0638             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0639             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0640             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0641             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0642             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0643             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0644             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0645             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0646             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0647             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0648             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0649             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A2AQ             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2AR             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2AT             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2AU             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2AV             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    46 - 175        A2AW             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2BA             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A2BB             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2BC             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2BD             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A2BE             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    316 or more     A2BF             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2BG             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2BH             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature               PSOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A2BJ             QMFW PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2BK             QMFW PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2BL             QMFW PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2BM             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2BN             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2BP             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2BQ             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A2BR             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2BT             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2BU             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A2BV             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A2BW             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2CA             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2CB             QMFW PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    QMF for Windows Feature (PSLC) 

    (Without QMF for OS/390 requirement)


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               0668             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0669             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0670             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0671             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0672             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0673             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0674             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0675             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0676             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0677             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0678             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0679             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0680             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0681             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A1UM             QMFW PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1UN             QMFW PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1UP             QMFW PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1UQ             QMFW PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1UR             QMFW PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    46 - 175        A1UT             QMFW PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1UU             QMFW PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A1UV             QMFW PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    176 - 315       A1UW             QMFW PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1VA             QMFW PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A1VB             QMFW PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    316 or more     A1VC             QMFW PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1VD             QMFW PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1VE             QMFW PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature               PSOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A1VJ             QMFW PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A1VK             QMFW PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A1VL             QMFW PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A1VM             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A1VN             QMFW PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1VP             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A1VQ             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A1VR             QMFW PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1VT             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A1VU             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A1VV             QMFW PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A1VW             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A1WA             QMFW PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A1WB             QMFW PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End


    QMF High Performance Option (PSLC) 


                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               0700             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               0701             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               0702             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          0703             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    0704             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        0705             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    0706             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    0707             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       0708             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    0709             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    0710             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     0711             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    0712             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  0713             QMF PSLC NC Identifier


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSLC             PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          MLC Feature                 PSLC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A2DU             QMF PSLC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2DV             QMF PSLC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2DW             QMF PSLC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2EA             QMF PSLC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2EB             QMF PSLC Level A, 42 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    46 - 175        A2EC             QMF PSLC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2ED             QMF PSLC Level B, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A2EE             QMF PSLC Level B, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    176 - 315       A2EF             QMF PSLC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2EG             QMF PSLC Level C, 10 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
                    A2EH             QMF PSLC Level C, 50 MSUs
                                     (not applicable to Japan)
    316 or more     A2EJ             QMF PSLC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2EK             QMF PSLC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2EL             QMF PSLC NC Identifier

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin
    Parallel Sysplex One-Time Charge (PSOTC) Basic License

                    DB2 V7.1
                    PSOTC            PSLC Basic License          DB2 V7.1
    Machine         Feature          PSOTC Feature               PSOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number           Description                 Charge
    ------------    --------         ---------------------       --------
    1               A2EM             QMF PSOTC Base, 1 MSU
    2               A2EN             QMF PSOTC Base, 2 MSUs
    3               A2EP             QMF PSOTC Base, 3 MSUs
    4 - 45          A2EQ             QMF PSOTC Level A, 1 MSU
                    A2ER             QMF PSOTC Level A, 42 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2ET             QMF PSOTC Level B, 1 MSU
                    A2EU             QMF PSOTC Level B, 10 MSUs
                    A2EV             QMF PSOTC Level B, 50 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2EW             QMF PSOTC Level C, 1 MSU
                    A2FA             QMF PSOTC Level C, 10 MSUs
                    A2FB             QMF PSOTC Level C, 50 MSUs
    316 or more     A2FC             QMF PSOTC Level D, 1 MSU
                    A2FD             QMF PSOTC Level D, 50 MSUs
    Not Applicable  A2FE             QMF PSOTC NC Identifier
    CHINA ONLY -------End



    Above Charges information will be deleted at PLET generation time.

    Consult your IBM Representative for the following applicable charge(s):zzzzzzzzz

    Note to the EMEA PM: Please complete above open field as appropriate for EMEA. This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET generation time.

    QMF for OS/390 Feature (WLC) 


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          0622         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0623         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0624         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0625         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0626         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0627         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0628         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0629         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0630         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0631         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0632         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0633         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0634         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0635         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A1TD         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1TE         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1TF         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1TG         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1TH         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1TJ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1TK         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TL         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TM         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1TN         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1TP         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1TQ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1TR         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1TT         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC        WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      One-Time Charge                   WLOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A1TU         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1TV         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1TW         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1UA         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1UB         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1UC         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1UD         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UE         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UF         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1UG         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1UH         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1UJ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1UK         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1UL         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature of QMF (WLC) 
    (Requires QMF for OS/390)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          0654         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0655         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0656         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0657         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0658         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0659         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0660         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0661         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0662         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0663         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0664         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0665         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0666         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0667         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A2CK         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2CL         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2CM         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2CN         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2CP         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2CQ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2CR         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CT         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CU         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2CV         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2CW         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DA         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DB         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2DC         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC        WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      One-Time Charge                   WLOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A2DD         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2DE         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2DF         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2DG         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2DH         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2DJ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2DK         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DL         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DM         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2DN         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2DP         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DQ         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2DR         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2DT         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    QMF for Windows Feature (WLC) 
    (Without QMF for OS/390 requirement)

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          0686         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0687         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0688         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0689         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0690         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0691         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0692         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0693         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0694         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0695         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0696         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0697         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0698         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0699         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A1WG         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A1WH         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A1WJ         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A1WK         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A1WL         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A1WM         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A1WN         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WP         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WQ         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A1WR         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A1WT         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1WU         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A1WV         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A1WW         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC        WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      One-Time Charge                   WLOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A2AA         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2AB         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2AC         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2AD         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2AE         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2AF         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2AG         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AH         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AJ         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2AK         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2AL         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2AM         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2AN         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2AP         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    CHINA ONLY -------End


    QMF High Performance Option (WLC) 


                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          0718         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        0719         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    0720         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    0721         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       0722         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    0723         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       0724         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0725         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    0726         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    0727         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     0728         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0729         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    0730         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    0731         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs


    AP, CAN--->

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLC          WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      Monthly License Charge            WLC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A2FN         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2FP         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2FQ         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2FR         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2FT         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2FU         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2FV         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2VW         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GA         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GB         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2GC         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GD         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GE         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2GF         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    <---AP, CAN


    CHINA ONLY -------Begin

                    DB2 V7.1
                    WLOTC        WLC Basic License                 DB2 V7.1
                    Feature      One-Time Charge                   WLOTC
    MSU Capacity    Number       Feature Description               Charge
    ------------    -------      --------------------------------  --------
    0 - 45          A2GG         VWLC Base, L1: incl 45 MSUs
    46 - 175        A2GH         VWLC Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
                    A2GJ         WLC Reg Base, L1: incl 1 MSU
                    A2GK         WLC Reg Add Qty, L1: 46-175 MSUs
    176 - 315       A2GL         VWLC Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
                    A2GM         WLC Reg Add Qty, L2: 176-315 MSUs
    316 - 575       A2GN         VWLC Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GP         WLC Reg Add Qty, L3: 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GQ         L3: per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
                    A2GR         L3: Reg per 50 MSUs, 316-575 MSUs
    576 or more     A2GT         VWLC Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GU         WLC Reg Add Qty, L4: 576+ MSUs
                    A2GV         L4: per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs
                    A2GW         L4: Reg per 50 MSUs, 576+ MSUs

    CHINA ONLY -------End



    US, AP, LA--->

    <---US, AP, LA

    Entry Support License OTC: An OTC authorizes use only on IBM Entry End User/390 Machines.

    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA


    US, AP, LA, EMEA--->

    <---US, AP, LA, EMEA

    US, LA, CAN--->

    <---US, LA, CAN

    Country prices must be obtained from your local pricing function.

    For all local charges, contact your IBM representative.

    For all local pricing information, contact your IBM Representative.


    Note to EMEA PM: Please ensure the Announcement Reference Letter is an EMEA reference Letter. This warning message will be automatically deleted at PLET Generation time.


    NOTE TO US EDITOR:  Effective with ESW deployment in the US, as deployed starting in mid-November 2000, comment out the above Ordering Information and Charges tables in its entirety in the published US ivory announcement.

    In the Internal Ordering Information section add the following statement:

    Ordering Information and Charges will be available via OITool. Registered external customers and business partners can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.

    In the External Ordering Information section add the following statement:

    Registered customers can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.

    In the Business Partner Attachment section add the following statement:

    Registered business partners can access IBMLink for Ordering Information and Charges.


    Call Now to Order

    To order, contact the Americas Call Centers, your local IBM representative, or your IBM Business Partner.

    Americas Call Centers, our national direct marketing organization, can add your name to the mailing list for catalogs of IBM products.

     Phone:     800-IBM-CALL
     Fax:       800-2IBM-FAX
     Mail:      IBM North America Sales Center
                Dept. LE001
                P.O. Box 2690
                Atlanta, GA  30301-2690

    Reference: LE001

    To identify your local IBM Business Partner or IBM representative, call 800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968).

    Note: Shipments will begin after the planned availability date.

    Announcement Countries

    EMEA---> All European, Middle Eastern and African Countries.

    Business Partner Attachment for - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)

    Business Partner Information

    Marketing Strategy

    QMF on the Host delivers processing in CICS, CMS, and TSO, and sharing of objects across the enterprise with DB2 as the premier database server.

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows is offered for centrally managed data access that is nearly universal across databases and end-user platforms. Wherever SQL can be applied for business needs -- whether against relational or ODBC-compliant databases, or databases running on the major hardware and operating systems platforms, including z/OS and OS/390, Linux, AIX, iSeries, and Windows-based servers -- QMF for Windows merges the scalability and performance expected of an enterprise product with the flexibility of browsers, Java-enabled workstations, and Windows-based PCs. These capabilities, plus native support for host QMF objects and advanced DB2 functionality, place QMF for Windows at the foundation of a business intelligence strategy, signalled by the phrase "Business Intelligence Starts Here!"

    Installation Information

    Field Support 

    Research questions before engaging ASK Questions -- Support:


    IBM Business Partner Support  Product assistance which includes installation assistance, usage guidance and answers to 'how-to' questions, is available to eligible IBM Business Partners through the ServiceLink ETR function on "IBMLink" ETR permits submission of both DEFECT and HOWTO problems, depending on eligibility/entitlement.

    Administrative Information

    Business Partner Ordering Information

    Refer to the Ordering Information section of the customer announcement for standard ordering information.


    Orders may be submitted to your Customer Support Representative (CSR) within the IBM Customer Support Organization(CSO).

    Unique Ordering Information  Orders for these products should be forwarded via IBMLink or mailed to the responsible local IBM office.

    The following configurator aids will support this announcement:

        Configurator Aid    Date Available
       ------------------   --------------
    CFSW 02/26/02

    The configurator aids will be available in IBMLink under the ORDERLINK application CONFIGURATORS. The ORDERLINK application ORDER PREP must be used to send the order to the local IBM office.

    Basic License 

    Basic License:  Feature number 1300 must be included when ordering a copied/redistributed basic license for business partner end-user licensed programs. This will ship automatically the basic publications required to support the IBM licensed programs and suppress shipment of the IBM licensed program media.

    Entry Support License  Specify the Entry Support License (ESL) Feature when ordering Development Systems.

    Terms and Conditions

    The following Business Partner information applies:

    Additional Information:

    Copy/redistribution is not required under the terms of the IBM Business Partner Agreement and its associated Attachments, Profiles, and Exhibits.

    Global Financing

    US, LA, CAN--->

    IBM Global Commercial Financing can assist IBM Business Partners in many countries with innovative financing offerings for your inventory, accounts receivable, or other working capital needs.
    <---US, LA, CAN


    Entry Support License One-Time Charge: One-time charge authorizes use only on IBM Entry End User/390 Machines.

    Charges: These charges reflect the License Charges for a single unit acquired from IBM and are subject to change without notice. These charges are for informational purposes only and shall not limit in any way the Business Partner's ability to set its own prices and charges for IBM programs.

    This announcement is applicable to IBM Distributors eligible to remarket the following systems or products:


    Complementary Business Partner Attachment


    IBM QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, and VM -- Business Intelligence Starts Here!

    Complementary Business Partner Information

    Complementary Business Partner Information

    Complementary Business Partner Exhibit

    Complementary Business Partners are authorized to market the product(s) being announced as specified in the applicable Profile(s) at the compensation specified in the applicable Exhibit. BESTeam Sales Assistance Program participants must request that the product(s) being announced be added to the BESTeam Sales Assistance Program Exhibit (if appropriate) by using the procedure in the Operation Guide.

    Marketing Strategy

    QMF on the Host delivers processing in CICS, CMS, and TSO, and sharing of objects across the enterprise with DB2 as the premier database server.

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows is offered for centrally managed data access that is nearly universal across databases and end-user platforms. Wherever SQL can be applied for business needs -- whether against relational or ODBC-compliant databases, or databases running on the major hardware and operating systems platforms, including z/OS and OS/390, Linux, AIX, iSeries, and Windows-based servers -- QMF for Windows merges the scalability and performance expected of an enterprise product with the flexibility of browsers, Java-enabled workstations, and Windows-based PCs. These capabilities, plus native support for host QMF objects and advanced DB2 functionality, place QMF for Windows at the foundation of a business intelligence strategy, signalled by the phrase "Business Intelligence Starts Here!"

    Proposal Inserts

    Proposal material is available through








    OITool, ERIF PICA (English ) or ERIF PICF (French) in Ami Pro (sambin) format.


    at general availability.


                         Live Product Demo      Live Solution/Integrated Demo
                         -----------------      -----------------------------
    At announcement          Yes                          Yes
    By planned availability  Yes                          Yes

    For additional demonstration information, access OITool at:

    Promotional Material 

    US, AP, LA, CAN--->

    The following materials are available immediately from Mechanicsburg:

                Title                                       Order Number
     --------------------------------------------------     ------------
     QMF for Windows                                        GC26-8928
     Query Management Facility: A Universal Interface       GC26-9181
       to DB2
     QMF High Performance Option for DB2 for z/OS and       GC26-9414

    These brochures and other QMF information, including a 60-day QMF "Try and Buy," can be accessed on the QMF Web site at:
    or the Xtreme Leverage: Data Management intranet portal at:

    <---US, AP, LA, CAN


    The following promotional material may be ordered through the country publications ordering system immediately.

                Title                                       Order Number
     --------------------------------------------------     ------------
     QMF for Windows                                        GC26-8928
     Query Management Facility: A Universal Interface       GC26-9181
       to DB2
     QMF High Performance Option for DB2 for z/OS and       GC26-9414
    These brochures and other QMF information, including a 60-day QMF
    "Try and Buy," can be accessed on the QMF Web site at:
    or the Xtreme Leverage: Data Management intranet portal at:



    Installation Information

    Installation Support 

    Installation support is provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321

    Field Support 

    US, CAN--->

    Contact your area specialist for technical marketing assistance. Access installation and technical support information via the WWQA database -- QASearch:

    Use search word QMF. Research your questions through all available resources before you submit a question to the Q&A database.

    Access installation and technical support information from IBMLink/ServiceLink. Use search word QMF. Research your questions through all available resources before you submit a question to the Q&A database.

    Installation and application development support are provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321
    Research your questions through available resources before you submit a question to Rocket Software.

    <---US, CAN


    IBM Sales Specialists and Systems Engineers may obtain sales, installation, and technical support in presales situations by contacting Techline through the EMEA Techline Presales Technical Support Web site at:

    Additional technical support is available through worldwide Question and Answer (WWQA), QASearch function on Viewblue or EHONE.



    Direct Customer Support 

    Installation and application development services support for QMF, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows are provided for a fee through the following IBM Business Partner:

         Rocket Software, Inc.
         Two Apple Hill Drive
         Natick, MA 01760
         (508) 655-4321


    New Sales Manual Text - RFA 36223 - Revision 3 - 02/14/02 (IBM Guide 16.11)


    Program                            Program
    Name                               Number
    --------------------------------   --------
    IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390,   5675-DB2
      Version 7.1
    IBM DB2 Server for VSE and VM,     5697-F42
      Version 7.2


    QMF V7.2 for z/OS and OS/390, VSE, and VM


    QMF for z/OS, QMF High Performance Option (HPO), and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1.

    QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    QMF for the S/390 platforms includes key enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer:

    QMF High Performance Option (HPO) is offered on the z/OS and OS/390 platform as an enterprise extension of QMF's native resource control and user group management, providing rapid application development facilities and enhanced governing and tracking for mission critical environments.

    QMF for Windows Key Enhancements

    QMF's server-based pricing, unlimited users per server, and centralized install make it a top choice in Business Intelligence (BI) tools.


    QMF V7.2 Family enhancements include:


    QMF for the S/390 Platforms

    QMF for z/OS, QMF HPO, and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1. QMF for VSE & VM and QMF for Windows V7.2 are features of DB2 Server for VSE and VM, V7.2.

    QMF for Windows provides a Windows or Java interface to build queries or execute predefined queries with easy-to-use, point- and-click, drag-and-drop form creation for fast aggregation, grouping or formatting performed directly in the query results. It provides easy manipulation and integration with important commercial or custom Windows applications such as spreadsheets, desktop databases and executive information systems.

    QMF for the S/390 platforms includes enhancements for the end-user, administrator, and developer.

    End User Enhancements:

    Administrator Enhancements:

    Application Enabling:


    QMF HPO for z/OS and OS/390

    QMF HPO V7.2 consists of QMF HPO/Manager for enhanced control over QMF environments, and QMF HPO/Compiler for automatically generating OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II, COBOL for MVS, or COBOL for OS/390 programs that help minimize CPU processing required to run enterprise reports.

    QMF HPO contains significant user interface and productivity enhancements to QMF HPO/Compiler, providing even greater flexibility for customization of compiled programs to specific needs and environments, including:

    In addition, the creators and end users of compiled programs will find more numerous and intuitive input panels and prompts for specifying their requirements, including:

    QMF for Windows

    QMF for Windows V7.2 offers:

    Data Visualization with DB2 Spatial Extender and IM Scoring:

    QMF for Windows now offers data visualization and business analysis capabilities with direct support for spatially-enabled DB2 data and DB2 Spatial Extender.

    Organizations can spatially enable existing data with the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender V7.2, a feature of DB2 Extended Edition and DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition V7.2. Spatial data can then be accessed along with normal business data using ordinary and familiar SQL query techniques and immediately begin viewing this data geographically and dimensionally. For example, existing customer lists can be visualized in seconds by location, layered with multiple categories of topographical features including roads, natural formations, or political boundaries, analyzed for key characteristics such as proximity, and these visualizations saved for later reuse or published to an intranet. Transparent support for spatial data in QMF for Windows represents a powerful competitive and productivity advantage for organizations everywhere.

    QMF for Windows users can improve the quality and timeliness of BI available to analysts via use of the DB2 IM Scoring feature of DB2 Extended Edition and Enterprise Extended Edition. Using the new QMF for Windows V7.2 Expression Builder, users can easily invoke IM Scoring to apply the latest mining analytics in real time.

    Behind the scenes, mining is used to analyze high volumes of data to discover the latest business trends or patterns. The results are represented in a model -- think of the model as a set of rules or a formula for predicting the most likely outcome based on past history.

    The new V7.2 Expression Builder helps QMF users build the SQL expression to invoke DB2 IM Scoring which, in turn, applies these rules to new business situations. For example, to apply the most appropriate marketing tactics for a new customer situation; to identify cross selling opportunities for preferred customers; to perform risk assessment "on the fly"; to predict propensity to buy, probability of abuse, likelihood of customer attrition. The result is improved decision making.

    Browser-based Querying and Charting:

    Users may now perform more operations in their QMF objects using a Web browser, including creating and sharing queries and formatting results. A Java-based charting component is also available on demand when using QMF for Windows browser-based querying.

    Users may now create, save, and run QMF prompted queries with their browsers, and use QMF forms to format query results with either a default or a previously saved QMF form.

    QMF queries created in the Windows interface of QMF for Windows and formatted with summaries, roll-ups, colors and other features may now be run using the QMF for Windows browser interface with all formatting intact.

    Administrators may now also govern and track queries run by QMF for Windows browser-based users, using the same administrative interface presently used to track Windows-based and OS/390 based QMF users.


    In addition to existing support for multiple DB2 database platforms through DRDA and CLI connectivity, QMF for Windows users can now use their QMF objects to read data from ODBC-compliant data sources. This makes simultaneously available, through a single, powerful interface, the DB2 databases that serve the entire enterprise as well as departmental servers in mixed environments such as Informix and Microsoft SQL Server. In addition, ODBC-compliant PC applications, such as desktop databases and spreadsheets become available as query data sources.

    This new capability adds considerable breadth to the portability and compatibility of QMF objects across hardware, network, operating system, and database platforms, and dramatically expands end-user options for BI gathering.

    Ease-of-Use and Interface Enhancements:

    Multiple interface enhancements bring even greater productivity to QMF for Windows users:

    Administrative Enhancements:

    In addition to governing and tracking of browser-based users, the QMF for Windows Administrator has the following new capabilities:

    For further details on new features found in QMF for Windows V7.2, consult the product on-line help facility.

    Euro Currency

    These programs are not impacted by euro currency.


    Positioning of QMF is summarized by the phrase "Business Intelligence (BI) starts here!" Easy to use and fast to implement, query and reporting tools remain important to DB2 customers for operational and data warehouse query and reporting. Offering such a tool designed specifically for the DB2 enterprise is expected to enhance the success of any BI or data warehouse strategy. By offering fast query performance from the Windows environment, easy integration with and sharing of QMF host objects, browser-based querying, and extensive governing control over user actions and DB2 resource consumption, QMF products are a natural selection over and above any other for customers who have DB2 or are interested in DB2 or other data sources.

    Technical Description

    For a technical understanding of the product, see the Description and Operating Environment sections of this document.


    Hardware Requirements  QMF V7.2 Features of DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390, V7.1

    QMF V7.2 Features of DB2 Server for VSE & VM, V7.2

    Software Requirements  The host software requirements are those required to run:

    QMF for Windows, V7.2, runs on 32-bit operating systems as follows:

    The following QMF functions have software dependencies:

    Compatibility  Not applicable.

    Limitations  Not applicable.

    Performance Considerations  Not applicable.


    Customer Responsibilities  Not applicable.

    Conversion  Not applicable.


    A memo, program directory, and the following publications are supplied automatically with the basic machine-readable material when the optional QMF features are ordered.

             Title                           Number
     ------------------------------------   ---------
    QMF V7.2 for OS/390, VSE, and VM:
       Installing and Managing QMF          GC27-0720
       QMF Messages and Codes               GC27-0717
    QMF HPO, V7.2:
       QMF High Performance Option User's   SC27-0724
        Guide for OS/390
    QMF for Windows, V7.2:
       Getting Started with QMF for Windows**
       Installing and Managing QMF
         for Windows**
     **The QMF for Windows books are supplied only in softcopy on the CD-ROM.

    The following optional publications are available:

             Title                           Number
     ------------------------------------   ---------
    QMF for OS/390, V7.2:
       Introducing QMF                      GC27-0714
       QMF Reference                        SC27-0715
       Using QMF                            SC27-0716
       Developing QMF Applications          SC27-0718

    Additional copies of unlicensed publications are available and may be ordered via direct order or you may contact your IBM representative.

    The following optional priced publications will be available from IBM by March 29, 2002.

    To order hardcopy publications, contact your IBM representative or visit the IBM Publications Web site at:

    To view or download a free PDF version of the publication, visit the QMF Web site at:

                                  Order      Feature
           Title                  Number     Number
    ---------------------------   ---------  -------
    QMF Messages and Codes                   8101
    QMF HPO User's Guide                     8104
    Installing and Managing QMF              8106
    Introducing QMF                          8107
    Developing QMF Applications              8108
    QMF Reference                            8109
    Using QMF                                8110

    Subsequent updates (technical newsletters or revisions between releases) to the publications shipped with the product will be distributed to the user of record for as long as a license for this software remains in effect. A separate publication order or subscription is not needed.


    The announced program uses the security and auditability features of the host hardware or operating system software. The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communication facilities.